Videogames are dead

Videogames are dead.
I don't know how long for, but it was definitely this generation the medium kicked the bucket.

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so what

I still play videogames so they arent dead
shit thread OP

>I don't know how long for, but it was definitely this generation the medium kicked the bucket.
Since 2007-2010. There is people who has good point on why they died before that but by when gen 7 kicked it became the point of no return.

Fucking finally

thats what im saying its not immediately obvious it wasnt immediately obvious until this generation because its post-mortem now

Wow, so edgy and contrarian, you guys sure are super interesting!

You just got old user.

No, go play Nintendo games, retard.

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t. edgy and contrarian trying to look interesting

You fags have been saying this for the last 6 generations.

I'm not saying you are angry, I'm saying you are pathetic. There is a difference between the two.

>Videogames are dead.
Dead Cells says you're wrong.

I'm so bad

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Based LOONAchads

Yeah, the soul was lost long ago. They’re just called video games still but they’re just interactive movies. Entire next generation is based on visuals.

Not really, no. Games are finally starting to get good again after the dark ages of gen 7 30fps brown and bloom ultra hand holdy cover shooters.
It was those times when video games were dead. They are resurrecting.
Now if only server browsers and dedicated servers would make a comeback, I would say we were almost back to 2005 leves and we could maybe finally advance instead of going backwards, like we have been ever since the xbox360 released.

I started realizing around 2007 or so that most new releases were crap and I began looking for more games from 2004 and earlier. Seems like the problem is that tech was already advanced enough to not limit gameplay anymore so they just focused more on graphics, cutscenes, microtransactions, etc.

They died at the hand of normal fags who would rather watch movies and who care more about muh social points then making anything fun or enjoyable

Videogames didn't die. The quality of your life did

>and who care more about muh social points then making anything fun or enjoyable
Oh the fucking irony...

some of the best games of all time are from 2006.
I don't think it's reasonable to argue video games died before that. But yeah it was the last breath of fresh air before the plunge in full-on corporate mediocrity.

Ooh sorry man, my bad, didn't know it.
Gonna stop enjoying them right now if you say so.

It only feels that way because EPIC bought a years worth of exclusives that nobody played.

There were plenty of good games released recently. You were too busy shitposting to play them.

It's mostly because of insufferable unstable cunts attaching themselves to male spaces to get validation and attention

I know one of these IRL, she's one of these vegan memer NPC's and self-describes as a "gamer girl" unironically but doesn't know fuck about vidya

Breath of the wild might as well have been developed by ubisoft. Totally soulless.

>Implying this board has been around since six generations

>She smokes
ahhhh hell yeah

maybe if you're a casual dudebro with shit taste.

It's euro hours so the commies are awake, but Games started going downhill when they became easy to make.

So easy that it didn't require any creative workarounds or pioneering technology but just copy paste from a code base. At this point it was able to be infiltrates by the Marxists who saw video games not as entertainment but another tool to be used to spread their political ideology.

It's a specific trait of leftists to be incapable of leaving politics out of everything they do, because to them politics are connected with everything a person does.

Now we have blizzard, one of the greatest developers ever, pushing out hot garbage thanks to the dyed haired Marxists

Before gen 7 fucked up everything in the long it also had, and allowed, some of the best games ever made to happen. Everything that ends up being a problem doesn't start as one.

Grand strategy, rts and other PC only genres are still the best and companies are making great games. Crusader Kings 3 is coming out soon. You can miss me with these gay cinematic open world copy paste games being released. Games are shallow as fuck and just push "rpg mechanics" into games for the illusion of depth. I'm thinking PC is still on a hot streak. Just stop playing consolebabby games and you will find gaming is still enjoyable.

waiting for the video game equivalent of... a recession? A creative one, i guess.

Kind of a stagnant market over all but i think the normies will get tired of it eventually, too.

Not that there arent good games, some are still alright, they just have those annoying derivative touches to them, things like redundant crafting mechanics and cover based shooting.

I have no idea how to explain how i feel about this i just know i vibe with you, OP... I want video games to be weird again, lol.

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>Kind of a stagnant market over all but i think the normies will get tired of it eventually, too.
They will, it just takes them a little longer because they don't have as much experience yet.

Why is that qt smoking

>Fucking finally

>Nioh 2
>Ori 2
>Animal Crossing
>Half Life Alyx
>Doom Eternal
>RE3, Trials of Mana, and FF7 remakes around the corner
If none of these appeal to you then you just have terminal shit taste

>all rehashes

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To a certain extent.

>Battle Passes, Chests, DLC, Login Bonuses (even for SP stuff) and all the other psychogolical tricks are terrible
>The shooter BR games are pretty terrible
>Devs lying about everything (see the outer worlds, star citizen, no mans sky etc.)

On the other hand you actually got a few gems that wouldn't have been possible 10-15 years ago. Such as Darkest Dungeon, Pathfinder, several japanese games/rpgs coming to the west, new turn based strategy&citiy building&sim games.

Its not all DOOM&GLOOM. You just have to look pretty hard.

2007-10 OP.
Movie Industry
Comicbook Industry
Game Industry
all decided to start employing Tumblr artists and writers whose artistic background is Harry Potter, Twilight, Gender Studies, and Tumblr/DA fanfiction.
The logical outcome is entertainment turning mentally bankrupt and creatively castrated.

Such is the result you get from employing SJWs.
Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, New Warriors, death of GI Joe, Captain Marvel comics being rebooted 60 times despite not selling anything because they are desperate to force SJWism instead of making money with good writing (in the 60 times SJWs vomited their Gender Studies take on Captain Marvel, you could have employed oldschool writers and artists to create something akin to the Lord of the Rings of comics in quality and scope).
Shit's fucked everywhere.

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Things have been getting better since like 2017-ish. This year in particular has dozens of great games lined up. That more than any year in over a decade.

Pretty much. There were still some good games in the 7th gen. 8th gen is just 7th repackaged, but worse somehow and more expensive.

I also think we took the AA publishers like Midway and old THQ for granted. They still made actual games.

7th gen started out OK, but the late 7th gen was GARBAGE.

Idiots and fools

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Depends on where you look, while a lot of the later part was questionable there were still some good stuff to be found. Now that its money-squeezing period is over goty editions are worth getting.

You are free to argue how a difference doesn't exist between a generation of writers and artists who grew in libraries reading great classics and engaging in all the greatest art of Humanity as their artistic background, and the new generation of artists and writers whose day is spent on Twitter/Tumblr/Blogs while their background is Gender Studies, Harry Potter, Twilight, and mentally bankrupt fanfiction novels.
Problem is you can't make any argument without looking mentally retarded and out of touch with generational differences affecting results, therefore you can only post one sentence low IQ replies.

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no, it's you.

in 2008 the economy crashed because of the jews importing third world retards and giving them tons of free money

then the jews printed themselves tons of money and bought everything

it's not a few wild marxists organically taking over things, they were installed where they by the people at the absolute top to do this on purpose

now they're doing it again on a much larger scale
it's literally quantitative easing infinity

fuck art dying
WE are all going to die if we don't instigate total chaos and kill every jew down to the last child

We must go to war

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>calls others "out of touch"
>with a SIMPSONS meme

I have never seen a more ironic post nor a more total lack of self-awareness.

it's not 'normies' that are the problem on the consumer side

its niggers, spics and other racial trash
they have literally no standards because they have no soul or intelligence
they will consume ANYTHING and love every minute of it

that's part of the reason they're being imported by the jew is such huge numbers, they can help them maintain the illusion of a healthy economy by consuming and pumping numbers while the jews churn out insane brainwashing propaganda


>in 2008 the economy crashed

The HOUSING MARKET crashed. That's not even remotely the same thing. The 3rd quarter 2008 (then quarter when the stock market had that 777 point drop day) was overall a GROWTH quarter both year-over-year AND in comparison to the previous quarter.

It was fear mongering then. And it's fear mongering now.

Don't believe the hype.

It’s relevant you god damn newfag

>arguing about videogames
>unironically thinking they are one of the great arts
So that’s your problem, you’re a pretentious blowhard that doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about and is probably no older than 25

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I guess reading comprehension is not one of your strong points, rather your weakest.

>Videogames are dead
What metric did you use to determine that?

he's a consolefag

Well, my condolences to him if it's the case, but it still doesn't answer my question.

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he made points
you didn't
either have an argument or fuck off.
all the -gates have done the groundwork for his position.

fr bruh, this is finna be the first videogame collapse in history

lol gr8 b8 m8

Nah, it's just gamers that are dead.

personally, the death of the last true handheld system (3DS) worries me a little -- but i guess it's because of phones

What an incredibly timely meme you yourself had available, user. Very up-to-date of you.