Meets aspiring models who are forced to starve themselves and purge to stay thin

>meets aspiring models who are forced to starve themselves and purge to stay thin
>"Lmao I eat lots of hamburgers every day xD"

Was Ann a cunt?

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cry moar roastie

She's just a bimbo.

Seethe harder

Ann can't read situations well enough to consciously be a cunt.

Also, if you don't sit on you ass all day you can eat your hamburgers without turning into a fat blob.

My wife.

These interactions showed that she was completely autistic and unable to read social situations at best, and a horrible cunt at worst.
I don't believe the former is the case since she's able to socialize easily, so yeah, she's a cunt.

Cry moar, roastie

Not so toastie go bok choy a an arbies


I fail to sympathize with Ann like I do with the other girls. Haru was about to be forcefully married to an abusive husband, Futaba was contemplating suicide after being blamed for her mothers death, Makoto was going to be turned into Kaneshiro's prostitute, what the fuck was Ann's struggle? Secondhand trauma from her friend being raped? What a fucking retarded character.

Did you have a Chinese stroke?

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She's a bimbo which is why she's the best girl. Makoto is the opposite and naturally she's Reddit's favorite.

Anne is my wife

I do the same all the time to both fatties and anorexic dumb bitches. I also tell them it’s all genetics and I just do some yoga in the morning.

>Mudblood outcast bullied because her Japanese parent bred with a foreigner and made her
>Outcast because of her naturally blond hair.
>Outcast yet again when everyone thought she was a whore fucking the teacher when in reality she just out up with being around the sleezeball to try and get him away from the only friend she had
>Friend was raped and tried to kill herself because she didn't want to put out herself.
>Would have been next if not for Joker and Ryuji.

Ann had plenty of struggle. It all just gets resolved way too quickly, along with most of Ryuji's stuff, near the start of the game. Which is why the two feel a lot better off compared to the rest. We see them happy for a longer period of time than we do the others. Mostly because we see them for a longer period of time in general.

Based Ann
Based Developers
Anorexic cunt models deserve to be burned at stake like a bunch of niggers who want a below average wage for minimum a mount of effort. You can have a profession or career and get good amout of money whilist enjoying life. Japanese turbo virgin developers are kekking at Californian, American dream retards all the way from Japan.

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Not her fault they're metabolismlets

roll better metabolism genes cunts

>model in Japan
>having waito blood automatically qualifies you for any gig
What did they mean by this?

>1/4 american
>looks like an Aryan poster-child
I have half-japanese cousins and the only thing that makes them distinct from other japanese girls is their height.

if by "cunt" you mean based, then yes

Anne is my wife and the love of my life.

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>stating facts is being a cunt

Hello, B A S E D department?

>1/4 White
>3/4 Japanese
>blonde blue eyed

Why don't they know genetics?

Not to mention (unless I'm just misremembering) her race is rarely if ever brought up at all, let alone in a negative light. If we saw sustained "outcasting" after Kamoshida's resolution they may have felt less shallow (hence why Ryuji's confidant helps his character a bit) but hallway gossip is difficult to pay attention to after awhile.

making her whiter would displease gook incels who are afraid of "filthy gaijin"

I liked Futaba and Ann while I found Makoto and Haru annoying.

To be fair we didn't get to see half of the story (the fucking school life) part of the game. It was all jump-cuts that was stitched together in between the trips to mementos/palace. There could have been discrimination going on that we weren't aware of, or maybe even some shoujo-level "change the bullies into friends" shit going on and we'd never know it.

If she looked realistic she wouldn't stand out enough to warrant making her mixed at all, but the higher the percentage of white blood (according to word of god) the closer she is to the character she's an expy of

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You just based. I never thought about it before. I mean she isn’t a terrible person just dumb lol.

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Anorexics deserve to be mocked until they see the error of their ways or starve. Men who are attracted to twigs have objectively shit taste.

She just came off as an airhead, for a high school girl that aspires to be a model, it's not unbelievable for her to not be the brightest bulb in the pack. To explain how she didn't gain weight, high metabolism and all the excersise of running about with joker & co.

She's an airhead and isn't the brightest of the bunch. She's not the sort of person who thinks about that sort of shit.

>reddit's opinion mattering at all
They don't like Makoto for Makoto, they like Makoto to keep up appearances. Liking the smart girl means they are smart by extension, it's about them not her. Futaba is also really smart but they'll give you the stink eye because she's "too young", Ann is a "bimbo", "you only like Haru cause she's rich", "older women? yikes thats like Kamoshida" etc.

They know, but they ignore it because they can't actually handle serious themes in the anime friendship simulator.

>1/4 British
>no sign of the White heritage except the bluish tone in the eyes

What do they mean by this?

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I like Haru but nobody ever talks about her.

best grill

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>Unproductive retards

cope virgin

Ann's friend got almost did off herself. Give her a break she had a hard life.

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eh, she's fine
ann, makoto, and kawasumi catch most of the shit, while she's not as unknown as what's her face the reporter or the fortune teller

Kawashida is hot.

she's a fiction anime girl

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>P5R didn't have a Shiho SL

>P5R didn't have a Shiho SL

Shit. That was the one thing I wanted.

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royal is just disappointing in every way tbqh

I want to grab Ann by the neck from behind and arch her back while I relentless pound her asshole with my dick.

>What do they mean by this?
They're being accurate

You want to what?

She looks like she sucks and fucks black guys.

>not eat like a pig
>muh have to starve yourself
Learn how calories work, roastie. And stop stuffing your greasy mouth with food if you want to lose weight.

She's 16 years old m8

Asian girls don't do that. They marry white husbandos.

pretty young for being such a slut

That's right, she's 16 years old for m8ting

/4 British

Wish IRL bongs looked like this.

Instead they look like fists.

Built for BBC

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An american chinese jew wrote this post

Ann Takamaki is RAPE MEAT

for blacks she is rape meat but she does it willingly