Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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fat degenerate incels for ruining the phrase with their autistic spergouts

This was to promote ck 3

Paradox for not making a good game since Crusader Kings 2

>interview about ck3
>done to promote ck3

The game journos.

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Fascists for ruining the phrase for everyone else.

Fans again

you sensitive faggots were offended either way

>falsely accursed of removing
>because it wasn't there to begin with

And Paradox for having their mod community justify the change, and ban people questioning it even though it's "apparently" still in the game.
I hope it's another Imperator and they get fucked for their smug disregard for the people buying their games.

This, the games still being made. You can't remove what doesn't EXIST YET! HAHAHAHAH

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What's sensitive about crusaders? They were literally defending europe against violent invading muslims. Ofc they did some nasty shit during their wars but that's just how wars went during that time. And I'm not even Christian in case you wondered.

>What's sensitive about crusaders? They were literally defending europe against violent invading muslims.
this better be bait

Is there any none biased documentation about the crusades?either written or in video form? Keep finding faggots whining about it. Same thing happens when i search up Andrew Jackson.

what kind of faggotry is this
cannibalism is also practiced by trash people but that's in-game
or did they remove that too?

Modern mainstream politics is extremely vapid and tribal. If the enemy likes something then it must be bad. Problematics fetishize the phrase Deus Vult, therefore it is bad.

>Defending Europe
This meme again

seething semites detected

No. Best thing you can do is look through accounts and what's well-documented and build an understanding on that.

Just history m8. And yes, attacking muslims in the middle east was self defense as well when you're in general war with an enemy that's been attacking you in all directions, you are allowed to attack back everywhere you want and dim necessary, even in a different continent. Fact is, crusaders freed a lot of places from the oppression of shitslam.

Pop culture canon dictates that the crusaders are raving lunatics and the muslim warlords are peaceful and reasonable. Yours is a controversial opinion.

Imagine thinking you can be antisemitic while defending crusaders


No actual historian believes that stop believing in bullshit internet "historians"

shalom ADL
raped any kids today?

OP for being a fag and making shitty "Who was in the wrong here?" threads.

What caused the crusades then?

I thought you liked muh Jew on the cross

Jesus literally whipped kikes out of the temple lol
he was not a j*w he was a Christian

I am not a crusader so no

True, in reality both were probably blood thirsty religous nutjobs, because that was the norm, although I suspect the muslims were more brutal and violent because they always were.

I see the crusaders as the good guys because they didn't start the war, they were defending, and just take a look at how areas that were taken by Christian's looks like today vs muslim countries. Shitslam is just a cancer that corrupt and destroy everything it touches, I'd side with anyone who fight that and long as they don't directly attacking me too.

Jesus was an anglo.

You're a butthurt muslim it's pretty damn obvious.

Because christians are not supposed to defend against muslims. They are to praise the muslims and give their 9 year old daughter to them for premarital sex

why are muslims so happy being jew lapdogs? do they think they are going to win

Good infidel.

I remember when incels sperged out about it, SJWs won that one.

Fuck you are retarded

>muh Jewish messiah was not a jew
christian Yas Forumstards are truly the lowest of the low

>do they think
Of course not.

name ONE time SJWs didnt won.

j*ws are still seething and coping and denying Jesus to this day, pretty funny lol
muslims are basically non human

For posting "news" from a hentai site.

Mary was Jewish, therefore Jesus he was a Jew. Cope harder.

I have a bachelor's degree in European history and I believe that. The Byzantines wrote to the Pope because Muslims had conquered nearly everything east of Constantinople. They wanted The rest of Europe to help fight the off, so Pope Urban II called a crusade.

Paradox more like Paracucks, hate these pieces of shit ruining stellaris.

>history is bait
Oh I see, you're a leftie

Modern world politics dictate Christians are always the bad guys. You can't portray anything faithfully about it lest you offend some snowflake. Not that it matters anyway since whites are currently letting Muslims rape their women and replace them in their own homelands lol.

Crusaders are seen as the bad guy for the same reason white people are seen as the bad guy: they won.

>you can marry underage girls as an 50 year old man, but you cant say Deus Vult

Stop watching prageru videos you uneducated cuck

Rednecks using an ancient saying and causing everyone else to become disgusted. Business as usual.

>whites are currently letting Muslims rape their women and replace them in their own homelands lol.
epic cuck fantasy but Nationalism and Strongman politics are irreversibly rising throughout the West

Nothing, the problem is the modern far right that has fetished it, along with any other conflicts against Muslims.

You can't seriously believe the first crusade was defensive war if you know the events

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>although I suspect the muslims were more brutal and violent because they always were.
Maybe, maybe not. We know that the crusaders turned Jerusalem into a slaughter house when they captured it, can't say the same for Muslims.

Then there is all the violence they inflicted in Europe and Byzantine lands before they even reached the holy land

Who was it anyway? Still working?

>lol didn't read

>defending Europe
>by declaring a series of offensive wars in Asia and Africa

Are you going to make an argument.or.you are too afraid debating?

I just explained the events. The Muslims invaded Byzantine Empire, they asked for help, help came. That's defense. Just because they sacked Jerusalem doesn't mean it wasn't defense.

Yes? Taking territory from the enemies who were invading you counts as defense, retard. You don't have to simply stop pushing your enemy back at the old border of your empire in order for it to be considered defense, retard.

You sure buddy?

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They became cold realpolitics quite fast anyways. Especially late crusader states did some wild shit, like allying with sultan of Rum and Mongols against Egyptian and Levantine muslims.

>you can't strike the enemy in his home you must always wait patiently until the enemy is inside your cities and only fight against these particular soldiers and no one else
Imagine being this retarded.

show me what European territory didn't he Seljuks hold

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>being a christcuck

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>~700 years of enemy aggression
>only 5 crusades in retaliation
>crusaders are the bad guys
I hate you fucks so much.

>yes it was an offensive war yes it was in asia BUT it's still a defensive war defending Europe because he was maybe going to attack us some day probably??
was hitler defending Germany from polish expansion?

>>~700 years of enemy aggression
you consider their mere existence as aggression?