Runeterra ded game

Why did this game flop so badly?

It's one of the best card games I've ever played and extremely f2p friendly too.

YouTubers with 100K subscribers are struggling to get 2K views on their Runeterra videos. Even the general on /vg/ died.
Is it Riot's fault? Did they do no marketing on it at all?

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I agree that its good, but when I logged into the open beta they forced me to replay the tutorial and I just didnt feel like it and I havent touched it since

when is mobile

Mobile launched in Singapore or something

The game isnt even out yet you fucking dumbass

This, just let me skip the tutorial riot

I've been playing for like a month and I already have most cards so yeah it's out

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>another ugly card game
Eewwwww wake me up when something like yugioh comes out I don’t care about this hearthstone crap ugly and lame and boring

>not enough cards
>not enough changes
>too f2p friendly

Most people have all the cards or 80%+ of it. Modern games need rewards, skins and shit to work for or gamers just wont play them. "Stories" (a lot of random mechanics on cards) work too for the epic twitch moments.

You mean RNG?
This game doesn't have a lot of RNG

There's a difference between an open beta and an actual release. Once it actually comes out there will be consumer intrest and a marketing push. Be patient user and wait for the game to flop when it actually comes out user

Yes. That might be one of the reasons its doing poorly. Young people actually love this RNG (see Hearthstone).

>There's a difference between an open beta and an actual release.

No there isn't.

I really like Runeterra. It's really fun compared to any other card game on the market, and I haven't paid a single penny. Even the meta-decks get beat if you have good RNG unlike Hearthstones unbeatable rock paper scissors meta.

I have a literal match where I fought the lead engine developer of the game but I haven't bothered to upload it cause Runeterra metrics for views are just ASTRONOMICALLY LOW. I guess zoomers just hate card games and all the boomers are stuck watching Hearthstone still?

Because the card Art features literally no appealing women. Look how hearthstone is on a downward spiral because none of the characters are sexy.

Every female in this game has a small waist and decent boobs though

>not on mobile
>have to register on site to play then download game
>no ads or marketing like when tft came to mobile
>still testing servers and gameplay
>somehow still out

Wow leaguefags sure are something huh

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Nigga, you're blind. It has fucktons of hot women.

All you need is Cithria.

Honestly the UI is ugly as sin
I don't even want to touch it

Hearthstone was consistently top 5 on twitch while in beta. LoR is doomed.

I like LoR. It has the best mana and combat system. That said, card effects are too controlled and the card pool is too low so games don't feel very unique and that gets boring extremely fast. I've played a shitton the first 3~weeks but haven't touched the game since. Feels like once you've played a matchup more than 2 or 3 times, the experience is the exact same.

Non of the (cute) girls and fan favorites are in yet.

>no akali
>no shaco
>no mf
>no morde
>no Jaxx
>no annie

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I have never played LoL so I have no idea who any of those people are

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if its as good as their attempts at dota and auto chess it must be somehow worse than hearthstone

Hearthstone is just too expensive so whether it's a good game or not is mostly moot
Me and most people just can't afford it

Even if you spend $60 every 4 months on the new expansion ($180 a year) it's still nowhere near enough

so basically its still shit but you can afford it? or why are you tip-toeing about the quality

Nothing in HS has ever felt as satisfying as this

Yasuo is gonna be great when they finally add good stun cards in the game, because most current ones like Guile and the 5-mana one are dogshit.

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It's a better game than Hearthstone for sure
The turn system is much better, it allows far more in depth gameplay than Hearthstone
I could never go back to HS where your opponent may as well be afk and it makes no difference

Card art, animations are superior to Hearthstone, and the amount of voiced interactions between cards (even normal, non-champion ones) is incredible.

It's in beta and it already feels more polished than HS today.

You played a 2-card board clear. You must be new to card games to define this as satisfaction.

Board clears aren't easy in Runeterra
Leveling up Yasuo in one go is important
The animation is great and makes me feel good inside

i wonder if it being better than hearthstone mechanically will be a turn off for casual fags especially since you actually get to dictate the outcome of the game compared to hearthstone where bad RNG on card effects can just lose you a game outright.

the market fell out of online CCG's, and it's going up against literally Magic the Gathering

Ninja waifu with a sexy back
The Joker but with knives
Miss Fortune, big tiddy pirate lady
Mordekaiser, giant spooky man inside armor with big mace used to have a lot of heavy metal puns REEEEE FUCKING RIOT OVERHAULS
Silly meme man who fights with a lamp post because he's so autistically good at weapons they don't let him have a real one to make it fair
Fire Loli

>Board wipes aren't easy
They happen every game. They're not hard at all.

99% of card games are shit dumbass. Anyone making a video game that's a card game in this day and age is generally a fuckin imbecile chasing hearthstones dumbass audience, who you aren't gonna steal.

how could it flop if it haven't released yet? are you mad?

there is no market for game like this.
league players rather play their moba not some boring ass card game, and if someone is interested in lore he will just watch some youtube clips with champions interactions.
cg players already have established viewer bases in other card games like hearstone or magic so they cant simply switch games.
And on top of all that card games already had its peak in popularity when hearthstone came up

the virtual card game bubble burst. the only people still playing them are sadsacks with nothing else do go after like pic related.

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I've never heard of this game but once Riot's servers stop being shit I'll give my opinion.

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Even Kripp is playing PoE over this

>used to have a lot of heavy metal puns
You do realize his skill names are still named after metal songs?

>Because the card Art features literally no appealing women
if that was the case then shadowverse would be more popular than hearthstone.

People got a dose of Riot Balancing™. 200 years of collective experience.
Enjoy Shadow Assasin.

Cannot wait for the cartoonish CSGO clone; mumble rap marketing is the LEAST of what's coming. Lots of virgin buttholes will be rustled thoroughly.

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I like their balance changes, they are frequent, small and careful
It's better than Blizzard where cards get nerfed so badly they are never played again, or simply deleted from the game (hall of fame)

The only card game that didn't just copy magic with slight differences is Yu-Gi-Oh and that game hasn't been good since they added too much shit

that 6 mana spell literally almost never actually goes off in games. you cast it and realize its gonna trade down to
1. deny
2. will of ionia on yas
3. any 3 dmg removal (grasp/get exited)
5. opponent buffing key minions attack

The game is actually good but it's not made by a company that's full of cocksucker fanboys like Nintendo or Blizzard

I'm waiting until they add yordles

i played the first week, had fun
then i saw everyone use elusives
not fun anymore.

If you can spend money in it, it‘s out.

Game copy-pasted the entire design from hearthstone. Except people already play hearthstone so why switch to a rip-off.

Daddy Tencents tells Riot to make games or fuck off, the games they end up making are low effort trash just to keep daddy around

riot was so late to the party it's not even funny

2k views is amazingly high for a rehash of a rehash of a rehash of a rehash of hearthstone, which itself has been declining in popularity for at least a year now

This was also in a time where Blizzard still had goodwill with its fans and when HS released it was one of very few CCG's at the time. Since HS so many HS clones have popped up and died. LoR will die because of saturation, not because it isn't a good game.

I've finished all the tutorials and played against the ai. It's hearthstone, there's less rng but that lonely poro card confirms they're not above rng effects.
The game feels way over designed with all these custom animations for hero level ups which a long term player will see thousands of times.
The game board needs to be redesigned, currently your creatures on the field and cards in hand take up 30% of the screen while the actual battle zone takes enormous space yet is empty the vast majority of the time.
I don't like there not being any kind of player 2 handicap so player one will always have the attacking advantage.
I don't like how hero cards are blatantly better than everything else thanks to their level up mechanic yet you don't start with one or have a reliable way to get one in hand so first player to draw theirs will have an advantage.
I especially don't like how paint by numbers it feels. Sure they added a couple spins on this formula but it's still the same underlying game with the same keyword sets as several other ccg's I've played. All of which are just a dumbed down MTG which I'd be playing if that's what I wanted.

All these years later with so many games out I still feel like the only two card games are magic and yugioh with everyone else trying to sell watered down off brands.

*visual design

And CS.

Don't lie he played it for like 2 days and has gone back to his paypig game.

updates to that game break the meta completely. It's quite p2w, because the new cards in the new update are strong as shit and the counters to those very strong cards are also featured in the new set. It really promotes paypig behavior

Because Blizzard is fucked up and HS is, unfortunately, a piece of shit right now.

riot is a one hit wonder

they came with a somewhat playable moba game at the perfect time when moba's were on the rise

now they are going to do a card game when thats on the way out, an TF-style FPS game when that's on its way out

In a couple more years they'll release a battle royale and realize they came too late

>switching from a failing game to a DOA game is a good idea
Paid Shill: The Post

>blizzard is fucked up
says a riot employee while getting literally farted on by his boss

both companies are equally shit

From what they've shown it's more like CSGO than OW.