What are you cunts playing during quarantine?
What are you cunts playing during quarantine?
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I've exhausted my steam library so I downloaded openTTD so I can play with trains for 6 months.
i enjoy TTD well enough, but once you figure out how to get positive revenue is there really a point to it?
looking for a good mmo
is your goal to make money or to make cool train networks? keep looking, let me know if you find one.
Man, I'm still just processing what this really means, it's just a bit scary honestly.
Was playing some Wolfenstein 3D before, and i'm thinking of maybe playing some smash to distract myself before I go to bed.
This is going to be an interesting time to live through.
FF XIV because one character can do everything
I feel the same, I'm getting kind of freaked out. Hopefully this period of time won't be called "The Beginning" or something in history
animal crossing
it's all I've been doing
Just got the true ending in Valkyria Chronicles 4, fantastic game. Should I play the spinoff?
soggy sao
the waiting game. whens it going to get into the abo communities and wipe their HIV infested existence from the planet?
pc's been dead for months so now I'm making due and getting into cod and am enjoying the grind, might pick up warthunder again too so I can be angry all the time again
Don't worry, it won't be called "The Beginning".
It'll be called "The End"
my roommate and i decided to finish halo 2s campaign that we stopped like a year ago. fucking mission we ended on is called quarantine zone
>I feel the same, I'm getting kind of freaked out.
With things how they seem, I don't think living like this will really be hard, it'll just take some getting used to, and more active video calling my friends.
It's just getting to me a bit tho yeah, doesn't help i've been smoking tonight either
Tempted to also just go back to this, i'm pretty sure there's more to do in my village today.
>might pick up warthunder again
are there Aussie servers for that or do you have to play on asian ones? I played like 6-7 years ago when it was just ww2 stuff so I was keen to give it a gander.
Farming some shit in Ragnarok Online
FUCK renewal
So is it confirmed jobseekers don't have to report?
I don't know. Are people just being retarded and infecting eachother or is this thing so infectious that like a single person infected millions by early march and the death toll is about to go sicko mode?
This recycled single ply TP aint that bad, I'm on track to making one roll last over a week.
Ragnoark online
the people in the apartment complex next to me had a party last night with like 20+ people, people are morons.
I'm playing with matchboxes in the Australian wilderness.
>supposed to be in quarantine
>user go to that coles three suburbs over and see if you can get toiletpaper
i had to sign an new agreement today. down to 5/month from 20/month
Australians are notorious for not giving a fuck about things when we really should, it's going to hurt us bad.
is the first animal crossing game good?
I don't have a switch, only a shitty computer and an xbox but I've been thinking about emulating it to see what kind of game it really is
you can choose the regions to play from, I think maybe the aussie region might cross over with american region and some others
what private server? is it still an active game? is it p2w like the last time i tried a server
Fuck scomo I am gonna lose all my gains
switching between nioh 2 and animal crossing
probably not I got a call today telling me not to slack off and my friend still has to go in for work for the dole
I'm in Queensland, we don't really give a fuck. yet
Panic is slowely starting to set in though. kinda sucks, I was really looking forward to doing cozy nightfill at Woollies but now that job's going to the single mums who just lost their careers.
I'm playing Hat in Time again for how chill it is. Things have been a bit exhaustive lately since my sister came to visit from Victoria to get away from things and since then I don't have the energy for things like Halo or Fighting game nights with the boys.
Black Mesa was pretty fuckin nice too.
I dunno mate, grab ESO and convince a friend to as well. It's not the best but it does it's job and I like it's simplicity. and unlike you won't lose all your money on mandatory subs as you're locked in your house with no income for the next half a year.
I've been playing Ori. was trying to get no damage on the frog boss today but am too worried and distracted.
lost my job and had to sign up with centrelink. basically have no Idea when and if i'll get my first payment I need. the welfare site is broken and you can't contact them over the phone because you'll just be on hold forever.
I can't enjoy quarantine because I'm too worried I'm in a bad position.
just take a shower cunt it's fine.
>Scomo "All wagies are essential"
I wanna die
Don't be scared. Compare yourself to a digger in WW2, with the japs blitzing through Asia onto Asutralias door. All those horror stories about what they did and are doing to your brother your father and even your sister if she was a nurse. Every night fearing a raid would happen and tomorrow you wouldn't have a house.
I'd say I'd prefer getting takeaways and playing videogames, specifically Animal Crossing and Pathfinder
JB better not close, I want Pirate Warriors 4 and we can't even preorder the damn thing on the PSN store.
Yah it’s pretty fun I have a loader for my gamecube so I was playing it for awhile recently it’s kinda like the Sims where you can just do really anything I like it because I don’t like cutscenes and don’t care about story and you can just go on for awhile and mess around
Why aren't the dirty stupid abos getting sick FUCKKKK
>start trying to change my NEET shut-in lifestyle last year
>fucking quarantine ruins my progress
Why is life so intent on me not leaving my house? I'm fucking bored and want to die.
my housemate worked out a deal with the local gym, hes gonna keep paying his subscription and they're gonna let us borrow a bench + whatever weights we want until they re-open.
sounds like a fun game, I'll definetly check it out then
thanks user
people are fucking retards. they don't get it at all.
>only 30 minute haircuts allowed
Bros how the fuck do you deal with going to jobseekers places? it's always full of fuckwits or abos
Shut up you stupid faggot
Animal Crossing.
I have nothing to do all day so I log on every now and then and browse /acg/ for dodo codes so I can hang out with Americans, Europeans and other Aussies.
you realize you can exercise at home.
New to cenno? It's soul crushing
You sound assmade because your weren’t invited
i got exemption for like 2 years because i fucked up my legs lmao i forgot how fucking bad it is
invited or not, im wuflu free.
>tfw got out of cenno 6 months ago, and in a salary job with some job security even in this shit fest
Fuck this 8 pm shit for supermarkets.
Ran out of beer earlier and couldn't fucking restock.
I play single player games exclusively to not overload the network. Currently playing Subnautica and having tons of fun, this game is peak comfy, and I'm running F@H between playtime periods.
Its changrus
nightfiller at coles ama
Replaying Baldur's gate 1 and 2 for the millionth time.
Same I just got a job recently after 3 years of neetdom and now I'm back at square one.
I was so close to being able to afford a new PC too.
I just ordered $100 worth of chinese food.
Their grandma even knitted me two face masks.
Hellblade, Forza Horizon 4 and ESO.
lmao same, including getting off frozen food onto fresh.
nope fuck us apparently.
anyone know if disability dipshits are going to see the bonus bux they're handing out soon? it sounded like for unemployed people and NEWSTART.
>I'm playing Hat in Time again for how chill it is.
Absolutely great game, i'm so glad the modding scene gets the attention that the game deserves.
Such a cute and fun to play game.
>Don't be scared. Compare yourself to
Yeah, I know realistically this is going to be relatively painless, it's just a bit weird to think about and i'm still kinda processing it.
>I'd say I'd prefer getting takeaways and playing videogames, specifically Animal Crossing and Pathfinder
That's likely how i'll spend these times too, with both those series too haha
if you can't wipe your own ass, you don't need extra money for toilet paper
I'm playing the "go to work for 10 hours a day during shutdown order" game, and then I play animal Crossing when I get home. Shame animal Crossing will probably be the last game I ever play I've I get sick at work and die.
Was on holiday already just before all the shit went into lockdown and have now been off work for a month.
How the fuck do NEETs do this every day?
s4 league
It's an abstract kind of feel. I'm actually working decent hours for the first time in months now, I just hope our little shop can keep it going for a week or two so i can replenish my savings a bit before things slow back down. All my mates are playing animal crossing though, hoping I don't get too far behind
they're supposed to be doing phone appointments. there's no reason to do face to face appointments in this situation.
the fucking incompetence and stupidity of the irresponsible and unreasonable retards in this system is infuriating.
I got put with salvo cunts. they're impossible to deal with. you can't just call your local agency. you get put on hold for half an hour before getting some out of touch cunts at head office in queensland or some shit. who will lie to you and refuse to put you through to your actual job agency.
I'm thinking if I have to live in my own filth for the foreseeable future maybe I should spruce up the place.
Currently fishing in OSRS. Sharks are very imminent, or fishing trawler grinding. We shall see, there is plenty of quaratine time left.
What's you're current fishing level?
I wanna play Half Life: Alyx so bad bros. Why the fuck are VR headsets so expensive....
I can't believe no one talks about how good it is, I had to find an obscure recommendation for it
This is a great oppurtunity for us to develop ourselves whilst everyone else is shitting themselves. Exercise, studying, reading about philosophy and of course, improving at video games. Of course, its still 2020 and BloodBorne is STILL PS4 exclusive.