Half Life Alyx Confirmed as a Flop


>Most anticipated sequel of all time can't even outperform Doom Eternal, a shitty cash in sequel by Bethesda
>Even a year old port of a console franchise is doing better than it
>And combine this with the fact that everyone has to stay in because of Corona


How will Half-Life fanboys spin this? It's literal proof VR is a meme and would people rather play REAL games.

UPDATE: Monster Hunter World is at 89,605 concurrent players and Alyx had dropped down to 7,502 players. Oof. Really says something that a game Steamies said they'd boycott (Borderlands 3), has more concurrent players at 32,866.

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Dunno man, sounds pretty good for a VR game

You can dislike things without them being a flop you know.

Many terrible things have been wildly successful (I'm not saying Alyx is terrible, haven't played it).

tor really did a number on this place

Dude people are still going to buy it regardless xD but of course it isn't as good as the previous half life games

It just revealed that Yas Forums really hates video games.

As if gaben gives a fuck, he only made that thing to sell headsets.

Oh, shit, I guess VR is the future, after all.
Thanks for sharing those outstanding numbers, OP!

43 million dollars in VR headset users online concurrently when VR is considered by most to be a complete meme, nevermind it being a failure, in the near future it's likely it will be considered the gate to the new gen of gaming. I don't like half life OR VR, and even I can see that.

those are actually pretty impressive numbers for a game with a $600+ admission fee

That's really good for a vr game holy fuck. Was not expecting that at all.

I haven't seen an actually popular single player game drop this hard ever (RE2 remake, Sekiro, etc). I love the steamie cope, though

Attached: alyx players.jpg (1255x511, 128.99K)

surely everyone with a vr headset would buy it?

its 9 am, sweetie

>please select the chimneys to post

Attached: winky face.jpg (1920x1080, 586.71K)

You seem to be of opinion that Alyx is like every other single player game, which it is not

It's a VR game you fuck. Obviously it's going to have less numbers. 43k is still VERY good for a VR game and probably a world record for consecutive players for a VR game. Use your fucking head before posting this shit, even if you are trolling.

>for a VR game

Epic shills please stop reposting the same thread over and over

>Enjoyed the days of ToRtanic
>Was fun while it lasted
>ToR actually got back on its feet and became a profitable game
>Yas Forums still can't get over it
>Every new release has to be a flop of some kind now
Fucking hell.

>a shitty cash in sequel by Bethesda
Except it isn't. 9/10 and a higher metascore than Animal Crossing. :)
Also this. Had it been a regular game without required vr it'd definitely have more users than Doom Eternal and probably just as many as Iceborne.

Literally everyone is in quarantine right now, this should perform better than a regular weekend

>went to play it
>enjoyed some of it
>held back by shit animations
it was meh and i dropped it later than most mmo's

>VR is doing this good
>all the first worlders are asleep right now
I’ve never seen such a hard fucking cope on this board, love seeing all the poor rural monkeys seething

>steamie cope
>all the games you compare it to are on steam
seems like steam and valve win either way?

>its 9 am, sweetie

Attached: mhw steam.jpg (1518x599, 204.54K)

Stop looking at regular games and show me VR stats faggot

safi siege just came out in monster hunter so every has to keep doing that
monster hunter has also been performing this well for like two years at this point, it's not a fair comparison

It's 2am in california you fucking faggot ill play more tomorrow

So you can't compare VR meme games to REAL games, huh?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Almost 6 PM in Japan.

>Spinoff to a game series that hasn't had an entry for 15 years which is exclusive to hardware that only the most obese pcf*ts own
>Just 8000 shy of a brand new highly anticipated, highly reviewed Doom sequel


People with money are either working or sleeping now dumb kid

No shit dude. You need expensive hardware for vr games that most werent willing to shill out for a single triple A game. Your bait is awful.

>already moving the goalposts this much
Sheer desperation

>>Just 8000 shy of a brand new highly anticipated, highly reviewed Doom sequel

Keep dreaming

Attached: eternal doom soundtrack.jpg (1512x268, 75.76K)

VR is still a system in its infancy and is extremely expensive to get into in a first place, of course its gonna be much more niche, use your brain for once TORtanic fag

How? I'm just emphasizing what said.

I had to take a 6 year hiatus from this board because of TOR. I had fun with the ban memes but also greatly enjoyed playing the game with a couple buddies. This place just destroyed any chance the game had at being successful after its shitty launch. I strictly only come here for specific game discussions now every other month and decided to see what everyone thought about the new Half Life since it's been fucking 13 years. I should have known.

Pretending like HL is some niche forgotten series to justify the underwhelming numbers is the biggest cope.

just a bait thread, the fcat that the numbers are this close when Alyx is exclusive to VR (which like 5% of the Steam community has access to) is a miracle, I thought it would flop harder than that.

Overall Valve must be pretty happy with themselves right now.

>This place just destroyed any chance the game had at being successful after its shitty launch
Imagine thinking that Yas Forums killed a giant MMO, and not the developers and their endless incompetence.

Yeah and those numbers were taken at the same time right? Again, this is launching right after both Doom and Animal Crossing came out. That's drawing a lot of players away from it.

oh no no nonono no
a game requiring a $1000 accessory that is sold out and backordered for 6 months has capped players
oh no no

Only mentally ill trannies play Animal Crossing. How many of those would realistically play HL Alyx? Honestly. Doom Eternal is its only competition and its all time peak of 84K easily beats Alyx's 42k

I actually only cancelled my sub last month. The pvp was fun

>It's yet another "epic shills acting like complete retards and everyone calls them out on it" episode

>Pretending like HL is some niche forgotten series
It literally is. Zoomers don't know what Half Life is, episode 3's script was leaked and was basically cancelled years ago when Valve said they didn't want to deal with mounting expectations. Hype and recognition have been dying down ever since then. Just look at the trailer for Alyx on Youtube, only 10 million views. Doom Eternal's E3 trailer got more than that.
>Only mentally ill trannies play Animal Crossing. How many of those would realistically play HL Alyx?
Mentally ill trannies make up 1/4th of Steam's userbase. In fact, I've seen more PCfags talking about playing Animal Crossing than Doom Eternal.

Anyone else feel this is neither a good Half-Life nor a good VR game? It's so fucking soulless, is dialogue and music bad on purpose?

>a minor percentage of population makes up 1/4th of the whole steam
what the fuck kind of hyperbole is this?

>fucking soulless

you're just too poor to afford a VR headset

>WuFlu hits China hard
>Whole country quarantined
>EGS threads suddenly disappear overnight
Really activates your almonds

I'm honestly tempted to contact whatever agency Epic uses to shill.
It's crystal clear they're not winning, so what harm is there in making a little money from their inevitable loss?


sorry you're missing out on such a fantastically polished and fun game, im sure they'll port it to non vr eventually



You're too poor to afford a brain.

Attached: asdf.png (1386x477, 625.21K)

>50k x 60 dollars good
>42k x 1000 dollars bad
Retard OP.

Smooth locomotion has been tacked on so hard it hurts
>you can climb a ladder manually
>but you have to teleport down lol
not to mention all those crawl spaces and windows you just got to teleport through. Guns are also stuck to your dominant hand and dominant hand only. Fuck this game would be impressive in 2016-2018. Now it's Arizona Sunshine 2. Fuck Valve.

>something like 1% rate of people who have vr
putting data in actual context is not an excuse, it's what non retarded people do

It’s flopping because no one wants to play vr, it’s a gimmicky platform and people who would buy it for a Half Life game won’t because that’d be the only game that they play it on.

Just give us a proper medium release of Half Life 3 valve

People are still working, you degenerate neet faggot.

>6 hours to finished this $1000 game

Attached: 342552.jpg (800x1033, 102.17K)

where are you even getting the idea he's finished?
why is Yas Forums so shit, i have no where else to go

He wouldn't come to shitpost to Yas Forums(nel) if he hasn't finished the game.
He need to finished it first, which is only took 6 hours

I know this is a faggy bait thread and I pray you eventually become a suicide statistic but like, man, for a VR game which 1% of the Steam demographic has 42k really isn't that bad.

So you're just projecting?
Also are you ESL or just tired?

>Most anticipated sequel of all time
There wasn't that much hype for Half-Life Alyx.

reminder that hl:a had over 300k people watching on twitch. im still baffled how much you shills want valve to fail.

also monhunt is grindy repetitive garbage where you do the exact same shit over and over just to make shitty gear that makes it easier to do the same shit over and over again . fucking autists.

it's a vr game

if you choose to ignore that fact just to shitpost then you are just another retard on the pile

>6pm in japan
>where the game is most popular

really makes you think.

Im thinking logically with my high functioning ESL brain.
Imagine being a native english he buy a 20000 tons of toilet paper to survive instead of food lol. Just wash your ass with water. Its cleaner that way lol.

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