Is Valve destined to forever be outdone by their own community?
Is Valve destined to forever be outdone by their own community?
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the official freeman model from HLA seen in the OP doesn't even look like him compared to the fanmade model that floated around a few weeks back
You literally only see his sillhouette. That fanmade model also has an autistically overdesigned HEV suit.
Why would they invest a shitload of effort for a model you'd never see clearly in the game?
Such an embarrassment
Not posting a comparison, your making the rest of us shitposters look bad.
From artstation.
you vs the guy she tells u not to worry about xD
At least they got the proportions right unlike
>No working mirrors confirmed
This won't run in an engine looking like that.
Do you wanna know why we didn't do this? Because it doesn't match the style of half life.
The suit is design to aesthetically be identical to half life 1 suit with a few minor improvements, so if we we're to update to overhaul it again then it would not match half life 2 and it would cause considerable continuity problems.
Of course this is just an user with no verifiable sources.
Valve milks its community for curation, money and assets and the retards thank daddy gaben for the privilege
That fanmade one doesn't look like him either.
why does he have grey hair?
>considerable continuity problems.
feel over matter
why would you make a hugely detailed model when all it's used for is this?
He's seen some shit
Because why the fuck not?
because it's literally just a waste of time and resources. If all you're going to see is a barely detailed silhouette no matter what, there's no point making it super detailed for no reason
There's no reason to do stuff with no reason
This model is far too detailed to be used in a video game
Look at the hair
Coolest glasses adjust ever
it's in VR you fucking moron
>noooooo why did they make the graphics good noooooooo
Yas Forums is fucking pathethic
Looks like some Jewish Hipster. Garbage design desu.
He looks like a hipster but does that really look Jewish to you?
Kinda, yea. Looks like a generic Jew Journo to me to be honest.
>one model outdoes an entire game
when the community starts spitting out fanmade valve games then start talking shit
this is gonna sound super autistic but does anyone else think he looks too chiseled? like he's got the classic perfect jawline and beautiful perfectly scraggly facial hair and radiating green eyes.
isnt he just some gay scientist in a super suit? he should look more dorky. not even ugly, just more average
He's a chad alpha male sexy scientist, not just some gay uggo in a super suit
Delete this please, Valve is god you can't make them look incompetent.
Didn't they get help from Valve in the end though?
Jews and whiteys unironically look the same. Except for some uber jews with distinct nose.
>t. asian
I hope that's the joke
>more lines, more segments, more hexagons
Get your jewdar checked. He looks like an Anglo. Anglos just look somewhat like jews due to overexposure from the last three centuries.
>looking like whites
No. Just like you can tell a slav from a med, you can tell a kike from a white. Then again, your eyes are always partially closed, so I suppose you could be forgiven for not noticing subtleties.
Unironically a great game. Played through it a few days ago. Would definitely recommend playing after the original Half Life.
Wait, hottie freeman was fanmade after all?
Yes. An ashkenazi is more or less white.
yet both meds and slavs are white, tard.
>ashkenazi is more or less white
No. You're turkic at best, kike. Besides, you shapeshifters are only white when it suits you.
For the purposes of Americans, Nords, Germanics, Meds and Slavs are white. But you can find vast distinctions between them, yet they are all still white because they're europid and grouped together because of that. Not because they look the same or have the exact same traits.
arabs, kikes, and persians are not europid, thus they are not white. It's true that arabs, jews, and "whites" are all caucasian and look somewhat similar, but only those four subgroups are white and you can visually identify each and every group.
Jews are just as non-white as Arabs because they are arabic or turkic, not europid.
They were only given the greenlight to charge money for BM
Because Jews are white
On the PS5 it will
Fuck off, i like this design
I doubt I've heard any memorable tracks from HL Alyx
is that the model from Alyx?
>visible upper lip
>normal nose
nothing jewish about him
I still wonder if my jaw safely made it onto the floor.
I fucking love it
Absolutely precious work
HEV suit design is crappy. Overdesigned. Looks like generic gayming armor design. Not something grounded and reasonable. It needs to bee bulkier, more simple.
It's designed to sgield from physical trauma, radioactivity etc.
Not to be worn by cpt. Shepard on fucking Normandy.
Fully modeled
>playing as alyx
>looks in mirror
>sees gordon
vagina, now fuck off.
my god, this is such cringey fan service