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But it's not a retcon user. An example of a retcon is in say MGS1 when Snake says Big Boss said he was his father, when that never actually happened in the older Metal Gear games.
This is just time travel fuckery. If anything call it bad writing if you hate it so much. It's not a retcon, so stop calling it that.

>no one wants to make HL3
>canon ending is leaked
>new people come in
it was either going to be done on their terms or not at all. all things considered, this is alright, certainly better than that awful retcon from the fake leak.


At this point just ignore everything Half life related if it doesn’t have Marc Laidlaws name on it.
If valve made the story a complete clusterfuck on the first fucking entry without him, then it’s a sign that everything that happens next is gonna be a mess too.

Time traveling can still be a retcon. Just because you explain the retcon doesnt mean it's not a retcon. Likewise, retcons arent necessarily always a bad thing even though theres a negative connotation attached to it.

Valve drones are really mentally ill
>It's not a retcon
>here that's why is not a retcon
>literally explains how half life alyx is a retcon

A retcon is a pretty specific thing. It's writing over a previously established element in a story, typically to cover up an inconsistency or change direction in a story. Is G-Man ever established to specifically lack the ability jump to specific future events and change them? No? Then this isn't a retcon. It's a time travel plot.

I think you get your definition of retcons from Yas Forums instead of any actual sources. Stop being retarded user

I want to know how they captured him. Must have been some serious trap.
Combine had to know his patterns, from where will he observe the progress of something.

quick rundown?

Gordon is a tranny

Artifact is better.

A retcon is retroactive continuity. This continuity isn't retroactive. Its alternative. Its literally a new continuity.

Please explain how an in-universe, plausible jump to the future by a character who has established abilities is a retcon. Groundhog Day isn't retconning itself every time the day resets, it's part of the plot. Nothing established in a previous Half-Life was changed here, there was just another plot twist stacked on the cliffhanger we had. I'm not defending this as a satisfying turn of events, but calling it a retcon is a misnomer.

>gman approaches alyx
>says he can basically grant wishes
>alyx wants combine to gtfo
>says it's too big for even him to handle
>well ok what if i could offer you something you dont know you want
>teleported to episode 2 ending where eli dies
>nonono das my dad? das me? nonono i dont want him to die
>well im offering you a chance to save him
>act now and it will be undone
>you do some zipzap and fry the advisor
>eli supposedly saved
>so what now he safe rite daddy is safu
>ye well done gurl you did well where OTHER has failed
>he says while giving a crowbar to freeman's silhouette in the backgroud, gordon is seen adjusting his glasses and disappears
>ok can i go home now i just wanna go home
>gman says ominous shit and disappears in a lit doorway
>you're ported to Gordon's POV just after the advisor was killed
>Eli gets up, hands him the crowbar and says he has shit and Alyx to do
there you have it
Alyx loaded an earlier save and didn't fuck up the QTE like Gordon did

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Jesus christ, this is an embarrassing low for Half-Life.. You can just tell those perma-cucks from Firewatch are responsible for this shitty writing.

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Explains why xe never speaks. Xe's afraid that xir voice wouldn't pass.

This is such bullshit

Le Laidlaw meme

He wasn’t even the main writer of the series. Goddamn I hate retards that think he was simply because he released his own fanfic version of what happens in Ep. 3.

this can't be real

Are you saying people who don't care about HL and maybe didn't even play it are complaining about the new HL game they definitely didn't play and basically Yas Forums is full of shit?
I just want to confirm if that is what you are saying here.

it very much is

I don't remember Gman ever going through time in the original Half-life games.

As soon as a story suddenly introduces time travel, without it being present from the start, you know things are just going to go downhill from there.

(in a film, television series, or other fictional work) a piece of new information that imposes a different interpretation on previously described events, typically used to facilitate a dramatic plot shift or account for an inconsistency.

revise (an aspect of a fictional work) retrospectively, typically by introducing a piece of new information that imposes a different interpretation on previously described events.

How is the jump from HL1 to HL2 not time travel? Twenty years go by and Gordon doesn’t age a day.

he loved it
is it based?

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so not a retcon
there's no new interpretation, it's a split timeline

The closest thing is that gman has the ability to stop time. You see this in the ending of HL2 and in a scene in Episode 2. Nothing to suggest that he can go forwards or backwards in time before Alyx.

well I guess at least it doesn't retcon the entirety of HL2 like in the original leak

He was put in stasis. Though perhaps I should've been more clear and say "time traveling to past and changing past events".

I know, I was telling it to the dude with his own definition.

How much did Valve pay him?

he can also appear out of thin air, it's not NOT dumb that he's now a time traveller, but it's also not completely preposterous

Time travel isn't a retcon in itself but 9/10 times it's shitty writing.

That’s not time travel. He was put In stasis where you don’t age.
Think of the ice tube from futurama. Fry didn’t use a time machine he was just frozen and didn’t age.

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How did the leak retcon anything? I thought it simple continued with Gordon and Alyx traveling to the Borealis.

Which is, again, not really contradictory to anything established before. Besides, what with space and time are linked it doesn't even feel like much of a stretch that he can put someone in a different point in time, at least in my opinion.

It isn't shitty writing. Think for yourself one in a while. If you think alternative perspective is shitty writing, you are the problem.

He enjoys it for what this vr game offers though. Im sure deep within hes sad for what it ended up with

Time travel 9/10 times is shitty writing, buddy. It's the writer(s) pulling a dumb explanation to force their story forward.
Same thing goes for shit like mind control. 9/10 times it's shit writing.

True. Backwards time travel is logically impossible, so any plot written involving it generally devolves to nonsense, because the idea of backwards time travel is simply incoherent.

There is one exception: You can, after preparing to travel back in time, travel back to, at best, the moment you built your time machine. That is perfectly logical, it's just like loading a save game. While I don't necessarily love the ending, it is only a minute or so of time travel, so it isn't that bad. As long as they keep VERY conservative with the time travel, the story will still make sense.

didn't it prevent the resonance cascade or something? not a retcon strictly speaking, since we have already established the definition, but it would have erased most of the events that we saw and played.

Both plot devices are only shit writing if they're used as a deus ex machina, which in this case, is arguably true - though, we didn't think Eli was all that critical to what Gordon and Alyx were doing, and that they would both just do the Borealis thing anyway, so if it isn't trying to get them out of a pit then is it really deus ex machina?

Every HL retcons its predecessor.
It's a time traveling story, that's what they do.

was he even captured? It doesn't seem out of the G-man's power to put himself inside the vault instead of whatever was actually there in order to have his conversation with alyx
odds are she never got to see what was actually in the vault

What? The resonance cascade took place years before the events of HL:A, and isn't mentioned in the game at all. In fact, the "true ending" has you BACK in the shoes of Gordon at the end of Episode 2, where Alyx goes a minute back in time to save Eli. Everything still happened except for the last roughly 60 seconds of Episode 2.

>doesn't know how time travel works
nobody tell him anything

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The half life story ended with it's original writer and epistle3

he dont really give a shit about video games anymore he plays them every so often when he must or he is bored. Like a normal person should.

Laidlaw would have been done with half life after episode 3 anyway

I'm not saying that Alyx has shit writing because I couldn't care less, I said devices such as time travel are used by shitty writers in most cases because hacks need a clutch for their bullshit.

No, he was just testing Alyx to see if he should hire her and put himself in the box.

It doesn't.

How did 2 retcon 1?

Time travel is fucking stupid but at least they could twist the "prepare for unforeseen consequences" into gman meaning that he will take alyx instead of eli dying and it will be alright as long as they do no other Time travel shit

Opposing Force

explain more

What about it

So is this alternate time line stuff or is it lore now?If so why didnt they just update ep2 and change the ending

It was a mistake to cum here

I like it

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Opposing force wasnt a valve game