FFVII Remake

Now that our girl is confirmed to be the most popular FF7 girl in Japan, what's next for her?

Attached: The Cutest FFVII Remake character, Aeris.jpg (790x1078, 181.45K)

Survival route in part 2.

Attached: This Kills the Tifafag and Barry.jpg (322x640, 34.05K)


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The remake did Tifa dirty, but I'm not complaining; look how cute they made Aeris!

Attached: Queen Aerisuu.jpg (1125x1265, 242.71K)

How come this one is smaller than the last one

Look it's Remake Tifa


Her butt is so fucking perfect

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Attached: I love Aeris.jpg (898x523, 100.44K)

Let me help you out.

Attached: 1585033016805.jpg (1019x2025, 384.89K)

Thank you

Attached: Aeris is CUTEEE.jpg (512x267, 33.08K)

I'm more pissed that Squall and Terra are that low then Aerith or Tifa shit

good post

Attached: Yuna_sending.gif (500x326, 902.64K)

>what's next for her?

Maybe she'll live this time around. It would be kind of cool if you could actually pick which girl you end up with.

She will live on! even if it's just in on our hearts

Attached: Aeris is too cute.gif (500x250, 1.77M)

All Yuna posts are good posts

Attached: Yuna 89.png (1680x900, 1.85M)

Good Yuna
Bad Yuna

So, where is Barry? To copy-paste posts from previous thread:
21. Lock
22. Vincent
23. Edgar
24. Shantotto
25. Bartz
26. Laguna
27. Rikku
28. Ignis
29. Balthier
30. Faris
31. Agrias Oaks
32. Reno
33. Yuffie
34. Jecht
35. Riona
36. Ramza
37. Rydia (Adult)
38. Prompto
39. Galuf
40. Cecil
41. Shadow
42. Estinien
43. Kefka
44. Setzer
45. Garnet
46. Ardbert
47. Kuja
48. Hope
49. Sabin Rene Figaro
50. Red XIII

All XV I can spot on the poll characters:
> 13. Noctis
> 28. Ignis
> 38. Prompto
> 63. Ardyn
> 69. Luna
> 75. Aranea
> 91. Gladio
>140. Ravus
>148. Cindy

the poll had a thing for games too. howd xv do there

Funny image of Aeris!

Attached: Aeris 'this is fine'.jpg (444x674, 66.43K)

In this remake, her name is Aerith. In this remake specifically, there is no point in human history where her name was Aeris. Even if you hold onto Aeris from the PS1 version of Final Fantasy VII, you are in correct to call her such when refering to this specific version of the character from this new iteration of the game.
As it's a completely new version of the game, you must refer to this version of Aerith as Aerith and not Aeris. Because in this version of the game, she is not called Aeris anywhere. She is called Aerith. Since it's a new version that is different, it's a totally separate canon and as such she may as well be a new character who, in fact, is only called Aerith. You will refer to her as Aerith and Aerith only.
If you don't, spiders will lay eggs in the tip of your cock while you sleep. If you call my bluff, they will hatch before morning and work their way down into your testicles and perform all kinds of horrifying acts.
You do not want this.
You never want this.
Her name is Aerith and I while I don't hate you outright, I want to express to you and the most long and drawn out way humanely possible in this one singular post that I don't much care for you for calling her Aeris.

Her name is Aeris.

Attached: Aerisu concern.jpg (480x479, 16.68K)

>Now that our girl is confirmed to be the most popular FF7 girl in Japan, what's next for her?
why getting impaled by a giant sword of course.

It won 10th place.
1. X
2. VII
3. VI
4. IX
5. XIV
6. V
8. IV
9. XI
10. XV

Attached: Yuna 86.png (1200x900, 1.19M)

What are the chances of her actually living? Storywise her death is important, but for some reason I believe she has a chance of living. I say around 30%.

Attached: Aerisuuuuuu.png (692x798, 493.74K)

>My boy Emet beat out Sephiroth
>Haurchefant made the top 20 at all


Attached: Lyn.gif (500x500, 199.92K)

Tifa is better

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>So, where is Barry?
He is having damage control on another thread by seething at Emet fags and them making fun of him in return.

I don't believe you, Japan hates used goods

Do Tifafags actually like Tifa or do they just pair her with their self insert?

Attached: Aeris casts cure on the Tifafags.jpg (1200x675, 146.54K)

It's the truth! this is also the largest Japanese poll with ~500k

Attached: Aeris the queen.jpg (1620x800, 62.67K)

No. Her name is Aerith.
Her name is supposed to sound phonetically close to the English pronunciation of Earth to evoke her connection to the planet.
The Japanese language replaces "Th" sounds with "Su" sounds because they lack "Th" in their language.
Aeris was literally a poor translation.

The spiders are mobilizing.

Well, Cloud is the most popular FF character and he is the biggest used good.

Attached: 1 twink walks into the honey bee...jpg (1000x693, 55.2K)

Wedding Yuna is best of all Yuna's

>Do Tifafags actually like Tifa or do they just pair her with their self insert?

...How did you know I ship Tifa with Corneo?

Aeris is just the better name

Aerisu! Aerisu! Aerisu!
Aeri** is a mistranslation.

Attached: Aeris wholesome cute mommy.png (1280x1612, 3.88M)

>Vivi and Zidane that high
Surprisingly good taste for Japan

>that file name
Fuck you user my sides

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She lives.

Attached: Aeris gif.gif (660x374, 3.74M)

That's actually a solid top 10.
How big of a pool are we talking, thousands of votes or hundreds?


I think I'm in love!

Attached: Aeristhecute.jpg (903x1732, 480.3K)

Over 468k voters. It's the biggest official Nip poll as such.

>So, where is Barry?
Emetfags are making fun of him in another thread.

damn she stronk

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Of course she is!


Attached: Aerisu and japCloud.jpg (2230x1231, 149.52K)

I love Tifa, but Remake Tifa is not the Tifa I grew to care about. I'll always love her more than Aerith but it's very clear that for the Remake, Aerith has had an amazing overhaul while Tifa was basically ruined.

Attached: ff7-tifa-portrait.jpg (1100x1000, 134.79K)

Cute, but I wish her lips were slightly wider. Just slightly so it doesn't look too weird when she animates.

Honestly, there's just something off about NuTifa's jawline and mouth. It always looks like it's squished together too much.

Completely agree. I feel bad for the few sane Tifafags, they didn't deserve their character to be ruined, even if they could be unbearing at times.

Attached: queen Aerisu.jpg (1920x1080, 850.75K)


Sometimes I just love filenames you fags give. I really do.

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This. Of all the character designs Nomura chose to go back to he went for fucking Advent Children. That shit that either no one wanted or people completely forgot about years ago.

Don't cry too much Tifafags, we still have Aeris!

Attached: Queen Aerisu mogging Tifa.jpg (1920x1080, 709.62K)


Top 3!

Attached: Aeris wins.png (1267x702, 949.63K)

They deserve it. Zidan was getting cucked in polls for far too long. He deserved being in top 10 for once in his life.