Does \v\ play her game? It was free now on Steam
Does v play her game? It was free now on Steam
Maybe if she still looked like that yeah
I wouldn't play Tomb Raider even if I were paid to.
They need to buff Lara up, the new one is just a stick
user, I have a call for you. They say it's the based department, and they're looking to offer you a job.
man's face lmao
imma letchu finish
but tomb raider (2013) is one of the worst games of all time
legit looks like a tranny
She's actually kinda cute, but she looks a little confused.
It's called autism
Why is she mad :(
She just heard her grandparents died of the pizza virus
which one is it?
Is there porn mods?
>Up until now it was free
Are you retarded or American?
Even a weakling like me could overpower and fuck her, lmao.
can't stand her voice, so no
Already grabbed it off some random mega link.
can you use your verbs right?
Her ovarymad stems from her womb.
Wow, what a dork. That just makes her hotter.
yeah im pretty sure shes actually autistic
I don't see what you wrote in OPs statement.
>tfw no fit autismo gf
Where can I realistically found one bros?
Snoop Catt hahahahaha
24 karat cute
Autistic, socially awkward entry level weeb, kinda splitting hairs at that point.
She cute.
pig nose
Just the most basic texture swaps.
Clearly you are the retarded one, because that is not what OP said. What OP wrote is incoherent, terrible grammar.
>doesn't like upturned noses on girls
>manages to find something wrong with that beauty
sorry lara the horses are for nu jill now.
100% completion in 13 hours.
Not gonna touch the multiplayer.
lmao cope
godspeed user for reminding me
used rdp to start the download at home
give cute fit gf
Built for rape
It legit doesn't at all though.
I played for a little bit, it's fine, to be fair it feels closer to the classic TR games than nuTR does, which is a plus
Plus this
That's pretty Millennial Who Doesn't Get Out Much, but it's kind of endearing.
she can if you
Played like 20 minutes holy fuck it sucks
omg i agrreeeeeee
Lara is queen
Oh are they Giving away TR 1 - 6?
Already beat it and recently just beat Rise. It was good, did some things better than uncharted 2. Fucking Shadow is shit though and Lara looks the worst in it
Did it get updated recently?
Lmao, cope harder tranny
>Shadow is shit though
Im playing the Rise one for the first time and its just terrible. How can shadow of the tomb raider be even worse?
Honestly who wrote this crap. The plot is just unbearably cliche, its literally torture to sit through cutscenes, characters are paper thin and unlikeable from the start and somehow youre supposed to be saving them for whatever the fuck reason. Then there are the wave sections where Lara mows down 60 people in one go with an AK 47 and a grenade launcher. What the fuck am i even playing. Dont get me started on the console limitation design decision, like forced walking, crawling segments so that consoles manage to load the next area in time. Only 70% into the game do i get some thought process involved in platforming, up to that point it was just a cinematic "press forward to progress" theme park.
How could they not have improved from this disaster?
i want to lick her abs
I like the first one because the setting was fantastic, with the island shores littered with ships from all eras and also lara was cute. The second one wanted me to do bullshit mmo/openworld type filler quests and I'll buy the third one for 5 bucks or so.
>check that fan remake project of first 3 games
>cancelled in february this year
>get bored with Rise of Nu-rider.
>check out mods on nexus
>like 6 mods in total.
>no nude and skimpy mods
What the actual fuck? Am i being shadowbanned from nudy mods or something?
they're probably being taken down so you can't find them on nexus
Yeah, i've been playing it.
This isn't a Tomb Raider game, it's an FPS pretending it's a Tomb Raider game.
What the fuck is square enix thinking
Rise is the best of the trilogy but 2013 has the best areas. The gameplay is improved, The Prophet's story is at least interesting, Jacob's pretty good, there's tons of exploration and tombs available to you, there's more mechanics, mechanics are smoother, and so on.
Shadow has Lara basically not taking any lessons she learned from 2013 or Rise and is a complete psychopath. She spends most of the game hallucinating about her father and ignoring people in need because she has to chase after Trinity. She also looks way less cute
There are barely any shooting sections in a game where 70% of the skills are tied to combat and there's a ton of weaponry.
The town you visit forces you constantly into not wearing 70% of the clothing options and you're restricted to one outfit in the upper city which you also spend a small portion of the game in. They also prevent you from using weapons at all until you leave the area, only the bow.
The town itself makes no sense to have this rule because Lara is openly carrying and talking on a radio and they know of helicopters.
Trinity makes no sense in this game because the story itself directly contradicts what Trinity literally is and has been set up as (An extremist Christian cult). The majority of the choices their leader makes goes directly against Christian dogma (Which makes no sense for an extremist cult) and they're literally committing blood sacrifices to pagan gods when in Rise their higher ups were murdering people throughout all of The Prophet's story for being heretics.
Hit detection for climbing is broken and there are tons of blind jumps that don't signpost that you can grab onto a wall properly. I died more times in this game from the climbing pick not sticking into a wall or grabbing onto a ledge over a bottomless pit. There's even bits where you have to jump sideways and Lara decides she's going to throw instead of stab the wall directly in front of her.
The only thing Shadow did right was the tomb design.
2013 tomb raider is worse than uncharted 1 imo, haven't played the other 2 but if they're the same then I'm probably not going to.
yes hello mr user
this is CHAD, president of the Based department, im calling to inform you that your application to join the department has been approved.
What, you didnt apply? oh no mr user, your post was the applicationm, you start tomorrow
Girl abs make my peepee a bit bigger
Dammit, now I need buff autism gf