Best music in the series

>best music in the series
>best visuals in the series
>best main campaign in the series
>best region in the series (inb4 muh circle/line retards show up)
>some of the best Pokemon designs in the series
>was the last time they actually tried to do cool and risky things with the series

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N is best boy also

This is correct.

>best visuals
uh. have you seen the in battle sprites?

Yeah they're great, i'll take pixelated backsprites over washed out, soulless 3D any day.

bw2 better


It was the last gen in which they actually put a modicum of effort and people hated it.

What's the best DS emulator?

>best music
>best region
Both of these go to gen 4, but you are correct on all other accounts.

>>best music in the series
>>best visuals in the series
>>best main campaign in the series
>>best region in the series (inb4 muh circle/line retards show up)
>>some of the best Pokemon designs in the series
>>was the last time they actually tried to do cool and risky things with the series
all irrelevant since Pokemon has always been shit and only retarded faggots who played the games when they were 10 like. I think I beat Emerald when I was 5 and didn't speak a single fucking word in english. Piss easy games made for fucking retards.

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What is the song with the beatboxing guy and the enka singer? That shit was great.

The series peaked with Gen V then the move to 3D just killed it

Pic obviously unrelated.

Being forced to only use newer Pokemon was the best direction the series had ever reached at that point, but all the normalfags complained so then we got the utter fucking trash that was XY and ORAS.

>>best music in the series
that goes to sinnoh
>>best visuals in the series
with those sprites that turn to shit when the camera zooms out like in castelia city? And that washed out colour scheme?
>>best main campaign in the series
not a chance
>>best region in the series (inb4 muh circle/line retards show up)
>>some of the best Pokemon designs in the series
you're not even trying anymore. The only thing gen 5 designs did right were its bugs.
>>was the last time they actually tried to do cool and risky things with the series
that doesn't make it the best

why'd you post BW1 over BW2 anyways?

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what does the N stand for?

>Golurk Line
>Hydreigon Line
>Elektross Line
>Braviary Line
>Excadrill Line

>best music in the series
>best visuals in the series
The DS games looked like shit and the moving sprites were especially awful
>best main campaign in the series
It's mid tier at best
>best region in the series (inb4 muh circle/line retards show up)
Adding muh to a complaint doesn't make it false
>some of the best Pokemon designs in the series
Every gen has good and bad ones. The best designs are scattered across the gens
>was the last time they actually tried to do cool and risky things with the series
lol what risks

Neo Cortex

>cool and risky
By which you mean removing content and dumbing it down starting us on this path of contentless trash?

That they've now even taken to the extreme by not only locking you out of Pokémon but making them IMPOSSIBLE to obtain? Yeah, no.

Gen 4 was the last time they tried and it was mostly Morimoto trying, not the tard known as Masuda who should've stepped down for Morimoto like Tajiri did before him since he demonstrably had no passion left.

>best visuals in the series
always been confused by this opinion. i would argue its the worst visuals in the series. the sprites look worse than the other DS games

>>some of the best Pokemon designs in the series
And also some of the absolute worst. All the pokemon up to the desert route (sandile, darumaka, scraggy) are terrible. Not a good first impression.

haven't played pokemon in more than a decade, decided to pick up B2 for the hard mode

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You forgot one
>Best game in the series

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Those are all good points, but that's nothing compared to the best ass in the series.

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>best main campaign
that's not saying much, the single player in Pokémon is garbage

By far my favorite generation, everything you said is correct. With BW I felt like playing a whole new game being restricted to the regional dex, and with BW2 it felt like a proper sequel similar to GS being a follow up story. Too bad normalfag double niggers BAWWD over muh Charizard and Pikachu.

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BW1 didn't remove any more content than any prior generation retard.
Literally no Pokemon game ever had all mons available during the main campaign.

Wrong, BW was utter trash.
Sword and Shield are the best games.

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Marnie's hairstyle looks stupid and only stupid shit tasters like her.

Why did they make the male trainer in B2/W2 look like such a fucking faggot?

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I skipped Gen 5 at the time and only went back to play it a few months ago, after already playing x/y and sun/moon, and I agree. It's ridiculous that Gen 5 was so good and they regressed so much immediately afterwards.

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Stop using filters.

>Adding muh to a complaint doesn't make it false
That's true, but it being false makes it false.

Drastic on your phone

and play at 256 × 192 on a 1080p screen?
no thanks

the only reason i use one is to make it bigger

this satisfies my whale tail fetish

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>best visuals in the series
Literally the worst looking battle visuals in the entire series by a long shot.

>Battle Frontier removed
No, the forced as part of the story for no reason PWT and PokéStar Studios don't make up for at least 6 missing events, 9 if you count all the possible ones not included since there has been a total of 10 and only the Tower got it's regional form. Literally a step back from not just Gen 4, but THREE.

>Musicals are dumber contests
You basically do nothing for 10 minutes rather than playing an actual minigame. Again, a step back not just from Gen 4 (which made the contests BETTER like most everything did from Gen 1 - 4), but also 3. which also leads into...

>Poffins/Pokéblock gone
In the second Gen where online was a thing meaning they could've - and I would argue should have despite wanting nothing to do with anything multiplayer that isn't battling - added multiplayer aspects to them for those who cared, not removed them. And then the useless waifufag Ohmori STILL failed to do so for Contests in OR/AS.

>Pokéathlon gone
>following Pokémon gone
>inability to catch anything not new before postgame because "muh Kanto!" according to Masuda himself and he thought it was a success because people agreed that's what it felt like in testing
>no Vs. Seeker
Making it, once again, worse than Gen 3. I'm going to keep point this out, by the way, because it happens so many times.

>Berry farming gone
All content for the game including Pokémon Prison content should be in the fucking games, not elsewhere. Elsewhere should be side content only.

>no Safari Zone
Particularly egregious after giving it such an awesome (though flawed) upgrade. But no, why fix it when you can remove it?

Need I go on? I still have a couple dozen if you really wish. Overall what was added/fixed, even to B2/W2 don't make up for what was lost. Especially since much of it was done badly and/or then dropped immediately afterwards.

No Gen removed near as much for nothing in return. 6 - 8 combined removed bigger things, but not more.

Black and White were good but BlazeBlack and VoltWhite were great

Pixels add soul

>>best music in the series
Literally the point in the series where the music stopped being any good whatsoever. It never recovered.
>>best visuals in the series
Yeah it's arguable, but I'd still give that to HGSS
>>best main campaign in the series
Probably for most but for me it'll always be Platinum and I don't care if that's an unpopular opinion
>>best region in the series (inb4 muh circle/line retards show up)
It's garbage and the linearity is exactly why, saying inb4 doesn't excuse its shit design
>>some of the best Pokemon designs in the series
>>was the last time they actually tried to do cool and risky things with the series
It was also the first time they started bending to casuals.

BW is a crossroads in the series, it has some of the greatest innovations and a genuinely interesting story with strong characters but it was also the beginning of the end for Pokemon and many of its small (music) or moderate (linearity and difficulty) missteps went on to be exacerbated and run into the ground in later generations; and many of the other things wrong with gen 6 onward are because of fan backlash BW recieved, so they're at least partially at fault for that as well.

Sinnoh music is the most forgettable in the series,only losing to Kalos, i can only remember like a handful of them without looking it up

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>easy game for children is easy
boy shut yo ass

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>but for me it'll always be Platinum and I don't care if that's an unpopular opinion
If you can acknowledge that you have such shit taste then you should know better than to post your shit opinions at all.

>platinum is bad now

Black and white doing poorly is why we have soullessmon now. Cash grabs, baby difficulty, Etc. BW and BW2 were actually a little hard on my replay.

say something nice about my wife

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Gen 4 has higher stakes and a more sinister villain than any other gen before or after, it may not be as well written as BW but it's still strong and honestly I like it more because it's closer to my heart. Maybe you should try being objective sometime instead of being blindly reactionary.

Oh god what horrible taste, every route theme is amazing, all the town themes are catchy, mt fucking coronet, the lakes, pokecenter night, such a perfect ost.

I don't like BW, I think the games are ugly and the plot is dumb, but jesus christ that game had some 11/10 music. I played them once and that cemented them as one of my all time favourite OSTs.

It's a shame everything after just went to shit music wise. BW2 even wasn't quite as a good and in gen 6 and beyond they just started trying to make the games sound like the anime which is the worst thing they could have possibly done.


>best region in the series (inb4 muh circle/line retards show up)
I never got this complaint anyway. Pokemon has always been linear as shit. They kinda tried to make it a bit more open in Gen 2 but royally fucked up the level curve.
Unova at least gives you side areas to explore.
If you really want a barren region thats linear even by Pokemon standards look at fucking Alola

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As much as I love gen 5, the best music goes to gen 4.
Almost everything else applies though.

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>almost all pokemon are just copies of genwun mons but worse
>sawk and throh = hitmons
>conkledurr = machamp
>gears = magneton
>ice creams = dugtrio
>excadrill = sandslash

only a few and all ugly as fuck

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If it's so great why does it say Whack Version?

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>Black and white doing poorly
it didn't do poorly, why do people keep saying this for a pair of late DS games they sold really well.