I've never played this series. Is it any good? Am I missing out? What are some good games of this genre?
I've never played this series. Is it any good? Am I missing out? What are some good games of this genre?
It's ok I enjoyed the couch co op but it's no loss to skip it, pretty standard cover shooter with a hammy but pleasant story
They're great. Some of the best hit feedback in tps thanks to the heavy sound effects, blood spurts and gibs. Look at the layers of cover as platforms and the snap to cover mechanic as bionic commando platforming. There might be other cover shooters but none of them captured the fluidity of going cover-to-cover like gears did, just usually copied the chest high walls quota. 1-Judgment are all worth playing. 4 is really where you'd want to go if you want to try the multiplayer today.
First 3 were good
What the fuck are you 12? Who hasn't played gears?
slightly better than current year movie games but not by much
multiplayer was mediocre
>Who hasn't played gears?
games are more time heavy than movies etc. and have a poorer defined canon as well as platform restrictions and less ability to revisit old pieces
you are delusional if you think any game other than Tetris has been played by north of fifty percent of Yas Forums let alone a super majority
Why would I be 12?
If you're looking for a more arcadey variant where the storied experience takes more of a backseat then play Judgment. Has levels that last 5-10 minutes each with dynamically spawning encounters, judges your performance on a 3-star scale. 6 chapters about an hour each.
Play 1-3. Maaaybe 4 if you still want more. Avoid 5 and Judgement.
Gears was the first truly "next gen" game of the 7th gen. The graphical jump was huge. So anyone that was at least 10 years old in 2005 should have played it by now. People that haven't played it were definitely born post 2000
What's with everyone's prejudice against judgment? Fuck off.
It was big in 2006 but now it suffers from being old and many games taking from its mechanics. Still good coop games though, horde in 2 was very fun, it has splitscreen. Good party games really.
I thought Judgement's campaign was fun, but it felt like a big Gears of War 3 expansion which was kind of underwhelming.
Missing out? Probably not. It's alright though and tactical reload is unironically a great mechanic I can't believe hasn't been copied more.
Anyone else hyped for X-Com: Gears Edition?
Is there any hope at all for there ever being gears of war 2 on pc. That's one thing I'll always want.
2 > 3 > 5 > Judgement > 1 > 4
What if they didn't own a 360?
1 > Judgment > 4 (MP) > 2 > 3 > 5
filthy third worlders need not apply
They CODified Gears with Judgement. Having a dedicated grenade button, swapping weapons with (Y), it made the game faster in a bad way. Overrun was a neat idea, but the game died awful fast. In comparison Gears 3 which is stil active almost 10 years later, meanwhile Judgement died in weeks.
not everyone born pre 2000 had a 360
>Gears was the first truly "next gen" game of the 7th gen
not everyone who had a 360 got it at the beginning of the gen
not everyone who had a 360 liked third person cinematic experiences
not everyone who did happened to buy Gears specifically
no shit idiot. but if you're on a website dedicated to video games it's not unreasonable to assume most posters have played one of the most popular games of the 7th gen that spawned a franchise that's still pumping out games and getting remastered to this day
Change bad, got it. It didn't go on to define the series so it's easy to look back at it now as an experiment. I legitimately enjoy being able to roadie run and switch weapons on the fly, or do cheesy shit like holding a boomshield with the gnasher. I'm not even on about the multiplayer, I understand that view entirely. Do I still find people to play overrun with? Surprisingly yeah.
Gears 3 today though is dead to everyone but mexicans, only TDM gets played and it's laggy as all fuck. Dedicated servers my ass.
it's a generic third person shooter and the 7th gen was absolutely full of them
I had PlayStation at that time
1 was pretty good, was the 360's first "killer" title
2 was also pretty good, added horde
then it gradually fell off into irrelevance
for some reason it's very popular with beaners
Gears is what started the trend and was endlessly copied because it was so good & successful.
not really, r6 vegas came out at the same time and had a much better cover system. plus it actually had working multiplayer
Play Gears 1-3, have a try at Judgement if you want, avoid Gears 4 and 5
I love Rainbow 6 just as much as the next guy, but it doesn't hold a candle to gears. Ask anyone on here what's the name of the protagonist from Rainbow 6 Vegas. Maybe 1/1000 would be able to say Logan. Ask who was the protagonist in Gears? I'd bet More than half the people on here could name the 4 main characters and Carmine and Jak
>muh story
what are you gay?
When are we getting 2 and 3 on PC? Been waiting ever since I finished 1.
Judgment is in my top 9, what you gonna do about it bitch.
It's largely only worth playing with a friend, and not just in the usual way, the game is designed to be a lot more fun when you can have one person doing one thing and another doing otherwise.
rainbow 6 has a story too. The difference is it sucks.
It's the best TPS on the market imo. The multiplayer is hit or miss for most people, It's the best part about it for me.
1, 2, and 3 where the good ones.
Judgement was an arcadey after thought.
4 went down hill.
5 turned the wheel into oncoming traffic.
If you're on PC, then you're stuck with 4 and 5 for multiplayer since UE is dead.
how is gears any better lmao
>le aliens invade earth but gritdark
whats wrong with 5? havent played it but suspect you hate because its new
Who are you talking to?
this entire thread. everyone says 5 is bad
downloaded 5 on game pass the other day for lockdown prep. Is it good?
Third person shooters are mediocre in general. Even the best of them are just 'ok'
The multiplayer has the sparsest amount of content in a gears opening. Stuck playing like the same 5 damn maps in rotation 7 months later. Can't play who I want either because they drip feed us the roster and when ones available you either have to grind every mode 1 character at a time for a month, or just take the easy way and cough up the dough for everything. It's designed exactly so you'll pay for everything instead. 4 has lootboxes, but it's system lets you scrap all the dumb shit you get and allows you to turn it in for the character (or skins) you really want. Naturally being an older title it has much more variety in maps too.
it's not earth and they're not aliens. they were there all along
Gears 1-3 are pretty much a heavy metal fantasy.
Gears 4 is Uncharted but with bulkier controls
Gears 5 seems to be sjw trash but with open world
It's not terrible, but it's nothing special.
So what the fuck happened to Gears Tactics? Did it just never come out? It was supposed to be out.
every TPS had cover system a year after Gears' release, it lost it's novelty immediately.
>Gears 5 seems to be sjw trash but with open world
it's not really SJW, and only semi-OW so they wouldn't have to really design levels, but it is indeed a bad game.
Kait is so beautiful my dear anons
>What are some good games of this genre?
Kill.Switch (basically the grand-dad of the genre, not so much good as 'the original)
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
Uncharted 2
Killzone: Liberation
Splinter Cell: Conviction (good shooter even if it wasn't a good splinter cell)
Honorable Mention: Dark Void, because jetpack
5 isn't that bad story or gameplay wise.
Its just the lack of content and anything new that makes it one of the worst imo. And fucking up Horde.
If something has aged like milk, it's this.
Everyone who didn't own a Xbox 360.
They aren't considered classics you know.
The multiplayer is trash.
Gears 4 was eventually made playable after years of updates. Then they throw it all away and start fresh. They wanted a single tuning, but instead of picking one and going from there, they try to make an inbetween and please no one.
The Gnasher is a 2 shot monster from a mile away, yet they think the gib range and poke damage is what needs adjusting. Hitboxes are giant, and the bullet magnetism is off the charts, you won't be missing shots if you tired.
The Lancer was just oppressive at launch, and the meta still revolves around it due to the garbage map design despite the nerfs.
It also caters to casuals by adding Halo-tier aim assist compared to older games. They reduced the effectiveness of movement like wallbouncing in gunfights, to the point that just walking like a bot is more effective half the time. And whoever is on the offensive has a HUGE disadvantage unless they use a Flash gernade. The Flash grenade is just a garbage mechanic that proves the devs KNOW anyone pushing is at a giant disadvantage now compared to any other title.
Every single new map is garbage that gives anyone crossing a giant advantage to appease the new lancer meta that they are trying to establish. And they're all claustrophobic shitfests to boot.
They ruined just about every mode in the game.
KOTH has an even shorter spawn timer now, and every spawn is a free flank.
TDM spawns flip the moment you even think of pushing into their half of the map.
Execution weapon spawns are all changed for the worse compared to every other mode.
Guardian spawns people ON TOP of the fucking leaders, instead of in their spawns.
And their still isn't a good quickplay option. No one played ranked in 3, or in 2 once social was added. But now that quickplay is a mixed mode, everyone plays ranked to play their favorite modes, despite not caring about ranked at all.
So you get your typical garbage Matchmaking experiences.
Maria is Gears
Boltok is TC
Dom is Microsoft
Max Payne 3 is way better than "ok"