Fire Emblem thread

Fire Emblem thread.

Is Three Houses a mistake?

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I want to cum all over her navel

How is a good game a mistake?

faggot pandering is always a mistake

Edeltards are a mistake

Gameplay is passable.
But the writing is some of the worst writing in video game history.

>But the writing is some of the worst writing in video game history.

Three Houses is the best Fire Emblem game in the last decade. The DLC however is a mistake, typical IS shit.


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Going woke is the true mistake

>go back to the empire of the evil woman who tried to kill you and seemingly killed your dad
>become complicit in atrocity after atrocity
>devastate the peaceful and honorubu kingdom of not europe
>be rightfully called a fucking monster by the farmers before they're rape murdered
>after you kill your older "real" family, you find out you did all this just so your imperial captors can be assured that the evil monster puppeteering as their emperor isnt actually an evil monster
>they even threaten to kill you and initially can't bring themselves to attack the literal monster that evil emperor woman

>Retardera now think every nintendo games should follow Fire emblem and give them M/M and F/F in every games

>shit art
>Awakening-tier gameplay and maps
>Graphics manage to look fucking worse than the 3DS titles despite being technologically superior in hardware but the shit presentation makes animations, effects, textures and models look really flat and uninspired
>You have to play the first half of the game four(4) times in order to understand the story
>story is basically the same trappings as any other FE game except this time they adlib bits of 4 but without any of the actual balls 4 had
>characters are still basic bitch anime archetypes like every FE game ever
>brought back same turn re-inforcements

Tell me 3Hfags, what exactly did your "game" lay the basis for except being the blandest FE game in modern times and being used by shitposting contrarians who act as its some sort of return to form despite it being objectively worse than the 3DS games?

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I think you're getting 3H mixed up with Fates.

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this man has excellent taste

why is Corrin freaking out over fucking his cousin exactly? Shits legal in most civilized countries

t. seething fatesfag

>Tell me 3Hfags, what exactly did your "game" lay the basis for except being the blandest FE game in modern times

It lay the basis for more trannies shit in the future game

Why is this allowed?

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I liked it but the final chapter for all the routes except the yellow nigger were fucking awful, This games ost is so fucking bland

Not even a 3Hfag but what tranny shit is there?

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Made for Ashe’s dick

…do you know what 'twitter' is? And do you know which is the most popular pairing in this game?

The church should've killed her instead of just throwing her into sewer town

Nah, they are both shit. This one is just Harry Potter, a horrible book series, crossed with shonen Anime writing, a horrible writing medium, where the focus is Fujoshit fanfic tier romance writing while the rest takes a backdrop of retardation. It's lolsorandumbXD the game.

Because it's gay as fuck, and it has enabled the worst autists that Fates itself brought on whole another level.

Not exactly trannies but 3h managed to make already faggots filled fanbase more insufferable with yuri niggers

This game is quantity over quality, each route is mostly the same map wise except for the final boss and even then for some reason they didnt finish Edelgards so they reused the same final boss twice. Replay value is questionable since the first part of the game is so fucking boring to do again, why didnt they give you the option to atleast skip the tutorial mission? Also ost is worse than awakening, fates, or echos

its alright though I guess, still waiting for porn

It's literally worse than 3ds entries. Trash story design and maps. Retarded classes and characters weren't interesting apart from just jacking off to waifus


are we having a navel dynasty finally
i'm tired of seeing feet this feet that and i need my navel fix

Game might have been better if instead of writing something retarded as shit like trying to combine highschool setting with medieval politics, it instead just wrote a story about medieval politics with adult characters and being forced to seriously think out how adult people would act in a story while writing seriously instead of this cringe shit we got.
Getting real tired of Jap games writing every fucking character into a retarded teenager archetype.

It's a mistake in that they didn't intend to shove so much shit into the game that even after they delayed the release it came out rushed and unpolished.

no, but a lot felt underused or underdeveloped

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Everything about the slithers is fucking retarded

I’ve only done the Dimitri route so far and they are only mentioned in passing like once

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It enabled faggotry that not even Fates brought.
Sure. Fates did bring THE crowd with even including same-sex supports, but they were not as vocal as they are now because TH pandered to them, and is still pandering to them. Notice how every male character that gets added of late happens to be bi because fags bitched about lack of m|m? The more IS keeps pandering to them, the worse they are getting.
Then let us look at fanart as well. It's all yuri shit!
Then Cloud himself looks like oc twitter would make.
>suffered from racism
>his whole character revolves around ending racism and opening boarders
This game is gay in the worst possible way of gay.

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>Including same sex supports

Was the game different in JP? Because getting an A+ support simply unlocks new classes, not marry you off.

Edelgard actually has the most unique maps, which is probably why it wasn't finished.

It only has 1 unique map actually, the same number as VW.

Based. I'd rather play Beach Brawl over Cindered Shadows any day and the non-Byleth costumes are ugly but the base game is better than the 3DS games

cute tummy!

>Is Three Houses a mistake?
Yes, it's tranny shit with the worst fanbase so far

You can marry Niles as male Corrin and Rhajat as female Corrin so same sex support isn't anything new to the series but 3H went overboard with that garbage

I like it, but it gets kinda tedious. I managed to get through two of the routes and half of the the DLC before getting totallybored. Haven't picked it up in a few weeks.

I really like 3 Houses, but there are so many things about it that could have been improved to make it a masterpiece.

Part 1 should have had some different missions depending on your house.
SS and VD should swap final bosses, and Rhea should be your lord on SS.
Costumes should have been from previous FE games, not the awful crap they are (besides Sothis Regalia for Female Byleth, and dancer for Male, they all suck imo)

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Just make every character romanceable with every other character. It's the easiest, simplest solution that'll satisfy everyone. I'm so fucking sick of this "tranny" shit. I'm a huge /u/ fag and I can't stand the way the romance warps any discussion of this game.

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>make part one different for each house
>add more classes into the base game like dread fighter, malig knight, more armor classes, etc. so that you can mix up weapon/movement types more
>balance master classes or just remove the idea outright and make them advanced classes
>no more gender locked classes fuck you I want dark flier Hubert
>make a difficulty between hard and maddening
>make S support portraits not look like shit
Those are my only complaints, really. The game really could have used a few more months of development time, but I still really enjoyed it.

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This but with Yuri.

master classes really are a clusterfuck, on one hand you have stuff like wyvern lord and war master which are basically straight upgrades but then you have shit like mortal savant which is a niche side-grade and sword using classes consequently get cucked out of proper master class

My biggest problem is with the fact that you get so many activity points and there isn't enough shit to do at the monastery. The game either needed to have more stuff to do at the monastery (especially after the time skip) or it should've given you less as you improved your professor level. There's no strategy in how you should spend your time.

Also a cap on how many times you could do an event would've also been nice, eating lunch 6 times in a day is fucking dumb.

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>he wants MORE monstery shit
no you tool, monastery shit was fucking boring. It was a mistake to begin with

>The game either needed to have more stuff to do at the monastery
What the fuck? Play Persona or something instead. The monastery bullshit is what makes me reluctant to replay this piece of shit.

Hapi is my new goddess.

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Fuck you user, I love having to micromanage everything with limited supplies. The mechanics of the monastery is what got me interested in 3H in the first place. Being able to run around and check on what your units are doing and feeling between battles is always great for world building and characterization too.

I'm honestly hoping for another FE game like 3H where they tweak the exploration segments to perfection, they'd only need to change a few things and it'd be 10/10.

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Hapi is a fucking nigger and probably a*restian as well

The cancer that killed FE

I agree with everything except
>make a difficulty between hard and maddening
DLC practically invalidates this since you will always be roughly at the same level as the opponents (always 2 to 4 levels behind). You can grind for professor A+ level quickly, grind the new auxiliary battles and spam monastery for charm, growth items and advanced drills. Maddening is more of a chore than entertainment but we don't need a difficulty prior to this, rather we need it to be balanced, but obtaining this without changing the vast majority of the game mechanics and class balance is impossible.

And I'm honestly hoping you die