Turns out it was actually pretty fucking great

Turns out it was actually pretty fucking great

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>posting the soulless box art
besides that I love that game

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penelo cunny

>amazing art direction
>amazing OST
>best looking ps2 games hands down
>entire party is cool, not a single “that” character
>setting up gambits is rewarding as fuck watching them unfold flawlessly
>story sucks
so close

There's not a *genuinely* bad numbered FF title except maybe 2, but opinions

they just love their hate cycle

>inb4 ff_ is shit
i know dude

i'll defend parts of probably any numbered title and several spin-offs.

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>young woman

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It’s Ashe, THE sexiest ff girl! period

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I fapped to that little peek of butt cheek a dozen times back then. I miss being that horny if I’m being completely honest

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ff12 had the fattest asses in the entire series

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I hated Final Fantasy VII, IX and X, but I loved this one

Played on ps2
Best one in the series

Was the direction behind this game to make the most boring and clean cut game imaginable? One character even has an arc where he has to shave his beard and dress nice.

user what the fuck are you talking about

Top 3 Final Fantasy for sure. IT depends on the day whether I enjoy X-2 or XII more, but XIV is the pinnacle.

Garnet objectively has the best ass in the series

I'm waiting for ZA to be $20 on the PS4

he means the game is as interesting as watching paint dry as far as the story and characters go


It isn't bad but the map designs are kind of shitty sometimes. Like instead of making them actually complicated they're just hallways that are stretched too long and wrap around themselves, it makes traversing areas very tedious sometimes. Also bigger areas are usually just big and empty and I have no idea why they decided to litter every area with absolutely worthless chests, running across a big bland room to get 68 gil is annoying and it happens all the time.

so a character shaving his beard is an indication of the story being boring? The mental retardation on display is astounding

Ashe alone outclasses Garnet by orders of magnitude.

yes it is, thats what indications do and im not about to make the entire list of how boring this game is because you called me retarded you retard

It's an indication of the game being completely clean cut and polite which is fucking boring. You should at least spice up some edge in your talky rpgs like in Fallout or Arcanum.

Absolutely not also who's idea was it to make her menu picture look like she's picking her nose

how the fuck is this one clean cut and polite and the other FF are not? Talk, motherfuckers. State examples or shut the fuck up
It's a story about war, people gets killed all the fucking time. How is this polite because one character who spent two years in prison decided to take a bath, you mongs

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Original PS2 version was horrible. It only became bearable with an emulator and the speedup option for IZJS.

>MC dreams to travel the world, achieves dream in 5 minutes from start of the game, adds nothing to the story
>rest of the cast similarly adds nothing and they just tag along for the ride
>Main bad revealed midpoint, states his purpose for being bad. No twist whatsoever, keeps being like that till the end. Kill him, happy end, carry on.
>world is a mishmash of assets, no exposure or lore anywhere, story is made on the fly about whatever powerup you get.
Last (You) btw, even listing these few is boring me to death. Please reply with
like the predictable, boring and blatantly wrong retard you are.

Ask yourself why the only thing that really sticks out to anyone playing the game is a bunny girl's ass and you'll have your answer.

>There's not a *genuinely* bad numbered FF title
XIV 1.0, considering the game didn't even function for 95% of players at launch.

he same thing can be argued for Tifa's breasts. Does that mean FF7 sucks ass too? Get a grip

You clearly haven't played the game because not only it is clearly not his dream, he doesn't fulfill this dream from the start. The "main bad" wasn't revealed at the midpoint and there are literally arguments to this day about whether or not he was justified in doing what he did. And the world is a mishmash of assets??????? show me that mishmash considering it's general consensus the worldbuilding of this game is the best in the series singleplayer entries.

You clearly, genuinely haven't played the game. I could have put the same post for any other JRPGs.

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It goes on sale all the time. I think it’s $25 on switch right now

If you play rpgs for the narrative you will hate this game, because there isn't one.

>he same thing can be argued for Tifa's breasts.
Not really, 7 is famous for a bunch of iconic setpieces and Sephiroth. Also her tits look like legos now.

I felt it was too easy outside of optional content, but the optional content this game has is the best in the entire FF franchise. The game is so fucking huge.

>no exposure or lore anywhere
Did you not read the bestiary entries?

This. The game should've been just about Clan Centurio. Focusing on a group of hunters killing shit around Ivalice is way more interesting than the dumb as fuck story they came up with

>>Main bad revealed midpoint, states his purpose for being bad. No twist whatsoever, keeps being like that till the end. Kill him, happy end, carry on.
>>world is a mishmash of assets, no exposure or lore anywhere, story is made on the fly about whatever powerup you get.

All FFs should include x2/x4 speed up cheats tbqh

Better than the soulless garbage that is ARR.

I despise the art style in ARR and on. Everything seems so glammy and plastic and quite honestly fucking gay

Just get a used copy. I grabbed mine for 10 eurobucks.
I played XIII and XIII-2 a long while ago. Having done that, should I just go ahead and play LR as well? Kinda been coming to the conclusion that at least XIII-2 was designed with its sequel in mind anyway (right?).

I was so fucking mad they decided to fuck up the graphics in FFVIII for the definitive console edition. Of all the games that would benefit from a speed boost with intact sound...

LR is kino play it

Could you defend XIII for me? Please? I played if for like 30 hours and it was just so boring. I don't get the appeal. I want to know what people liked about it.

Did you get to Gran Pulse? It gets good then

Not that user, but the gameplay opens up 60 hours or so into it and it's pretty fun: a job switching system which is properly used in most bosses of the game. The secondary section is pretty nice, too. Graphics and music are top notch as usual. Game's pretty bad imo even after all of this.

>vaan, penelo, faggot prince
>magic being shit in vanilia
It was good.

Should I get FFX HD or FFXII Zodiac Age for the PS4?

Never played X, liked XII well enough on PS2

X is a pretty lousy remaster; XII isn't imo.

how is the pc version?

>gameplay opens up 60 hours or so into it
60 hours in, huh?

There's a point where you get to gran pulse and get a more open/exploratory section of the game. This section is easily 'missed', since you only have to walk through maybe 5% of it to resume the on-rails storytelling which funnels you until the credits.

But this section is the most defensible thing about the game; it's pretty good. It has a lot of content, some good depth, explores the combat mechanics more fully/meaningfully and contains the 'end-game' and 'post-game'; but i think most people entirely miss it desu.

>13, 13-2 and 13-3 are all still the weakest mainline titles in the series.

Lulu's remastered tits say hi

FFX isn't that great, but the additions and polish in Zodiac Age make it worth getting.

It's an excellent port aside from a framerate-related bug with menu scrolling, make sure to set Vsync to Adaptive.

Oh man, I forgot XIII had two sequels.

XV is just bad.

Yeah it's fucking horrible. The level gating alongside the terrible map design is genuine torture.

X is decent, but XII is a better game overall. The best version is on Switch though.

>le it gets good after 30 hours

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noted thanks user

If you liked 12 you might not like 10, that's typically how it goes. That said the FFX HD remaster comes with FFX-2 so you'll get two games you've never played.

Emulate FFX International at x2-4 res. Use cheats to remove shakedowns/blur moments if you want. That's true definitive version.

>The best version is on Switch though.
What does it offer?