Name one reason to use the AK-47 over this weapon that isn't "muh skill"
Name one reason to use the AK-47 over this weapon that isn't "muh skill"
if only you knew how to click on heads with an ak
Because its tradition, the SG is a straight upgrade over the AK and anyone without a room temperature IQ knows this
Costs $300 less, and if you're good enough the AK is equally as powerful as the SG.
I still like the SG more because I suck, but if you're tryharding the AK is better without a doubt.
OP said no "muh skill"
AK has more street cred.
headshot kill
>See Ass GO
shiggy diggy do
This gun needs a nerf so fucking bad. It's ridiculous. This shit is Counter Strike, not fucking Call of Duty
So does the sg. I think on all the maps combined there are like three total possible ranges that it wouldnt headshot from. plus they're maps no one ever plays
Faster peeks?
because ak cool
Giving the SG to CT is far worse than giving them an AK
ok something people seems to ignore is that the AK's second shot has almost no recoil unlike that gun op posted so this makes the AK better for tapping(not 1 tapping)
it also have an easier spray pattern but i don't spray so idc
Not being able to afford it
Otherwise its total bullshit
They both do. Sg even less considering scoping in reduces recoil by half making holding angles after planting or when trying get picks easier.
I was peer pressured into always buying an AK on T-side about ten years ago.
Reject modernity, return to tradition. I will ace your zoomie team with SGs and AUGs every single time with a AK.
Something something "one-tap"
AK has soul
AWP ruins this game. Needs a team limit on it or making more expensive. Auto snipers cost more but they aren't insta kills without headshots like the AWP so you have a chance.
With source it was easy to find no AWP servers, not so much with GO
ak has better spray and you move faster.
>This gun needs a nerf so fucking bad.
fucking retard it's the same gun forever people now realized how good it is.
the sg is far better on ct side than it is t side so buying it over an ak is a risk, ak is $300 cheaper, ak has easier recoil compensation for the first bullets (pulling straight down instead of down and to the left like with the sg), faster movement speed
AK-47 is cheaper
go niggers cant memorise b-4-3
CSS no AWP/Auto servers were the ideal way to play counter strike.
Not strictly true, the SG is pinpoint accurate when scoped in, while the AK is not, meaning that in some circumstances you will miss an AK shot through no fault of your own when an SG553 shot would have hit. There aren't many cases where this will happen, and you're still not likely to miss anyway, but it's worth keeping in mind.
The SG unscoped is about as accurate as a scoped scout
Its pinpoint accurate no matter what
t. doesn't know how to use grenades effectively
I dont understand why they made the Gali so cheap. I get it's supposed to be cheaper than the FAMAS but at $1800 its insanely cheap.
still not worth to use, better to just save for ak armor and grenades for next round
recoil pattern is too hard for me
to be fair though i made no effort to learn it
but i know ak47 recoil and i fell comfortable with it
I'm not a faggot
With the accuracy changes, Galil is now better gun than M4A4. 3100 vs 1800. Big think huh
The spray is easier than ak, will take you 5min to learn
Name a gun that isn't better than the M4 at this point.
retard here
whats a bad about the M4 i never use it because its too expensive for me
Can't control the spread on the SG for shit, it goes fucking everywhere so if you get caught off guard say goodbye to the round. Scoping in also isn't always a good thing because it vastly reduces your FOV. It's also pretty ugly.
nothing besides not being able to one tap, I find the M4A4 to be vastly easier to use than the AK for burst firing
famas says hi
the spread is a straight line user
even unscoped its a direct upgrade to the ak
in real life the SG is a highly improved AK.
IDK about CS Gay though sorry.
see I've died so many times thanks to the late spread but with the AK it is at least somewhat predictable
The money, SG is fucking OP so it doesn't matter though
>has better first-shot accuracy
>has zoom
>easier spray pattern
better than the AK in every way
csgo has always been cawadoody
Gali is pretty good at close to mid ranges, only think it really lacks is AK's tapping ability. For a 900 less it's a steal.
How do improve visibility in-game
I want to play it again but remembered that i uninstalled because i couldnt see jackshit and kept dying because of that
Bump contrast.
Upping digital vibrance helps a bit
Its still shit though
CT will use it against you and they'll keep it instead of buying AWPs and you'll get fucked for the rest of the game.
fy_poolday with roll the dice was the best way to play counte rstrike
>here's your professional fps bro
oh the webm autist has arrived
I prefer to spray with the ak than the SG, desu.
Uhhhhhhh... Bizon and m249
name 1 reason why a anyone would still play this cheater infested trash-heap
>u-ur bad heh
playing cs since before you knew how to go to the toilet kiddo
but thats irrelevant when russian cheaters openly gloat about cheating and do blatant wh plays
5 games in a row had cheaters the last time I bothered with this
5 games in a fucking row
good job on ruining cs, you small dick virgins
Ur bad, heh
Because skill and balance. If you really need to use a noob gun, fuck off to R6 Siege.