For me, it's using real PS2 hardware with a backup loader. Emulation is just too inaccurate, especially the the console's best games like Silent Hill 2 and Ace Combat 4.
For me, it's using real PS2 hardware with a backup loader. Emulation is just too inaccurate...
yeah, but the fan is so damn loud. In fact the fan is much louder than my fat ps3.
god, i miss "crystal" controllers.
lube the bearings idiot. they're 15+ years old at this point
what is that plugged into your network adaptor?
A storage method to surpass spinning rust
Looks like an IDESATA connector, and then slimSATA SSD
I've had that one since I bought it used for 10 bucks in 2008. Still works perfectly, no drift and the sticks are tight as fuck despite hours of god hand and other games.
They really don't make them like they used to. The rumble is fucking powerful too, not that sissy buzzy shit you get these days.
I thought it might've been one of those sd card setups
Close, it's SD ->IDE 2.5 -> IDE 3.5.
I also use it with a 7" portable LCD setup.
Great for jrpgs and platformers in bed.
very comfy, what do you think of opls 1080p mode? Only issue I have with the ps2 is that my tv cant display psx games because the resolution is too low
>SD ->IDE 2.5 -> IDE 3.5.
links to parts?
Emulation is superior for almost every game though.
>tfw playing PS2 games at 60fps 4k
If most ps2 games weren't 480i I would agree with you. Every other console I prefer real hardware but ps2 it's emulation just so I can not see that shitty interlacing
but why though?
like I get if you just want to emulate on a pc you already have, but if you still have a ps2, games and a tv that will accept component or composite...
I'm too stupid to hack my ps2
And it looks and runs like shit. Also no save states and framerate uncapping for fast gameplay and loading screens.
I gave away my PS2 11 years ago because emulation existed.
Same here. Playing on a emulator just doesn't work out for me
tfw all i have to do is put in a freemcboot memory card and have a samba fileshare and tada i cn stream my games with 0 input lag to my pas2
I never got anything over 480p to work right.
If you're gonna be autistic about image quality get a CRT.
I just used generic ebay parts. You probably want to make user the IDE converter has a ground cable.
It really fucking isn't. I doubt there's even a single PS2 game that plays with any kind of accuracy.
The hardware is just too complex and there were too many programming tricks used.
armored core 2
>muh accuracy
I've played dozens of games and they're perfectly fine and vastly improved.
This is why you listed 2 games you think run poorly, you're a cherry picking autist lol.
this is singlehandedly the most comfortable image on Yas Forums right now. holy shit.
Should I get an IDE to SD card adaptor for my PS2? Still using an old hard drive.
that's a decent setup too, but the load times and disk spinning noise made it annoying to use my PS2 with an HDD in bed. Have you tried using a SATA SSD?
slim zoomers are allowed, but the phatboys will always win.
>just 2 games
Off the top of my head:
>armored core 2 took years to run, still has fucked graphics
>AC4 not fixed
>AC5&0 still have fucked graphics and physics, need a super computer to run at 80% speed
>ZOE2 fucking everything is broken
>Jak STILL has a shit ton of problems
>Sly has broken shadows and the cel shading is fucked
>ratchet runs like shit and has issues
>God hand stutters like a mother fucker and it's impossible for some scenes to run faster than a slideshow
I can probably keep going.
Fuck off with this horse shit. If we were talking about gamecube I would probably agree that emulation is just as good, but PCSX2 is just fucking garbage.
It's also 32bit only and will remain so.
Only games on that list I play are Jak, God Hand, and Ratchet and they're perfectly fine.
Again, you're just a cherry picking retard ignoring the dozens of other games I've played, and the hundreds and thousands other people play just fine.
>but why though?
You should only play games on PS2 if they don't emulate well on PC and nothing else. You're just a retarded faggot
Here's an idea, use emulation and a console and switch between depending on the situation. I use hardware for multiplayer setups but for single player I am working on setting up emulation where I can take advantage of better performance and use a better controller that isn't 10+ years old
This is what I do. It's the ultimate idort take.
i want a proper hdmi out on my ps2, not those garbage adapters, ossc and stuff like that is just too expensive
My SD setup works well with every PS2 game I've tried so far. It also makes putting games on the card very convenient.
Do note that I don't think an SD -> 3.5' IDE adaptor would work. IDE 2.5 gets power from the bus so it's fine but I don't know how the official network adaptor would handle power delivery directly to an SD card with a straight 3.5 adaptor.
Having the grounded 2.5 -> 3.5 adaptor in the middle makes it a safer setup from a power perspective.
You can also get a chink SATA adaptor and just use either a SATA SSD or sd -> SATA adaptor with it.
>perfectly fine
That's what the doctors said but look how you turned out.
>better controller that isn't 10+ years old
Do you have a problem with the fucking PS2 controller?
I'm too lazy and poor to do it myself, but I can respect that OP.
This is gorgeous, holy shit.
Just use component with modern TVs.
Get a cheap ass consumer CRT as well. No need for PVM autism decent early 2000's tubes look great with older games.
>garbage adapters
mine works just fine, i get that its a mess of wires, but it works
>ad hominem from the autistic virgin playing on his ps2 in 2020
You think a 1tb HDD would be overkill? I wanna have as many good games ready to go as possible.
>use a better controller that isn't 10+ years old
You can use a ps4 controller either through usb or a Bluetooth adapter. There's an option for it in opl.
You shouldn't need more than 500gb.
>only 2 ways to pirate PS1 games on a PS2
>shitty emulator
>solder in a mod chip but still have to use disks
Am I the only one with a chip?
Just hard to find good ones in working condition these days. I've bought two Sony ones second hand each with at least one problem like stuck shoulder buttons or wacky thumb sticks. I will eventually look up how to take them apart and fix them but that's a future job. I also got two generics and I like them, they even have a split cable that allow for ps3 support through USB but the cables are ridiculously short. Honestly though I love Xbox 360 controller the most, not sure how much of that is just nostalgia and comfort deiven though
i got a crt tv, but i want to get rid of it, i really need the space and being able to hook it up to my hdmi splitter would be perfect
do you have one of those generic plug and play? i'm keeping an eye on the pound/hyperkin adapters, but 720p instead of 480p... i don't know
PS1 emulation is good enough that there's no reason to use real hardware outside of autism.
What's wrong with popstarter?
psp to crt is a great way to play ps1 games.
>Emulation is just too inaccurate
I've made my peace with the limits of emulation to the point where I don't need anything else to run PS2 games. I'm not going to act like every decent PS2 game emulates perfectly, though many do, even on old hardware.
Aesthetic as fuck.
Do you need any kind of modding to do this or are you pulling my leg man?
Using a ps4 controller on ps2 would be a massive upgrade
I'm gonna mobdo one of my PS2s soon for that no swap PS1 support.
Did you do it yourself? How likely am I to ruin my console with my chimp tier soldering skills?
Really wish the Dreamcast had something like this with its network adapter. I hate the fact you have to gut the disk drive if you wanna play backups.
If you have the latest opl installed, it should already be an option.
It's just a config option in the iso loader. No hardware mod.
It's emulation based on a single game that snoy distributed. Basically nothing fucking runs on it.
The PS1 hardware is used as an HDD/storage controller when the console is in PS2 mode so you can only use the proper PS1 BC with disks.
It's trivial to replace the membranes and have a like new controller.
Seconding this, the PSP is ridiculously versatile when it comes to emulation and supports ps1 natively, no emulation software needed if you are running custom firmware which is much easier to install on PSP than ps2 at least as far as I'm aware
Never really thought about upgrading to a SSD. Thanks for the tip. Maybe I'll upgrade in the future but for now I really don't mind the disc spinning noise. And the loading times are at least better than when using DVDs.
a lot of games have slowdown though
Would I be able to do this through freemcboot? I have original hardware and only recently thought of softmodding so I am a bit behind on this stuff
Damn, I always assumed it was running off the ps1 chip. Seems super counter productive.
>PS1 emulation is good enough that there's no reason to use real hardware outside of autism
Imagine being this technologically illiterate
>PSPgo let's you use a dualshock 3
>you can dock the thing and ay PS1 games in their original resolution
i wanna get that so I can play FFVII desu
You can use an SD adaptor for the serial port but it's slow and compatibility is shit.
That's an emulator.
Nah it's actually great design. They obviously didn't care about people wanting to run pirated backups when making it though kek
It could be better through Vita maybe? I don't have one so can't confirm
or... burn a disc
my retail bought ps2 still works today because I used my brothers slim most of the time
I still have it coz guitar hero 1,2 and rock the 80's
PS1 games run on bare metal so you can't "just" run PS1 games on the PS1 CPU unless you rewire all the peripherals surrounding it or write some crazy game-specific patches. The DS has a similar thing going with GBA games, and the 3DS for DS games.
vitafag here, some games are better like spyro 2 but most are exactly the same.
the vita also doesn't have POPS support so some games don't work like DQ7
>You can use an SD adaptor for the serial port but it's slow and compatibility is shit
Yeah I'm aware. I'm probably gonna stick to burning games until the drive finally dies.
What are the Playstation games which have issues on emulators?
Thanks m8 I will follow up on that