What if all these red flags are just their marketing being shit and the actual game is going to be good?

what if all these red flags are just their marketing being shit and the actual game is going to be good?

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yea but Witcher 3 was already shit tier why would this game be good?

if one of the red flags are "i cant masturbate to it anymore so its bad" then the problem is you and not the game

Did they reverse the first person only thing? Cause that's a load of bullshit.

God damn that bitch looks horrible
That is a bitch, right? Not a tranny?

btw all trannies want women to be portrayed as shapeless, male looking hags so they can be included.

Holy shit, that thing is repulsive.

No shit, but don't be too obvious, jannies ban if you insult trannies since some of them are trannies aswell.

>Wanting third person
God I hate console pleb so much.

what red flags?
it's just inane bullshit complaints that only Yas Forums cries about
everyone else is hyped for the game

They've never made a good game so yeah it's gonna be shit

if anything, the end result tends to look worse than the marketing if W3's was anything to go by

You can make your own character
I’ll make mine look like me teehee

why is it bullshit

I remember when they said they wanted to learn from their mistakes regarding TW3's marketing. What a load of bullshit, god damn.

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What red flags he asks...

Attached: cdpr fall.jpg (4960x2384, 2.69M)

The CC is preset based, not slider based. You'll only be able to choose whatever specific features they let you.

>posting the Yas Forums version
Stick to , the one that actually points out red flags and broken promises instead of "muh women"

Attached: Consider the following.png (1264x994, 1.09M)

At least there will be mods, right?

>nothing about the actual game
>just incels butthurt about genders and women and id politics
that's exactly what I thought
who gives a shit. kys if you care about any of this

It's fine to insult the game for it's flaws but please stop embarassing everyone here.

>being mad because there are black women in a game

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I post my own picture whenever I want to you retarded coomer. Beside your version is shitty because of muh mixed fpptpp.

The game was probably always shit. The marketing just caught up.

They cultivate emotionally invested fanatics early on with pretty screens and lots of features so when they start downgrading, they have an internet defense force who does it for free.
CDPRdrones are former biodrone/modern blizzdrone tier.

Maybe? They promised mod tools for both TW2 and TW3 and didn't deliver for either. afaik they haven't said anything for CP77 yet. Honestly if there are mods I expect them to be more like combat overhauls or HUD removals rather than redoing CC ala Skyrim or something.

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nigga you're mad because they changed the words "gender" to "body type" and triggered because you saw a photo of women that they posted for women's day
Yas Forumstards truly are the new SJWs. EVERYTHING sets you snowflakes off

two words:

>waaaaah why are there women, i was bullied in high school by girls why are there women in vidya i want it to remain my shitty circlejerk.
back to r*ddit you go incel

Why did I move here?
I guess it was the weather.

there is at least 20 more red flags

>the leaked small map
>the bioware and diversity hires
>the shitty zoomer music
>le breathtaking keanu reddit pandering

Attached: newcdprhire.jpg (599x767, 176.68K)

That's not true at all. People play games for different reasons. Some play for the story. Some play for multiplayer with friends or whatever. Some play for graphics. Playing a game because its able to make you feel horny is a good reason too. So stfu and go play some game with ugly women / men if you wanna be a faggot.

>cdprfags are celebfags
really makes me think

stop projecting

The biggest one for me was when they stopped calling it an RPG, including switching out "roleplaying" on ther twitter descr for "open-world, action-adventure story". And yes, I would hope that's just just shit marketing.

nobody has a problem with women as long as they're not danger hairs with "this is problematic" glasses like

cringed not gonna lie, have fun making those pictures weirdo, isnt gonna change anything but make you more of a clown

What's worse is that whenever you point out TW3's downgrade it's always "well the game was good anyways so it's ok!" as if it worked as an excuse. The writing quality, quest design, open world... etc. has nothing to do with whether or not the graphics were downgraded, and especially whether or not they actively lied about it, which they did. That's the part that irritates me, and that's why I have zero trust for them, no matter how many "we're just like you!" fourth wall breaking messages they have in their games.

There are literally 0 colored hair girls in that women's day picture of CDPR. And in game it's natural for there to be freaky designs considering it's C Y B E R P U N K. Get it? It's not detroit you amerimutt, it's meant to be CYBERPUNK.

Is there a single thing about this game that still looks promising?

Thanks, updated pic.

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shit i think im gonna refund my preorder now... fuck that

Implying I give a fuck about getting banned.
I get banned from here all the time.

>I'm the captain now

gtfo reddit tourist

>game literally ran at 40fps and was a titan of benchmarking for PCs
>console peasants cutting holes in their gamestations and installing all sorts of extra cooling
>ree why were the grafffixks downgraded

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Who didn't enter the project until 2018. That's 3 years of full production and two years of pre production into the game. And Johnny Silverhand being this game's Ciri, you think they hadn't designed him yet? Literal millions wasted, just so they can have a famous face in-game. Sure, they might've cut multiple apartments and want to monetize the multiplayer, but at least Neo is in the game xD

>There are literally 0 colored hair girls in that women's day picture of CDPR
stop lying
there lead design artist is this ham planet

i bet you think she looks cyberpunk as fuck because she's fat and has a shitty haircut. kill yourself.

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my fucking sides

This is getting sad at this point with how much you spam this user.

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found the trannies

>Looks like shit, smells like shit, must taste good!

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That's not my fault though is it? I was promised some graphics and didn't get them. "consoles/computers couldn't handle it" is often the reason given for downgrades in games yet you don't see people not caring. But CDPR can do no bad, r-right?

>women are QUEENS stupid incel
back to resetera you go tranny

Graphicsfaggotry is the cancer that is killing videogames, you're the reason every double-A studio and below got swallowed up by EA and Activision after 2007.

People either forgot or didn't even know the fact that female V's appearance was based on Rogue from the PnP. Everyone complaining got what they deserved on the form of nu-V.

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Neck yourself, they actively lied to the playerbase. They outright stated in interviews made the week before the game came out that there was no downgrade. But who cares they lied, right? It was only graphics after all. No way they could lie again in the future.

Graphics pushing has always been a part of vidya, retards like you defending false advertisement and other anti-consumer practices are the real cancer.

the rabbit hole goes much deeper
this is the cdpr writing team for cyberpunk

also devs have been spotted going to tranny marches in warsaw. then we have the hiring of bioware rejects, the tacked on gta online like multiplayer, the announcement that they will do """wise""""" monetization, the cut features like owning multiple appartments or third person cutscenes

but i'm sure some cdpr drone will come in and tell you how all of this doesn't matter

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There is a point of diminishing returns and we passed it over a decade ago. Now the industry is a shell of its former self and all we get out of it are soulless movie-games with budgets in the hundreds of millions wasted spent entirely on sweatshops and crunch.

t. Ubishit

You're such a fucking retard that can't follow conversations holy shit. The point is not that they downgraded the game, the point is that they LIED about up until the very end.

>There are literally 0 colored hair girls in that women's day picture of CDPR

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anyone have the pic about the "cultural consultant" they hired from america whose initial concerns for fixing was the fact that you could kill black people?

>doing the "only two genders" sign

holy based

>this is the cdpr writing team for cyberpunk
>a group of normal looking people

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No one would've cared if they had shown the release ultra graphics from the get go. It's the lying part people have a problem with.

>Witcher 3 was already shit tier

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>There is a point of diminishing returns and we passed it over a decade ago

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are you from san francisco? the erstrogen and soi levels in that picture are off the charts

It has women. dont you know all women are suppose to be in the kitchen and any game with a woman on its dev team is instantly doomed?

cancer confirmed
that looks terrible
tumblr should love it

they look like a bunch of white nerds, which is more than i can say for the majority of silicon valley

It’s a shame how women are treated, huh? All these diversity hires just for you, as a woman, to work on a video game that has an option between male and male with wig. All for your genuine concerns and complaints to be drowned out by a mentally ill faggot who everyone has to pretend to like to not get fired. Women cannot catch a break. Remember that woman who spoke out against having to compete against a tranny in sports and got shit for it because a faggot in a wig is a “woman” too and there’s no difference?

>soifags, pink hairs, and dykes
It stinks of cultural marxism and you know it. Women tend to inject their pathetic leftist politics into everything in gaming. Name one woman developer who hasn't.

Why do they keep showing us the ghetto districts instead of something more, dare I say it, cyberpunk given the game comes out in half a year and was originally going to come out 20 days from now?

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this but unironically, i fucking hate trannies and their incessant need to talk about their "girl penis". every time i'm expected to pretend a grown man with a 5 o'clock shadow and uncut hair is an actual woman i become a little more sympathetic to hitler

LMAO, even her fucking wrists are uglier

It's like the bitch is 2 years addicted to crack and spent her days selling her pussy under the sun until becoming lots of shades darker

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It's peak Weimar.

"Berlin transformed itself into the Babel of the world. Germans brought to perversion all their vehemence and love of system. Made-up boys with artificial waistlines promenaded along the Kurfustendamm. Even ancient Rome had not known orgies like the Berlin transvestite balls, where hundreds of men in women's clothes, and women in men's clothes, danced under the benevolent eyes of the police. Amid the general collapse of values, a kind of insanity took hold of precisely those middle class circles which had been unshakeable in their order. Young ladies proudly boasted that they were perverted: to be suspected of virginity at 16 would have been a disgrace in every school in Berlin." - Stefan Zweig, Austrian writer, on the rapid growth of open perversion within the Weimar Republic in Germany under Jewish media influence, after WWI, just prior to Hitler's rise (sound familiar?)

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it looks like a typical bunch of nerds, what's your point

The left is gonna eat itself big time when TERFs become more popular as this continues to happen, JK Rowling coming out as anti-trannies is the first crack

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Pretty much.

This forced cognitive dissonance is what made me realize Yas Forums was right.

Shut the fuck up LGBT, literally no one likes you.

Women sports suck anyways. Watching trannies fight competitions might be more entertaining.

>white woman with a shit hair style
>turned in a fucking gypsy
?Fucking why?

Well gee all it took to fix that was an apocalyptic world war that killed nine million Germans and led to the occupation of Germany by communists. The nazi party wasn't the answer fucktard.

worse because now i have to deal with some 6 foot faggot in my sports teams
and fuck cdpr's redesign. what the fuck were they thinking, for woman's day they were gonna change the popular default to character to the ugliest crack whore you've ever seen? i hope to god this is just some liberal american marketing stunt and the actual game is untouched