They were all dead. The final gunshot was an exclamation mark on everything that had led to this point. I released my finger from the trigger, and it was over.
They were all dead. The final gunshot was an exclamation mark on everything that had led to this point...
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He was trying to buy more sand for his hour glass. I wasn't selling any.
It was colder than the devil’s heart, raining ice pitchforks as if the heavens were ready to fall.
After Y2K the end of the world had become a cliché. but who was I to talk, a brooding underdog avenger alone against an empire of evil, out to right a grave injustice. Everything was subjective. There were only personal apocalypses. Nothing is a cliché when it's happening to you.
Staggering on the mill roof in ice and snow and wild wind, I was a ninja. My kung fu was strong.
I wasn't kidding anyone. At best, I was Superman on kryptonite, about to fall through a skylight, down to where it was all going down.
You piece together a jigsaw and the final picture is you finishing that same puzzle, a mad green-eyed killer standing behind you. An urban legend come true.
I wouldn't know right from wrong if one was helpjng the poor and the other was bangin' my sister.
Why is the trilogy still so expensive?
It's pure kino
I miss Sam Lake's writing.
Jewstars involvement, MP1&2 is all you need.
Control, alan wake and quantum break has flourishes of his old style, but not much else, although alan wake: american nightmare is pure sam lake kino, despite the game having the same problems alan wake had
How come people use high polygon count models instead of low poly stuff with like, insanely high res, 20k textures?
Fuck that, Max Payne 3 is a fine end to the series and is a damn good game on it's own merit.
3 is an insult to the series and people around here only like it to show how contrarian they are
I never played 3, PayneBros. Is it worth it?
It might have been stupidly, drunkeness,both. Here I was back to taking insane risks, trying to save *fallen women*.
I tried to play 3, but I just cannot get over that fucking stupid blur effect that happens like every 45 seconds
Do you like getting dizzy while playing games? If so, then Payne 3 is your game!!!!
Pretty sure you can turn that shit off in the options menu, user...
That’s a good question. Just tried playing online for Xbox 360 and it is completely dead. Nobody, literally nobody plays it anymore (at least for Xbox)
Trust me, I looked, and saw nothing. So either I am blind and retarded or there is just no such setting. Going to go with the former on this one though, because I am pretty retarded.
not enough vram
literally filtered
it's the best game of the series right after the first one, and the peak of the TPS genre.
2 is just... there I guess, it's such a forgettable game
Okay. What's wrong with it user?
It has the same problem movie games do but much worse. There's no connective tissue to the game, you have an assortment of disconnected shooting galleries and as good as the combat is it doesn't replace having actual levels. Peak rockstar excess and hackery combined with nibbles of fantastic shooting.
What's your record on New York Minute? I merely managed to beat Remedy's time
3 had its problems like extreme linearity and cutscenes for every transaction ever.
But man, the gameplay feels so fucking good
The physics are perfect, the feedback from shooting goons is just right.
Max finally finding true inner peace
That mp while it was alive
The ost with masterpieces like "tears"
I play it from time to time and always till the end(with the skip mod).
Kinda sad that rockstar can't make good games likes this anymore, red dead 2 kinda has soul but the gameplay is not there
2 normally is shit on but playing it right after 1 and editing config files to unlock the hardest difficulty my opinion of it has improved. The ridiculously slow speed of your bullets in 1 just sucked the fun out of the mechanics, going into shoot dodge and racking up beadshots usually felt more frustrating than satisfying.
Because they're still worth full price. Arguably literally the overall best series in gaming history.
Max Payne 1 and 2 have such extremely tonally specific writing that if you get it off by even a degree that it's just not the same. And Lake fucking hit that shit out of the park.
It's a great game if you just forget that it's a Max Payne game.
1 and 2 are also just one corridor. the unskipable cutscenes are the only reason mp3 isn't a classic like the other two
Good gameplay in between all the cutscenes. Max is terribly written, more a GTA character than Max Payne. Still worth a playthrough.
Max Payne 3's biggest problem is that it's trying to be a ROCKSTAR game instead of a MAX PAYNE game. So it just ends up with typical generic hollywood writing. If it was a movie it'd star The Rock.
this, user It's literally fucking 'Man on Fire' the game, not really Max Payne. Once you get over that it's solid
Though fuck that stadium level
there already is a mp3 movie starring denzel
rockstar have never written an original story
>Max Payne 2
no thanks
I'd been sitting in that bar for 3 hours or about 5 years depending on how you looked at things. I tried not to look at things"
you DID get the achievement, right, user?
Sure did. On Ps3 though so i took a photo on my phone. It also technically makes me the world record holder for Ps3 NYM hardcore times
I tried not to look at things. I tried to not think about when it was that my existence became less about the things that make up people's lives, and more about the holes that those things leave behind.
This game sounds so weird in english. The enemies sound like saturday morning cartoon jobbers. Deadpan Max isn't that good either, since he's supposed to be a passionate character.
I know right, it's great!
Is Max Payne the overall best video game series?
There is only Max Payne 1, user. It has no sequels
It's fucking Kino.
His characterization in 3 was butchered. Lost the aspect of him being an existential weirdo and turned him into a generic grumpy cop.
Low IQ bait, his characterization in 3 has peaked, he turned from a le grumpy sad boy who was mourning his dead wife for much longer than they were married to a recovering alcoholic who decided to bury his past and finally move on. Max truly deserved going into the sunset.
>who decided to bury his past and finally move on
That's the entire point of 2, 3 was Houser's lowbrow retelling.
I'm watching a playthrough of 3
Fuuuuck, why are the cutscenes so fucking looooooong
2 was filled with unnecessary Mona Sax love story subplot, that was butchering Max character way more than his bald head in 3. And 1 ending was more of a "I won, but I don't I feel like winner" kinda vibe, not much of a move on.
(courtesy of an user on /wg/)
And now some wallpapers of my own that I made a while back.
10-4 I REPEAT 10-4