After playing it I realized that everything I read about this game on Yas Forums is a lie, nitpick or over exaggeration

After playing it I realized that everything I read about this game on Yas Forums is a lie, nitpick or over exaggeration
This game is great in every aspect besides the story which is fucking abysmal

Attached: doom_eternal_main-1280x720.jpg (1280x720, 157.49K)

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Yeah no shit.
Is it your first time here?

Is this game not selling? why are they shilling it so much with claims they can't back up when we already kow doom16's gameplay was bad?

Yeah, I understood the same about HL:Alyx today.
Only difference is that there isn't a retcon in the story like people claim and the only thing shitty is the jumping.

I don't really like the pacing of the arena battles. It feels like I'm worrying more about weapons and cooldowns than enemy behavior or the design of the arena. I thought dropping the difficulty to HMP would change this, but I ended up feeling the same way while also thinking the game was now too easy. I'm glad a lot of people like it, but I'm not enjoying it as much as I expected.

I really don't know why id didn't make this game take place during the hell invasion instead of after it. There's a lot they could have done with Hayden's unclear motives and human greed for energy instead of this weeb backstory of doom guy.

I suppose they were trying too hard to differentiate from Doom 2016.

>This game is great in every aspect
it has some pretty big flaws, but it is really fun.

i liked the story

Too much chainsaw, and you are forced to use it on the weakest demons is my biggest gripe with the game. My second biggest gripe is marauder, the fucker slows down the game to a screeching halt.

The less humans the better. The minute and a half of cutscenes with scientists gawking at Doomguy were more than enough. The girl masturbating to you in the audio logs was a bit on the nose too.

Okay did the most recent patch break the game or something or am I going insane? I beat the game yesterday, and game was running fine and smooth. Today I updated my nvidia drivers, and game is running super fucking unstable, massive slowdown, and glitches. I rolled back my drivers and checked the temps of my cpu gpu etc all fine. Started up game again and its still super fucked up. And yes I disabled steam overlay. anyone else having this problem? glad I at least 100%'ed the game before this happened


>you are forced to use it on the weakest demons
you can use it on all demons if you have enough fuel

>Do every challenge in the game
>Get to the hell city right before the angel level
>Glory Kill a Doomhunter from the left
>Only two Doomhunters in the whole level at the very end
>Go a little crazy with the plasma rifle and kill the first one accidentally
>Second one is in its GK state
>Run to my left and press E
>Sike you were actually a little behind him, please enjoy his animation of Doomguy stomping on a spine until it pops

It's the Doom Hunter's left I think

I don't think I have ever had three fuel at once

Can you? I didn't have much time to evaluate with a baron on my ass so I stopped trying.

they need to make some mid tier demons be killable with 2 fuels

I think this game should’ve had only nightmare difficulty. Legit for what the game was made but then it would be the second sekiro

But in the picture it shows the Doomhunter's face being pierced by Doomguy's left blade. It's confusing, Glory Killing one should be enough.

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>Zoom Enteral
Can we stop forcing discussion about this turd. It’s another generic shooter

wrong tripfag it’s one of the best shooters in the last 10 years or so.

Originally I wasn't even going to buy it (not because of Yas Forums but just from all the trailers). In the end, I'm glad I did. I beat it and it was fun. The thing is, I was right, it's not as good as 2016. My problem was my disappointment with that fact was keeping me from appreciating that it was still a good game.

They changed things that didn't need changing and in my opinion a lot of stuff is worse, but taking it for what it is (instead of my dream sequel to 2016) and playing it on its own terms it isn't a bad game. Worse than the last game, but not a bad game.

A lot of Yas Forums's response to it is not about the game itself, it's about comparing to its predecessor(s). It's the Bayonetta 2 effect.

This. Im pretty shure you cant use it on superheavy demons.

>is retarded
Checks out.

By the time you get to arenas that have enough fuel pickups and enough heavy enemies to be worth it, it's already better to just use the Crucible, which is basically Eternal's version of what the chainsaw was in 2016 (a single enemy instant eraser).

Yas Forums is always wrong about everything


>My second biggest gripe is marauder, the fucker slows down the game to a screeching halt.
use remote detonated rockets to shoot around his shield

Reload from checkpoint. The thing about all those progression challenges is dying or reloading doesn't interrupt your progress with them

t. 100%'d each level before moving on to the next one.

Marauder is a cool idea but the execution is a little finicky. I don't like the goldilocks zone being necessary to trigger his melee attacks. He should always throw them at random (even if there's a guaranteed distance), it shouldn't be something you have to AI-exploit to trigger. It slows the pacing of the game down not because you have to wait for him to be vulnerable to shoot so much as the fact that it asks you to stand still which runs counter to the entire game.

The game saves automatically when you end an encounter and won't let you reload to before that.

The game has flaws. The big one is that they require you to do too much shit at one time while fighting enemies which causes a gameplay clusterfuck. Doom 2016 was much simpler im terms of gameplay and more free flowing.

That's why when you see an enemy that you need to kill a certain way (or kill X number of times) in an encounter, if you fuck it up (or if you kill the one that spawns and there are no more), you should just reload from checkpoint then and there and keep going until the stupid combat trial is complete and you can go back to playing however you want.

Why is the story so bad?

Or you can just use the super shotgun and win everything forever and not even need to interact with most of the games mechanics.

the butthurt would be unfathomable. imagine all the people buying it thinking its some casual romp and they get "quake 3 arena simulator". i actually dont even know how you'd play through nightmare with a controller.

>slows the game down
>have to be in range to trigger his melee
which is it? He does his green eyes attack pretty much instantly and you can kill them within 6 seconds.
There's no even that many in the game, and its a breath of fresh air to have something that requires timing when you can just lay into everything all the time.

>attack pretty much instantly and you can kill them within 6 seconds.
>Getting 10 or so ballista or SSG hits in 6 seconds
Man, you have an impressive reload time compared to what I had.

It slows the game down because everything else you fight while on the move. The marauder you have to stand still and play footsies to make sure you're the correct distance away to trigger a specific AI action.

I don't mind the timing check of "only attack when he's in a vulnerable state", it's the fact that he's the only enemy you can't kill while dashing around mid-air like a lunatic.

It wouldn't be as bad if the game's ammo balance didn't dictate that every single encounter must perpetually spawn stupid bullshit fodder demons that pepper you with tiny melee attacks or small projectiles that clutter your screen and jostle you left and right. You're trying to focus on one enemy and slow down for a showdown but at the same time the game is going "why are you standing still? You need to be moving and constantly killing to not get hit and keep your resources up"

The same problem happened in the gladiator and khan makyr fights.

>forced to glorykill for ammo
Yeah no it definitely plays better than 2016 and is less boring (except for all these platforming sections) with a greater challenge, but being forced to use this shitty gimmick if you don't want to run out of ammo is absolutely disgusting.
Some of you never played any other fps than d16m or some other console shit and it shows.

In whichever slayer gate spawns him, I actually 1-combo'd the Marauder with the Combat Shotgun because sticky grenades detonate slow enough (if you time it right) that he's recovered from his stagger state and so they interrupt his action and trip a new one. Basically as soon as he tries to act, the sticky goes off and he's stunned again and vulnerable for another sticky.

>No, user, one enemy can't ruin the entire ga-

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the story is you have to save earth from hell
they just jump around from set piece to set piece, the only thing connecting the dots being random shit they tell you before, right at the start and end of a level
they introduce characters but i dont remember any of them and they use the last two characters from the previous game to spout exposition at you

they added a lot of unnecessary upgrading and gimmicks though, I was quite happy just shooting at stuff but now I feel like I'm playing a moba, I'm waiting for cooldowns to use my moves, I'm not really enjoying it as much as the last one.

If it takes 10 SSG hits I'm really curious how many sticky grenades it would take.

The genre moved past you, old man. It's not just your hobby, anymore.

I bought it, played for an hour and a half, and refunded it. Then I realized that Yas Forums is stupid, the game is great, although a bit flawed and just pirated it.

One more thing: DE needs arcade mode, which was one thing Doom 2016 got very right.

Low iq

of course it is
Yas Forums lies about every major game release

Git gud

The game feels like it's balanced around nightmare
Glory kills, chainsaw, flame belch make sense when you're not annoyed to do them, you're glad to because you've found a moment to regain some resources and get a little respite in long intense battles

>The marauder you have to stand still and play footsies to make sure you're the correct distance away to trigger a specific AI action.
This isn't a bad thing, its different. Having enemies require different things is what adds depth and keeps enemies from feeling the same. I'm not sure in what reality you can have a problem with a mechanic that means putting yourself in a vulnerable spot to trigger an event that leads to you reacting to an attack that allows you to blast all your shit at an enemy as quick as possible.
When you understand the flow of a Marauder they're trivial, but still feel rewarding for beating them.

>zoom zoom defending objectively bad game-design

The game feels like going back to late 20xx, when devs thought FPS was stale and started adding retarded gimmicks to make it "fresh", but now they quadrupled down and made entire game out of gimmicks.

I played on UV so I don't know if 10 SSG hits is right for me? I think it took 8 or 9 sticky grenades (a direct hit with a sticky does about as much damage as a SSG blast), the timing is slow enough that your grenades will have started to refill. If you've got the 5 sticky upgrade it should work.

It's also worth noting that there's some sort of logic (at least on UV) with glory kills where a certain amount of sustained damage puts an enemy into an execution stagger even if it's not their full health.

If you Blood Punch a Cyber Mancubus and then drop 4 sticky grenades on him you will guaranteed get the stagger. If you get distracted and let him recover, it takes far more than 4 MORE sticky grenades to actually gib him. I don't know how this math works. So it may not just be the damage on the Marauder, it may be the fact that a long enough succession of grenades is a much greater amount of sustained damage over time since he can't recover and dance around for a while.

Yeah, id's game designers really should get better at their job.

>Doom2016fags are annoyed when they have to use their brain besides brainless shooting some easy as shit enemies

Steam numbers for it have been very good, tortanic fags will have to take yet another L

I think you can use it on super heavies once they've faltered. It's like a glory kill, but gives you ammo. Only unfaltering tier one demons can be directly one hitted by it though.

Imagine getting filtered by not tracking your ammo and fodder demons

That's exactly what I don't like about the game, though. I wouldn't say it's unique to Nightmare, either. It's a big part of UV and even HMP, they just aren't as punishing.

Are you actively trying to be retarded? Because it seems like you are. Both the SSG and ballista have a reload animation. You don't press R to reload or anything, but it is a reload. A short delay before you can fire again.

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There should be doom variation of this video.

Different, yes. But not things that go against entire gameplay. Its like having to solve a Layton puzzle in a game about blood and violence.

nightmare pisses me off because it makes me realize i’m tied to these shitty small demons to survive
like you can’t even chainsaw big guys when staggered, like fuck off

>This isn't a bad thing, its different.
It's not the change of pace that bothers me, it's the fact that what the Marauder demands is contrary to what the other enemies that are 100% always spawned and cannot ever be cleared out entirely due to the game's spawn logic demand.

I'll stand and go toe to toe with a rival-style enemy, focus on my timing and dodging and not just leap around like a lunatic. But it's kinda bullshit to put that enemy down and then also have him spawn Imps that will pepper me with shots and knock me off my careful aim/positioning BECAUSE I'm not just leaping around like a lunatic.

Fighting Vergil is very different from fighting a room full of enemies in Devil May Cry, and that change of pace is fine, but the game never puts you against Vergil in a room full of enemies.

>Are you actively trying to be retarded? Because it seems like you are. Both the SSG and ballista have a reload animation. You don't press R to reload or anything, but it is a reload. A short delay before you can fire again.

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no one is saying it's too hard, it's not fun. you're essentially playing one of those baby's toys where you have to put the shape in the right hole instead of just shooting at things well.

Alright, so you are just retarded. Good to know. Carry on autismo.

I would say "filtered" but I have yet to encounter the fucker.

Imagine if you had to fight vergil 10 times, and 9 of them were in roomfulls of trash

You're just playing with a controller and glory kills is the only way you're able to kill anything since you barely have to aim and then press instant kill button.
Plenty of good fps games recently, some good ones in preparation. Admit it you've never liked fps and are in just for the hype because omg look at doom slayer he kills demons and rip and tear and "heavy metal" and I'm so hardcore and stuff

>chaingun shield blocks everything in the game
>just unload on him while he charges fruitlessly

people only use the same shit and dont experiment at all

>player that doesn't understand the fundamentals of the game talking shit

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>This isn't a bad thing
It is. There is no variation, no strategy, you do the exact same thing every encounter, even killing a zombie can be fun, because you can do that in many ways, here you are forced to act in only one way.

>like you can’t even chainsaw big guys when staggered
Yeah that sounds like a reasonable change, make it cost 1 fuel when in glory kill mode

The genre devolved and now you like it.

That's basically Marauder, yeah.

And what's worse is the other two boss fights that follow a similar "boss logic" (trigger weak points, exploit behaviors, play carefully) are also guilty of the same thing.

I'm super glad the final boss was Icon, because at least that fight felt like the climax of the game I had played up until that point, with just shitloads of everything spawning everywhere and a huge arena to run around in.

You shoot the SSG. The shells come flying out, and Doomguy reloads the weapon. It is literally a reload animation. Again, why are you being so stupid? Have you not even played the game, and didn't see the animation? It's the same for the ballista how after you shoot it there's a short reload before it can fire again, again an animation. I'm sincerely confused why you're pretending to be this dumb.