Do you think her Bungie coworkers know?
Do you think her Bungie coworkers know?
Other urls found in this thread:
she works for bungie now???
is that the gamestop sonic bitch?
she has for years
Know what?
You can bet that any woman you meet has nude pictures or cammed before so it's not something that anyone even thinks or cares about.
they put her nudes in-game as easter eggs
That would get me to play Destiny.
Of course, it's empowering and brave that she did it.
What's the story behind her?
they likely dont care because the are professional adults
she drew sonic fanart and she used to be mfc camwhore, there are tons of nudes circulating around
Even that wouldn't get me to play Destiny
Yet not one is posted in here, don't be a pussy the Janny is sleeping
What should I search for?
Wait what her? Holy shit. What does she even do at bungie?
kim kayona
there was literally a thread up with it less than an hour ago user
I was working overtime
There were. Janny deleted them.
>What does she even do at bungie?
Her coworkers
That would explain why theres fuckall to do this season. Too busy using the office bike
What was the mfc name?
Gotta keep in shape during this outbreak
legal whore
Or it's because Bungie has been completely incompetent and hasn't made a single good game since Halo Reach
There are torrents out there with vids but good luck finding seeds.
post some based shit you fucking failures
What does she even do at bungie?
Aw they deleted the nudes already? I was gonna fap.
bust to this instead
which sites?
Is that the mattress girl?
No, it's the gamestop girl
can't seem to find jack on her. Has all her vids and pics been purged?
Who is this cute
Look here
C:\Users\HugeGuts\Documents\Yas Forums\qties\SanicGirl\
Oh fuck, I knew she was familiar. Thanks!
RIP thread
Thanks bro.
shes a big girl
.. no really, why is her torso so huge
She's aged terribly.
Yas Forums told me that asians aged well.
An actual sfw vid of her:
Your mom&sister&grandma too?
>C:\Users\HugeGuts\Documents\Yas Forums\qties\SanicGirl\
what am I suppose to do with this directory user?
I heard that she did all of this while underaged, is that true?
I'm pretty sure she was a fair bit older than me when I first started using Yas Forums, and I'm 31 now so...
No. You need proof of age to join a camsite.
Me lol
Nope, that's a lie she and her boyfriend spread around to try to get her nudes removed from sites.
can i have sex with u?
she's just a little thicc
That's wrong, copetard
OK, I'll bite. Go try joining MFC right now and see how far you get.