GTA IV is better than GTA V
GTA IV is better than GTA V
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>water is wet
I know you're baiting hard, but I also know that IV is better than V. I want to see a thread with some effort that actually explains why V is absolute soulless garbage with shit writing, physics, environments, and soundtrack compared to any other GTA game.
they're both shit, no matter how many times you spam this stupid webm
we know
gta iv is kino
Everyone already knows that though. The only people defending V are zoomers who play the online mode.
Everybody knows the singleplayer is the worst of the series.
>100th thread
But still interesting I might add since no thread is the same.
It's not.
>singleplayer is the worst of the series
that would be 3
Only reason why people like GTA IV because they were like 12 when they played it
>filename is gta iv vs v
>webm has gta v on the left and iv on the right
I enjoyed V more, so.... you're wrong.
is GTA Jew York really better than GTA Faggotfornia?
Easy way to get out of an actual debate, I wouldn't be surprised if you were actually 12 considering V's entire fan-base is children
That's strictly to filter the plebs
Dude you are so mature for liking a different video game. what an insufferable autist
Too bad Rockstar keeps "updating" GTAIV and all they do is remove content or now add some jewish game launcher
Better than being a whiny faggot who WHINES about threads he doesn't like without making a valid argument.
Punk ass bitch
It's more thoughtfully made. V feels really by-the-numbers.
>noooo you have to take my shitty bait threads seriously or i will call you a -oomer
>nooo you cant just make fun of me!!
Who called anyone a -oomer?
Sounds like you're insecure about that, are you-
A. a zoomer
B. a wanna-be boomer
C. a coomer
Which is it?
>noooo you have to take my shitty bait replies seriously or i will call you a autist
>nooo you cant just make fun of me!!
Well, back to the topic at hand- before it got derailed by some butthurt faggot
Links to this former thread?
lmao people still care about this red herring shit?
No but I want to read about what people thought of it back in the day, so if you could help me out I’ll be grateful.
The writing in GTA4 is bullshit. The entire story is about choice and the American dream and second chances. Everyone in the game either faces a choice, or is having a choice taken from them.
Niko's big decision comes near the end of the game where the player decides if they shoot Darko or not. He was the entire reason Niko came to America, and the entire reason for the game. After you kill him... The rest doesn't really matter.
Instead you get jerked around with shit that doesn't matter. You get a bullshit choice that both end in tragedy, as if "but look, choice isn't real! It's all bullshit!" is a valuable lesson? Fuck that. I let that junkie fuck Darko go. I've moved on. I've grown. But I'm jerked around into a shitty action movie ending with a last minute villain double cross because those fucking children at Rockstar need big explosions and gunfire and can't figure out how to earn it narratively?
Fucking BORING.
I'm not saying GTA5 was great. But fuck. It's narrative was way better than GTA4's narrative.
Why can't I run GTA V anymore without their launcher that crashes when installing? What the fuck, Rockstar?
search for gta v jetpack or mount chiliad hunt. there were thousand page threads on this back when the game came out across various forums. tldr it was all an elaborate ruse
I need a new GTA game. Have played all of them too much, I puke even thinking about playing them again
Have you never played a GTA game before IV and V? The way IV's story worked is the same way it was in III, VC, and SA. You were basically an errand boy with the protag's story happening in the background.
V is some cinematic bullshit that did the same shit, only with a third less missions and splitting up character back-strories between 3 shittily written characters. There is no focus compared to other GTAs
Yes there was a plot running throughout GTAv and the DLC, but Niko had a story. They just did a shitty job with it. GTAV, however, was a story about America that was far more successful. Three protagonists, each trying to succeed. Ignoring Michael's first snippet, they represent life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And as they progress they realize they need each other. Sacrificing liberty, or happiness if you want. But we all know life is best with those things.
And I'm just talking narrative. Don't even get into the bullshit of 4's "final boss", which sucked huge dick in comparison to 5's decision to have proper narrative culminations that peak and are overcome with the assistance of the other characters. Shit was alright. Compared to other GTA games it was fucking Shakespeare.
Seek mental help. Obsessions like this aren't healthy.
why do incels like gta4 so much? is it because Niko is a slav?
both look like shit
>GTAV, however, was a story about America that was far more successful. Three protagonists, each trying to succeed
That was what it went for, but in the end it completely failed and we got 3 half ass characters with shit stories, and a map with shit atmosphere.
>Don't even get into the bullshit of 4's "final boss", which sucked huge dick in comparison to 5's decision to have proper narrative culminations that peak and are overcome with the assistance of the other characters. Shit was alright. Compared to other GTA games it was fucking Shakespeare.
LMAO are you being serious? V's end-game is the most rushed shit in the whole series, worst final missions. The "antagonists" (if you can even call them that) were so shit it's not even funny, and the last mission was an embarrassment to the series.
I'd argue the story was better, the map was better, the atmosphere was worse, and the physics were worse. And if we were stuck playing on console car controls are so much better in 5 I'd prefer to play it off that alone. But if we're doing PC, and I hope we are, then 5 edges 4 out on narrative quality.
>Implying 4's boss wasn't a forgetting side villain the entire game until he comes out of nowhere near the end and becomes the main boss in the most bullshit plot driven writing since GTA3's "well, you helped me get out of prison. I trust you with everything." introduction.
The death of your GF or cousin should've been the 3/4 point "end" of the game. The player should be forced to ask if choices in games even matter. Then you get a few goodbye missions. Then the FIB should deliver Darko to you, and then you get to decide to kill him or not. As you either kill him, or leave him there cursing you and begging for death, then the game should end. And Niko should say yes, the choices we make matter. That's making a statement. That's him deciding his American dream. Not... Whatever that mangled mess was that we got in GTA4.
I tried iv recently because I see it shilled so hard on this board.
I'm 6 hours in and the missions are braindead easy and unimaginative. Every mission is 'drive to quest marker, shoot guy'. And none of the missions so far capitalize on the driving mechanics, other than just making it to the mission area and not getting a wanted level.
The driving and shooting mechanics are fine, but the missions are so boring that it doesn't matter.
Glad you're not a writer
You forgot the ever-so-awesome "show up at a place as enemies swarm at you nonstop and auto-magically know where you are."
Thank you mi hermano user. Thank you very much.
But it was fun and a interesting thread.
>And none of the missions so far capitalize on the driving mechanics
They do the opposite, really. Any time you're chasing an NPC they follow a scripted path that you can't force them off of.
That's a far worse offender in V btw
IV and V are both shit
I currently try to replay V.
Why does everyone says IV is the boring one? V is a drag to play through until you come to Trevor. The first 5 hours are pure boredom where you play Franklin, which is the most uninteresting character in the entire franchise and then come to Michael who also has boring af missions until you finally do the heist, which is underwhelming and always plays out the exact same regardless what strategy you use to get in.
The entire fucking game has forced walking sections, garbage car controls and bad shooting gameplay where ALL the guns feel like airsoft. The fucking starting pistol in IV feels more powerful and heavy than the minigun in this game.
V has like 10 good missions and they all involve Trevor, which also is an inconsistent character who differs massively in his action between how we meet him and in Los Santos.
I put the disc out and played IV instead the 100 time, it's so much better in everything and it isn't even boring since the writing in the first "Deliver this and that" missions is actually interesting and you want to see how Bellic progresses, I never, not even once, was interested in the progressions of hood Nigger Franklin and Tony Soprano wannabee Michael, they had a good shot with Trevor, but essentially they made him into a cuck after like 5 story missions.
Then scram, faggot
Why enter a thread about games you don't like?
Water isn't wet, you linguistically-illiterate retardfag.
Water MAKES things wet.
Just like I make pussy wet.
Objectively wrong
3 is obviously meant to play like an arcade game, in that way it is actually a lot of fun to revisit. You can rush through it in 3 hours max if you know the missions, it's fun to find out about the shortcuts and how to trick the game in his own rules (like for example never moving in protection missions and in that way never trigger the enemy script).
It genuinely has better controls than GTA IV or V if you use a mouse+keyboard
GTA 3D >>>>>>>>>>> GTA HD