Where were you when the Doom franchise was ruined?

Where were you when the Doom franchise was ruined?

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The year is 2004, I am flunking out of college again..

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I was in high school. Went back to playing UT2004 instead.

god playing Doom 2016 and Doom Rternal really showed me how fucking awful that shit game Doom 3 really was.

Well, it wasn't that awful, I actually got some enjoyment out of it, especially from the expansion, but it's a lot weaker than the OG Dooms or 2016/Eternal.

Doesn't deserve to be part of the same series/franchise.

yeah i don’t like doom eternal but tim willits made the worst doom

This game was kino though???

That's what the new wave le epic contrarian shitposters are saying.

It feels like the horror direction was an afterthought after they realized how boring it would be as just a traditional shooter.

I played it only recently for the first time and I wouldn't even consider it a Doom game. It also sort of sucks as a regular FPS as well

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worst quake too and rage

>Doom 3 isn't really Doom because it tries to take the series in a different direction
>Doom Eternal is the most Doomiest Doom ever, just ignore the double jump boost dash grappling hook platforming bro

Doom 3 and quake 4 are such disappointments

Fellas, how do you feel about the new Monster Zero flavor? I personally like it a lot, and it makes me get in the groove with this game, but that hootin platformin’ is so hard I have my son do them for me. Any advice?

To be fair, it feels more like a continuation of where Quake 3 Arena left off.
To me, these games form a continuity Doom 1-2, Quake 1-2-3, even though they are technically different franchises.
So even though it has more arena shooter and Quake 3 elements, it feels much more fitting than the direction they tried with Doom 3.

I'm not a big fan of Monster Zero, I like the taste of the original a lot more.

>Doom Eternal is the most Doomiest Doom ever
wait what? everybody knows eternal deviated from the formula a little and nobody denies it but unlike doom 3, it was for the better
id adapting quake's movement is one of the best things they've done, double dash and meat hook are superb additions, bewildered by the platforming complaints, its not like they're asking you to spend 2 minutes platforming to get to the next arena, majority of them can be done in mere seconds

>bewildered by the platforming complaints, its not like they're asking you to spend 2 minutes platforming to get to the next arena, majority of them can be done in mere seconds
Yeah, if anything, I wish they expanded more on it and the exploration was more involved, and they littered cool secrets on levels that you can reach by utilizing platforming, but that's unlikely to ever happen because everybody is crying already about the platforming.

yeah i wish exploration was real
2016 and linear levels but these are just fucking lines

It's shit, and it's only now in 2020 after a bunch of patches that it's a slightly mediocre 6/10 shooter.

On release it was a mess. You couldn';t have a flashlight and a gun out at the same time, it was slow, it was boring. The story was somehow even worse than original Doom which barely had one.

Thanks Yas Forums shills, you convinced me to buy Eternal, just because of how pissy Yas Forums gets over anything fun.

>Already referring to Eternal in the past tense

Wish the just made a quake game, because now Doom had lost its identity.
Doom, II and 64 are Doom games.
Doom 3 is action horror
2016 is painkiller/serious sam
2020 is quake

on Yas Forums pouring gasoline on the fire with popcorn in hand

You do of course realize Doom 1/2 are much closer to 3 than Eternal, right?

The contrarian are the ones shitting on it.
I'm sick of Yas Forums history revisionism. The general consensus here has been Doom 3 was a good game, just not a good doom game.

>tfw enjoying Doom Eternal but view it as a separate game from the original Doom games entirely and don't think it's reasonable to really compare them

They play so differently with their only connection being lore shit and references.
It's like comparing Metal Gear games with the Metal Gear Solid games, they're pretty different on how they play.
If you wanted Doom 1/2, just pick up the million of fan-made mods, revamped levels, etc available. Like I hear people say Doom 1/2 is better than Eternal and vise versa but they're so different, how can you make a reasonable comparison?

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>Like I hear people say Doom 1/2 is better than Eternal and vise versa but they're so different, how can you make a reasonable comparison?
You can compare their overall quality. Eternal is shit and originals are good, just like The Room is shit and The Thing is good, even when they are of different genres altogether.

I can't believe that there are 3fags out there who will argue that this piece of shit is better than nuDoom

Why else do you think the source code was released?

>Zoom Eternal is dumb brainlet garbage
>Now Doom 3, that was a good game, truly the pinnacle of the franchise

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Sure, but it doesn't actually tackle any of the flaws in whatever you're criticizing. It doesn't really mean anything. It's comparing two things that are based on opinion without actually explaining why unless you're comparing on what was publicly received better or something. What's even the point of that?

>It's like comparing Metal Gear games with the Metal Gear Solid games, they're pretty different on how they play.
Not really. MGS1 is practically a remake of MG2

What a timeline that a nudoom game is worse than doom fucking 3


why the fuck does it play and feel like a shitty arcade shooter, even quake had better atmosphere.

Ye, doom 3 actually had a decent story, characters and a simple and fun gameplay. Nudoom is trash on all accounts, it's even less like doom than doom3

>it's a good x just not a good y x
Fuck off you low IQ zoomer.

This is litterally normal. Happens to any franchise that lives long enough. People just accept it. Everyone knows 3D Mario and 2D Mario are very different but you don't see people arguing which one is "the real mario"

This meme that Carmack's shadow simulator is good as anything other than a tech demo will never be true no matter how much you faggots try to force it

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>Ye, doom 3 actually had a decent story
Nobody plays Doom for the story.

Nobody cares.

>and a simple and fun gameplay
Ah yes, I too remember walking through dark hallways with a torch while demons attempted multiple jumpscares.

Yas Forumstards started to praise GTA IV just so they didn't have to like GTA V, are you surprised they are now praising DOOM 3 just so they can shit on the newer games? This board will will eat any shit for the sake of contarianism.

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Zoom/Zoom Eternal

is literally MOBA DOW3 disaster

>Doom 3 had good characters
What the fuck are you smoking, the only real character there was discount Palpatine and he was trash

64 was the downfall of Mario and the embodiment of soulless

mod that changes the buff totem in Doom Eternal to this


Now they like Doom '16 after continuously shitting on it for 4 years

Still can't figure out why they called it Doom Eternal rather than Super Awesome Doom or Doom: Never Stop Punching Demons

I'm convinced a majority of the fags acting like 2016 isn't inferior in nearly every way are just seething because they can't just steamroll literally everything in the entire game with the SSG and gauss cannon without ever having to worry about running out of ammo or changing weapons ever

3 is better than both. 2016 is at least close to as good as 3. Eternal is a pain in the ass. Between juggling qte’s for whatever resource I need at the time and needing to weapon swap for almost every different type of enemy so I can take advantage of their weakness it has turned the combat into a mess. This was my most anticipated game in probably 2 years and I am disappointed as can be. No I’m not a troll. Yes I own and have played the game a lot.

Doom 3 is a piece of shit that both had nothing to do with Doom and failed at being a horror game.

You sound like you suck massive balls.

Artstation ruined AAA games forever

just call it prebaked doom

They are reaching peak dellusion.
Although i'll never forget the legitimate anger among the discord trannies at launch day, who went as far as saying that Doom's focus should be the story, and that they wishes the original Doom 4, that Call of Doom piece of crap, happened.

I don't know why they picked this game specifically to try, and fail, to tortanic.

Are you telling us that, or are you telling that to yourself?

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I doesn't really bother me that 2016 and Eternal are different, especially given the current climate when several new great classic FPS games are out there anyway. But even on its own terms Eternal isn't really the sequel to Doom 2016 I wanted. I think they built off of the wrong things.

The funny thing is that you can comfortably do just that if you bother to chainsaw a respawning random goon every 10 shots or so.

t. playing on nightmare

People can dislike something without sucking at it, you realize.

Dabbing on those larping faggots

Nice photoshop faggot
Now show us the real stats

Its a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
Its the Joe Biden of fps games.
It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
Its as if a bunch of has beens and marketers gathered in a room and tried to think about what the youngsters like and then just shoved it into one game.
Its the feel of the game and everything surrounding it.

They essentially made a single player console arena shooter.
The fucking console font and style of the menus, the gun upgrades, the constant need to jump around and do acrobatics and the need to change weapons non stop.
like an xbox kiddie just drank a can of monster.

>Its a hella epic game for dummies and teens.
>Playing nudoom is the equivalent of watching mainstream news.
>Its the Joe Biden of fps games.
>It caters to this oblivious, hyped idiot type consumer who lives on buzzwords and inanities.
>Its as if a bunch of has beens and marketers gathered in a room and tried to think about what the youngsters like and then just shoved it into one game.
>Its the feel of the game and everything surrounding it.
>They essentially made a single player console arena shooter.
>The fucking console font and style of the menus, the gun upgrades, the constant need to jump around and do acrobatics and the need to change weapons non stop.
>like an xbox kiddie just drank a can of monster.

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