Whats the controversy?

Whats the controversy?

Attached: egs.jpg (619x618, 32.27K)

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its shit

I actually enjoy it


it's run by the same people that are spreading a disease they manufactured in their own labs

Mostly games Kicksarted or up for pre-order on Steam scooped up for exclusivity using China money, thus forcing those who supported to jump onto yet another digital platform if they want to play the thing they funded.
Such predatory business practices are understandably frowned upon, and are more likely to result in people either demanding a refund or not play the game.

>muh less cut
>price are fucking same
>still get charged extra for fees


The client is bad, they're taking exclusives, but mostly China.

>Wanting corona on your PC
No thanks.


Attached: ampoohros.png (270x301, 91.16K)

After Vavle now crashed there's nothing stopping our new overlords from taking over the vidya industry.

>After Vavle now crashed
Based retarded chink

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Streamfags don't like competition.

Moneyhatting shit and Sweeney is a hypocrite that can't stop tweeting.

fencing game into their arguably inferior platform
steam has been around for longer so more features and legacy

Have they tried competing yet aside from that winter sale?

steam drones are afraid, it will kill steam like source

buying exclusivity is bad

Publishers throw the games they know will fail on it for a quick pay day.

I'm surprised more idie devs aren't just making polished vertical slices to sell to Epic for a million.

still no shopping cart after over a year
devs need to implement shit themselves like preloading and cloud saves
"handpicked" games means fuckall when shit like Rune 2, Supermash or whatever the name of that one horror fighting game is fill the store
those "the Epic bribe gave us the chance to make the game even better!" excuses are bullshit and almost all of those games ended up as 6/10 or lower duds

The free games are great. I don't play Fortnite anymore.

based brainfart,
>they need to add preloading and cloud saves themselves
that's how it works on steam too

It's just a generally shitty platform and doesn't offer anything.
That said, it's perfect for piracy.
I and many other PC gamers I know only buy games to support the devs and make sure they can continue to function.
With Epic paying for exclusivity, that's no longer an issue.
They're basically subsidizing my piracy, so all the more power to them.

steamies don't like it because they can't give money to gabe newell when buying on this store

There is no controversy. It's just shit.

find me a single region where borderlands is $19, jedi order $15 and RDR2 $17 on Steam

Attached: file.png (1024x773, 1M)

>right now
>RDR2 is 59.99$ on EGS
>47.99$ on Steam
Looks like epigs lose again.

not with a vpn

Might as well pirate at that point.

good luck pirating RDR2

Do you chink shills ever think about how obvious you are?

Why would a chink shill for an american company


I wanna kick Tim down a flight of stairs and laugh at him as he tries to drag his crippled ass over to the phone

Didn't know that they had to write the code themselves because their store couldn't be arsed to implement such features.

Anti-competition practice, opposite to what the shills claim.
If they were serious about their claim of reducing price they wouldn't buy any exclusivity, they would actually try to show they can do better than competitors at a lower price.
But no, what Epic did instead is prevent competition, you can't compare their shit service and the negative advertising it give if there's no comparison. Epic know most of the sales happen at release and that any devs who try to leave later will be forced to reduce their prices, that's why they forced their way (just like other store tried, and failed, like Origin).

Now Epic played their card and developers are realizing that unlike them Steam gave indy game good visibility, better service, forum instead of just bribing whatever devs already had a market. Some devs were even shocked to discover that fans don't like being lied to and forced to use an inferior platform just so the devs can get extra money.

Myself I made a list of game that I would have bought full price on STEAM had they released it there, but that I now won't buy unless it's bellow 50% EGS price because clearly they got their money from Epic.

Attached: Epic Metro Exodus.jpg (675x589, 292.7K)

Do they still have to add games to their store manually? LMAO

>Whats the controversy?
Ausfags and brits shouldn't have internet access.

No questions, only rage now please.

Its even worse than that, they make games Windows-exclusive as well even going so far as to take games that were cross-platform and shut down the versions for other platforms.

Not even Microsoft shuts down pre-existing Linux versions of games they buy these days.

Case in point

I can't imagine how that bring them money, even if they are too cheap to bother with support.

For whatever reason Tencent has a vested interest in keeping PC gaming on Windows.
Some say that its to increase their standing for an inevitable lawsuit with Microsoft when they drop win32 compatibility and go Windows Store only.
Others say its due to their being an arm of Chinese Intelligence who want users to stay on compromised platforms.

In any case its extremely anti-user to spend billions of dollars chaining gaming to Windows for another generation.


predatory tactics mostly, they are annoying with the exclusives hoarding and the store is clunky and annoying with its drm.
I honestly only use it for the free games they gift

Is this pic still as valid?

Attached: 1551455637336.jpg (837x920, 360.68K)

Steam fanboys.

But yeah, China, but most people don't know what other companies tencent have invested in though when they make that complaint

to the people that say "steamdrones don't like competition" may i remind you that stuff like humble store and gog are going strong and no one complains about them

It never was, and a bunch of the shit on it is just presenting bad things as positive features, ignoring the schizo tier shit.

Epic now has cloud saves and regional pricing.

No way ching chong
*cough* *cough*

They got a wish list.
But still no shopping cart.

1) Chinese influence
2) attempting to create a monopoly while claiming they’re just trying to introduce competition
3) claiming to be fairer than their competitor despite 30% being an industry standard while giving absolutely nothing to consumers
4) bribing short sighted devs and then leaving them out to dry when they get burned by the negative PR
5) having an unsustainable business model that relies on dwindling fortnite money, meaning that when said money dries up they’ll need to recoup it somehow, likely by rescinding their “generous” offers
6) having a smaller library of games but refusing to curate them
7) flooding the place with the most obnoxious shills in the industry

good reddit tier post, thank you for the (you)

Sorry Zhang but you'll never get me to use the Chinese virus.

I only have an account to get free games lmao

I will never give Epic a penny until they support Linux and make a conscious effort to transition people away from Windows like Valve has. I don't want to support a game company keeping people on Windows.


0.00$ in every region if you skidrow that shit

It tries to be steam, but it's a worse service in every single regard (including prices, in most cases) which uses chink money to pay off developers to make games exclusive, thereby letting Epic create a monopoly.

It's fiercely anti-consumer in every possible regard.
