>tfw I barely beat Doom Eternal on easiest setting
Tfw I barely beat Doom Eternal on easiest setting
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>tfw i barely beat any game on easiest setting
What are some games where even the easy setting is hard?
>tfw I thought Nightmare was too easy at some points
why would you lie on internet like that?
just because you suck doesn't mean everyone else does user
this, especially late game.
audiosurf and I think new blood has a glitch where easy mode is actually hard mode.
Think there was another one where it spawns less enemies or something, and the game simply becomes impossible because you don't have the resources.
>tfw I'm too scared to disable godmode in skyrim.
I'm playing on Ultra-violence and getting my shit pushed in. Just started the frost zone, and every encounter takes 20 tries.
Only on hurt me plenty, (medium difficulty) and I just beat level 3. This game is amazing, the tension in some of the fights is insane and when it's all over you feel a wave of relief.
Ultra-violence is a tad on the easy side for me once I "got" how the game is supposed to work but the jump to nightmare is a huge spike in difficulty and I was really struggling (to the point of not having fun) on it so I dropped to UV.
>playing on ultra violence because thats what I played doom 2016 on
>struggled through the first 6 or so levels, dying at every encounter at least a dozen times
>skipped most of the bonus battles, took over an hour to beat the doom hunters
>get to the slayer gate on the phobos mission
>decide "alright. I've given up on every other bonus challenge. This is gonna be where I turn things around. I'm not giving up until I beat this one"
>2.5 hours later, finally beat it
>getting better at moving around the arena, navigating the clusterfuck of a HUD with my peripheral vision, using the flame belch effectively, switching grenade types and weapon mods mid-combat
>beating most encounters through the rest of the game in one or two tries
>almost finished now and wondering if I should try the game again on nightmare difficulty after I complete it
Feels good to get good
Playing Ultra Violence and 600 deaths later i'm almost done with the game.
this, only the last level gave me any trouble, even the slayer gates were easy
What's the blue coin Doomguy tosses at the Hellpriests when he kills them.
It's a praetor token, a Night Sentinel symbol.
I found turning the music down to 50% helped immensely
You could actually hear what's around you and it helps stop you from being surrounded
Also anything that lets you move faster or dodge more helps tremendously, that one rune that gives you a speed boost after a glory kill is amazing
>tfw Marauder keeps kicking my ass because I have shit reaction times and always miss the green eye stagger point
a mechanically good game is good at any difficulty. its principles still work and are organically challenging.
I think you should stick to pint and click adventures then
Fun fact: One of the first demo tracks Mick Gordon put together for the game had an absurd double-kick running constantly and it was literally too much for any playtester to deal with while playing without wanting to rip their eyes out and shrivel up. Based Gordon's starting point was putting non-autists into sensory overload.
Yeah the blaring music really hampers spacial awareness.
Anymore information on that? Stories like that from development are great.
>Get your ass kicked until you git gud. Then once you git gud get your ass kicked again in a higher difficulty until you git better.
If you don't do this you aren't actually getting any better at the game.
This game is a great methaphor for life. Better keep aggresively moving forward all the time, stand still and you die.
The easiest difficulty in the first Gears of War is normal and normal plays like hard in any other tps.
He plays the track and talks about it somewhere (pretty far in and I'm way too lazy to find it for you) in here, as well as a bunch of other stuff about the music development.
Someday, I will run this game with non-potato graphics like this picture.
Seriously, fuck that Icon of Sin. Fuck him and his minions.
Jesus Christ, this boss fight was some bullshit.
ok this is broken
Metro 2033
Fuck, meant
While i'm struggling to get it to capture (I don't think vulkan plays nicely in full screen with relive or DVR) i'm getting 60fps at 4k with ultra nightmare settings on my system. I really should back it down and push towards 100 as I have a 120hz screen and doom 2016 was orgasmic at that framerate.
Time to bust out infinite ammo and grind that mastery.
>playing on ultra violence
>its too easy
how do you get that
Walk forward, look at the glass windows on top, see if you notice anything unusual
John what are you doing at that resolution? It is way too high for you.
>no modding
>no multiplayer
It will be dead in two weeks and only people playing will be Zero Master for epeen points.
thanks! really hard to see stuff with this res
>playing on nightmare
>struggled through first 3 missions
>can't do either of the slayer gates so far
I'm not gonna make it bros
Post 30 seconds of you playing
You have a 4K/120 screen or are you supersampling?
In all fairness, TES and the 3D fallout games are full of bullshit. Like you can be steamrolling enemies completely unphased and just get randomly one shotted by a wizard or mini-nuke
potato :(
i can run 2016 at 60 fps on my native res but at low settings. here i have to drop to this res, low settings, at 50% scaling just to achieve the same framerate
I turned it down to UV from nightmare and it was worth it. Made the game more fun for me since it was still hard. It's ok to not be the coolest user on the block
Can't you just keep it at 1920x1080 and drop the scaling more? That's better than dropping the resolution. Also what hardware? The game is more demanding.
>bragging on an anonymous imageboard
I think I just might do that.
I actually own a 4k 120hz screen.
I get really hard hearing you guys struggle on UV, nightmares a challenge but not insanely difficult
Nice. I say drop the resolution scale until you're averaging 100 FPS. I played 2016 at 144 locked but now ranging from 90-130 in Eternal and honestly can barely tell the difference, just getting near those triple digits is good enough.
frames drop at that res even at 50% scaling, sadly.
>Also what hardware?
RX 560, X4 870K, 8GB DDR3-1333 single channel. surprised Eternal, let alone 2016, run this nice on these parts at all. was about to upgrade last month, actually, but i held off
tfw it took me 6 hours to beat icon of sin on nightmare
I didn\t use bfg until the ayylmao level, and that was motly because it was late and I was tired and just wanted to finish it lyl
Hmm I will have to experiment which gives better results - radeon image sharpening (as it is contrast aware) or the in-game sharpening filter.
That cpu is massively holding you back - overclock it and your RAM as far as you can go.
Late game is much easier because you are buffed by upgrades by that point.
Guitar Hero, because easy gets way too slow
>not giving up
what a chad
>took over an hour to beat the doom hunters
>not even on nightmare
good for you user to finally git gud but this is funny. I suppose if you had tried slayer gate 2 before that you would’ve uninstalled the game.
>bind mousewheeldown to jump
>leave the map on the first stage
really wish this game had a warm up mechanic.
think that's what the Ripatorium is for
it seems like it, but you only get one try.
Anyone try ultra-nightmare yet?