Weren't Steamies bragging about SNK turning down the Epic deal a few months ago?
Steamies lose again.
Weren't Steamies bragging about SNK turning down the Epic deal a few months ago?
Steamies lose again.
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It's 'Steambeciles' you fool
Stadia bros...we lost another one.
>epicucks at it again
lmao, keep trying bugmen
>35% vs 12%
>epic pays for exclusivity
>fans will buy it anyway
it's a no-brainer, really
>fans will wait for steam releases
>they get their epic bucks, but forced to sell for half the price on steam and pay the 30%
hope it's worth it
That's OK, it will flop and the next king of fighters will be on steam (or best case scenario SNK will make their own launcher)
>>fans will buy it anyway
Reminder there are Steam users pretending to be samsho fans and saying they won't buy it. I understand avoiding Stadia, because it's basically not the real game - but avoiding the Epic release is just showing Steam drone bias.
Like this retard
>shitty fighting game
*yawn* you can keep it
I have a lot of games to play. I'll wait. But if it comes out on Steam/GOG in half a year, I can as well wait for the price to drop to 50%.
Not paying the full price for a game, that isn't even new.
Do not fucking shitpost about actual problem, non-gaming faggot. This shit right here than SNK is doing is ruining the chances for a community on PC at all. You are a piece of shit. I'm pretty much force to buy the game on PS4 now if I want to play with people because the game player base will be dead on PC.
>fans will buy it anyway
>but avoiding the Epic release is just showing Steam drone bias.
Actual fighting games fan are angry actually. You aren't a fighting game player. You don't know shit.
They really want this game to die as fast as it can aren't they?
>Fighting games on PC
it will be dead on all platform anyways because the netcode is extremely bad but thats a different issue.
>fighting games on ps4
Yeh I see what you mean. It's seriously infuriating that they did a roll back on the EGS shitshow and decided to delay the real PC version again. SNK are full of shit, they need to go bankrupt so a good company take their IPs at this point.
Even Valle is against it, and he's usually very positive about things.
That's because he knows it will kill the playerbase on PC. It's not good for the game itself. Unless you're a pile of shit you will be angry at SNK killing the game chance on PC.
like anyone was going to play it anyway
only like 10 people care about Samurai Slowdown
Go play your combo games agon and leave us fans of good games alone.
Its an absolute bullshit move to first brag about denying the deal and then actually taking it.
its clear that they dont actually care about players, they prefer exclusive company welfare.
Hope that runs out soon. Stadia is already on its way out.
We're at the point where every fighting game dev manages to release their games on all systems in a timely manner. Even ASW and French Bread only take like 1-2 months now.
Yet here we have SNK this absolute veteran in the genre and they shit the bed in every regard. Heavily delayed port, ugly exclusivity deals, bad netplay, no crossplay, very weak features in general.
They already went bankrupt two times its absolutely possible it will happen again with how they mismanage their games in the worst way possible.
True it looks like shit and got self-censored by making the girls look older.
>SNK wastes time and money making a launcher for their games which never sell well
Sounds par for the course
SNK is controlled by China, of course they'll go to the Tencent owned platform
>Actual fighting games fan are angry actually.
*Steam users pretending to be fighting game fans
See Get the fuck out of Yas Forums.
yeah you're right EVO top8 players that run huge local scenes and tournaments for the game are not real fighting game fans.
you only get the of version to have less laggy netplay but the netplay is garbage, so there's no reason to double dip
I mean they hold it hostage as the last port then takes an exclusivity deal? They just don't want the PC audience obviously.
Truth, steam config is useful as hell for setting up buttons on sticks with weird layouts too.
joy2key is outdated and has no per game options that just work on boot.
>Truth, steam config is useful as hell for setting up buttons on sticks with weird layouts too.
This works on non Steam games, cope
Not lookin good bros. I just picked samsho back up but it looks like I'm going back to 2k2 and jojos.
Show your Arcana Heart 3 kickstarter pledge, "fighting game fan".
Yeah and you know what else works is not buying that shit.
This game is gonna be more dead than Flex's "lobby" mode. I'll just get a ps4
Preorders should be up soon.
Same old story.
Pay a shitload of streamers to play it, then after people play it for a week its fucking deadier than shit and the cycle will continue.
>releasing a fighting game on PC
>releasing a fighting game on Epic Game Store
I can't wait to hear gooks crying over poor sales
Can I ask why anyone has a problem with it being exclusive to Epic over Steam? It's on PC hardware now so I don't see the issue.
i have the switch version but don't have switch online, i was hoping for a pc version with online and good functioning controller support
that went out the window
it's not that i'm angry that it's egs, it's the fact that they did this after so much ~radio silence~, saying a pc version was coming last year and telling us with such bravado that "they rejected an exclusivity deal [with epic] for pc", then turn around and pull this stunt and act like it's something to be celebrated, which means they didn't actually have a plan for pc until later
because if they did have a plan for egs it would have been out months ago like the stadia version even, so don't bullshit me that they "originally had plans, just not for exclusive"
i mean, are you trying to tell me they had "plans" but the stadia version just happened to come out first?
then what was the deal with stadia because it certainly wasn't "exclusive" to anything unless it retroactively set back some hypothetical egs deal prior to the stadia version's release, which just sounds like bullshit an snkuck would come up with to defend this action
this isn't even just about egs, it's a total flaky gesture that shows lack of committal, lack of planning, and lack of trustworthiness and who knows how far you can toss your credibility out of boundary before someone says that you're just too dubious and unreliable to take seriously
at least i know this is the last year samsho will be at evo, because god knows it's not gonna have much of a supporting playerbase especially after this
And the one reason to prefer Steam for fighting games (steam controller config) works on non Steam games like Epic store games.
Can I ask why you console gamers keep asking this question?
It's a rather puzzling decision considering how many SNK games are already on Steam.
Can you word that better user because I have no fucking idea what you're saying here.
First time I've asked it, if it's a regular question then you should know the answer.
How are the fatailities? As good as
he probably meant to say that the steam controller config allows a way wider array of controllers to be used compared to egs, but his bad grammar got the better of him and caused him to miss some words
Who cares about samsho? I'm waiting for this.
there are no fatalities, just the occasional bodies sliced in half if you knock them out in the last round with a strong attack or blood spraying heavily from their bodies as they crumple and fall down
The answer is you're a console gamer, so you couldn't understand.
the fuck is this nerd movie game shit
There was zero fucking chance that releasing it on steam would have even matched the million epic gives out for exclusivity. The game would be lucky to have 1k on day 1 on steam. With how long they delayed the PC version it was doomed either way
Because Epic is a garbage platform that holds games hostage, that's all. It's the same reason why people would object to the game getting a release on say, Origin or Uplay exclusively, instead of being released on real platforms like Steam or GoG
> movie game
>The answer is you're a console gamer, so you couldn't understand.
You don't have an answer do you. Smells like the complaints are from Steamdrones similar to Ninten drones
sorry, i forgot to not use the word "game" in this context
>just showing Steam drone bias.
It's more a dislike for EGS than any particular bias toward Steam.
the fuck is this nerd movie game shit
That seems to be an issue with Epic being relatively new. It's something that consumers can pressure Epic to remedy.
it's steamdrone bias, bro
Garbage as in what? All I hear is "Me no likie" when it comes to store front. I would agree if it was social media platforms but this isn't the case here. There's nothing stopping you from having the same experience playing when playing the game as it's being run natively on your PC hardware.
Is that a spiritual successor to the original Syndicate?
Can someone please explain the joke behind “Steamie”? It seems like it’s literally just “person that uses Steam”; there’s no pun or double meaning at all.
that EGS/SNK fanboy is clearly not smart.
Dude fans hate what they did just check any community
it's to get (you)s from valve fanboys
either crossplay or rollback netcode or fuck off
Just waiting for the Steam port.
It's just Sony fanboy who want PC gaming destroyed so they attack Steam, which is the only thing left to pc gaming.
What console do you use? Imagine if that console had it's features cut by 3/4. That's what Epic is. It took them several months to have a working store and cloud saves.
Well mostly because epic threat customers like shit
Eh, I was hoping to get it and play some more matches since the game is also dead on the PS4. Fuck, a game as fun as this doesn't deserve to be dead
But what does Steam and Valve have to do with this? GOG and Origin aren’t getting the game either, but people specifically drag Steam into the argument as if they’re the only people who’re aren’t getting the game.