Why did nu-Doom strip away all of his character? He had a face, voice, and personality. Turning him into a psychotic killing machine isn't "cool".
Why did nu-Doom strip away all of his character? He had a face, voice, and personality...
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The introduction of rpg mechanics into non-rpgs would naturally be followed by the "silent protagonist" trope seen in rpgs as well. This is what happens when normies touch your video games.
>Turning him into a psychotic killing machine isn't "cool".
He was literally stuck in hell killing demons for probably about 20+ years.
He's trying to find Daisy in Eternal. He keeps finding her, but she's always just out of reach.
I know this is a viral marketing thread but I'll bite.
He never actually had any character. He was a random space marine and there was a bit with a bunny; that was intentionally it.
They didn't even name him because they had a philosophy about epitomising gameplay or something.
Meanwhile, Eternal gives him an extensive backstory with like a novel worth of text logs, flashbacks, holograms, cutscenes with other characters, etc. There's even an entire level dedicated to story exposition with zero combat besides a boss fight.
Arguably it's too fucking much for the fucking doomguy of all characters.
Although to be fair, while I kind of hated the new story direction in 2016 and the beginning of this one, it comes together by the end and I kinda dig it now. He's still the original doom guy (they don't retcon anything from the original games; it's still vague), but between doom 64 and doom 2016 he's had a lifetime of mythology that parallels the irl legend in a neat way.
The real cringe is connecting him to that kike mc from wolfenstien
That was always the case though
>strip away all of his character?
he never had any
I dunno how to feel about him having voice lines. Even just "RIP AND TEAR" would have been fine but he has just a few more and it's just totally alien to me, again I have no idea how to feel
>He had a face, voice, and personality.
He had face. He had face only in Doom 3. Doom 3 is bad reboot. This nati-shilling is worse and worse every day.
No, we see in a flashback that he was already batshit before that. After Doom/II/64 he was full-on ranting about huge guts and ripping and tearing.
I actually like how they handled that.
Instead of just quoting the comic meme like we're supposed to still think it's cool, he's portrayed as legitimately fucking deranged.
Then he spends however many years battling demons and becomes no less crazy, but winds up battle-hardened and mute.
THEN he spends however long in hell. Could be decades, could be fucking centuries, who knows.
>He had face only in Doom 3.
His face is on the screen emoting for literally every second of gameplay in Doom 1/2, zoomer.
at this point you're just lying through your teeth and it just makes you look like a moron
>he was already batshit before that
The dude was a trained soldier sent to Mars and a Blazkowicz at that, he had severe anger management issues even BEFORE hellspawns started fucking up his reality and he had to fray a way through them to get back to Earth.
I see no issue with him having reverted back to being pure hatred and killing instincts.
is that what your e-celeb idol told you?
Presumably that's what got him through the original invasion. When we see him in a flashback in Eternal he's beaten them, there are no demons in sight, yet he's just kind of gibbering and ranting to himself. It's borderline sympathetic.
But that's contrasted with seeing him fully in his element through most of the game, and in-control wading through humans scurrying out of his way in cutscenes, so it adds up to some interesting depth for a character that's usually one-dimensional. I'm glad they got that rip and tear shit in without going kitsch.
i preferred his personality in q3
ah yes, the face of a well adjusted man
Looks like a any other Irish man to me mate.
New Doomguy is just lame. He's like Duke Nukem without self-awareness. Or Master Chief minus charisma and character. Fucking epic chosen one megawarrior of elite squadron of Sentinels (tm) that all demons quiver is fear from and all humans ejaculate instantly upon seeing. As if this gayness wasn't enough, in Eternal he gets his own gamer cave with purchasable 'badass' nerd shit that I'm sure Bethesda is probably going to peddle for real.
I don't mind it in the flashbacks since it's probably meant to show he had a bit of a mental break before becoming Slayer and focusing his hatred.
I liked when he shotgunned the hell priest
Silent protagonists are a good thing.
Sure was great that Corvo/Emily talked in Dishonored 2, it added so much, right? Fuck off.
>He's like Duke Nukem without self-awareness.
What the fuck are you talking about, you retard. It's completely self-aware. The whole reason they gave him this whole "locked in hell" backstory is because of Doom's IRL legacy that has blown out of proportion.
>that I'm sure Bethesda is probably going to peddle for real.
If only. I unironically want some of those album covers/posters in real life. Wonder if anyone's ripped the textures yet.
I expected it to be horrible, but since they were a in a flashback and a codex entry saying that for some reason doomguy no longer speaks it turned out ok
xxx_D00m_SLaYer_xxx's badassery is played completely straight. You're supposed to be impressed by him. At no point the game pokes fun at the lame tryhard nature of the character.
The monster toys are kinda slick and I'm usually not into that fucking bobblehead-like aesthetic. I won't buy any if they do become real because I don't collect figurines, but if someone gave me one I wouldn't mind shoving it in my ass
The only thing that I think went kinda too far in his "mancave" (they actually called it that) is the guitars. I can buy him reading demonology and gun magazines and making sweet frag videos, sure.
But there's also a skateboard and nunchucks to offset the guitars so it's not too bad.
>I'm glad they got that rip and tear shit in without going kitsch.
Same, I actually don't mind that much the lore they added because even though they were walking a fine thin line I think they did well and it was not an easy job to both pay tribute to the 90's games' legacies, the memes and try out something new at the same time.
I'm furious at how Valve handled alf Life's story with Alyx's ending on the other hand so I think it's important to give credit where it's due.
My only regret is that they've made him talk. It's not much and it's not horrible, but I would've preferred him going the Geralt way with some "hmmm" and furious grunts / body language like the way he was smashing things in 2016 while Hayden was trying to rein him in.
Still though, not a bad job overall. Let's hope they don't go any further into the "le epic badass maymay" now, because that's been established enough and could get tiresome real fucking quick.
> At no point the game pokes fun at the lame tryhard nature of the character.
Yeah, that wasn't the point.
You're just too dense to be critiquing narrative construction, bro.
>alf Life
>I'm glad they got that rip and tear shit in without going kitsch.
I feel the exact opposite, to me it feels extremely on the nose
>My only regret is that they've made him talk. It's not much and it's not horrible,
Kinda agreed, but the thing about doomguy is he's always been a silent nameless faceless protagonist, except that he DOES have a face, and there were novelisations and the RPGs that were semi- or fully-canon depending on the time, who was talking, or when the id guys changed their minds.
So, I mean... I don't like him speaking either, but my headcanon has always involved partitioning out the bits I don't like, so it also fits in a way that I ultimately don't mind, if that makes sense.
I liked it, nu-doomguy has more character to him and is not a purely blank slate that he was before.
>He had a face, voice, and personality.
what the fuck are you talking about? he had a face and that's it
the only hints at personality is the fact he punched his CO for ordering him to shoot at civvies, and that he loved a pet rabbit
>he had a face and that's it
don’t be so literal
Fucking kek, fucking saved, thanks user.
Same, I get where the devs came from with referencing the novels. Just not my cup of tea. Him having a face was always canon (though I loved it when he was just a faceless helmet as it enhanced this feeling of him being an emotionless brute) but I loved the Gordon Freeman approach where less is more and he let others do the talking.
They did a solid job on Eternal though, I'm glad overall though it's not perfect. Looking forward to the next iteration.
Speaking of the novels: how the hell were we supposed to figure out the password to his PC? I don't recall anything in the game hinting at what it could be. Were we just supposed to infer all of it from that book on his shelf?
I never said they were a bad thing you dumb autistic nigger incel.
>animeposter shares retarded opinion
>Same, I get where the devs came from with referencing the novels.
I like that they sidestepped that.
>even though they were walking a fine thin line I think they did well and it was not an easy job to both pay tribute to the 90's games' legacies, the memes and try out something new at the same time
It's all in there, nothing is stepped on or retconned or explicitly excluded. They had to invoke time travel to do it, but the new stuff doesn't fuck up the old stuff at all. Including the option of choosing to pretend the novels never existed.
They did a good job.
>non-anime poster proves that he has a double digit IQ
We're meant to ask our schoolyard chums!
This. I dont remember Doom Guy as the psychotic grinning berserker, I remember him as a bruised and downtrodden looking because I was a little kid and I sucked at those game.
Dude willingly stepped into a closing portal into hell just to hold the legions back. Considering how much of a killing machine he was before that point, I don't see where your fucking problem is with him turning into a murderbeast with potential decades or centuries in Hell. The motherfucker *scares* the demons on an existential level.
>Irish man
Not that I really like the space elf brotherhood bullshit but the time skip story period sounds like it'd be kinda sweet to visit. The gladiator stuff, another invasion on an alien world with titanic demons, becoming superhuman, and wading back into hell; it's like another whole main campaign we didn't get to play. Like a Doom64 2 or something.
Not that I want an official version of that (re: space elf bullshit), but it seems like a pretty cool resource for modders to dip into.
One of the few lines Doomguy has in Eternal is literally a reference to that dumb Doom comic. Doom's plot isn't meant to be taken seriously; this is a game where the player can do a kill straight out of the movie Predator (cyberzombie glory kill from behind right side) and the main character fist-bumped a toy version of himself in the previous game. Even if the characters in the story take these things seriously the game is generally a bit silly because the entire premise is a absurd.
>One of the few lines Doomguy has in Eternal is literally a reference to that dumb Doom comic
Funny you mention that since it could've been one of the funnier moments, but instead the flashback portrays Doomguy as a broken man with severe PTSD. So much for the silliness.
After seeing someone beating Doom 64 I can only assume Doomguy went up against the Mother Demon without the upgraded Unmaker. Yeah I can understand getting PTSD from it.
More seriously, it makes sense in context, the 'strong silent' Doom Slayer we know from Doom 2016 came to be after a long process of the Doom Guy fighting in the combat arenas, being trained, having camraderie with his Sentinel buddies. He's still fucking pissed at Hell and the Maykers but he's not a gibbering wreck like he was at the start.
As I recall Doom 64 said he had PTSD from the events of Doom 1-2 (not sure if TNT and Plutonia count) and recurring (and prophetic) nightmares about Mars. Dumb military doctors, what do they know?
he had an actual personality in nudoom communicated through the cutscenes
Wish the just made a quake game, because now Doom had lost its identity.
Doom, II and 64 are Doom games.
Doom 3 is action horror
2016 is painkiller/serious sam
2020 is quake
>2020 is quake
But user he had a face this time and he even went "RIP AND TEAR" during a flashback cutscene so all the retarded mongoloids could tell that it was the Doom Guy god fucking damn imagine how all around perfect the game would be without this garbage story
Quake meanwhile never had an identity.
Or if it did, it had multiple, and they were all generic as hell.
That's said, I'd be cool with a modern treatment/redemption of Quake 1.
Could actually work pretty well; these Doom reboots made a point of bringing back a few of the original ideas that were scrapped from the original Doom design doc... but originally it was Quake that tried to do that, and expand on it, only to drop everything even harder leaving a bunch of weird unfinished shit and mismatched themes behind.
Like new Doom adds all these progression elements and plot while having to be careful not to fuck up the action shooter core gameplay, but Quake could go balls-out with the original RPG ideas since literally nobody gives a fuck about Quake 1.
you dumb fucking moronic cunt
Oh thanks I forgot to do this with my last post;
You are an absolute retard.
The story was pretty neat, don't make me coof on you boomer
Only a zoomer whose only exposure is watching some streamer play a source port with a minimal UI would think he had no face in the originals.
We had a whole thread establishing why you're a moron before you dropped by. Thanks for visiting.
nu-doom gave doom slayer more character than the previous dooms.
in the 90s dooms, his face was just an emotion indicator.
you mean that weird Q3 voice?
what personality he had to begin with?
He's always had all those things though
Blazkowicz has always been a kike name fucktard
what is it
his voice in Q3 sounds kinda unfitting desu.