Half Life Alyx barely any players after 1 day
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>$84 + 1k
nigga you really thought this deserved a thread?
Each Index bought comes with the game not to mention some steam accounts get all valve games for free for some reason (like mine). Also you don't need to buy the index, you can even play it on the $200 oculus quest. Also peak players do not equal number sold. Anyway, I agree with your point. Valve probably lost a bunch of money they invested with this game.
>some steam accounts get all valve games for free for some reason (like mine).
You may have bought the Valve Complete Pack at some point; doing so also adds new Valve games to your account as they come out.
I didn't make it. Why would I care how well it sells.
And VR joins the hall of shame with every other fad
Who knew that a virtual boy 2.0 wouldn't take over gaming
So much for "only making HL games when they push the technology forward", fatass Gabe
Alright let's do a review of Valve's recent games:
Artifact - flopped, died, everyone's laughing at it;
DOTA Underlords - beaten by TFT, kind of alive;
Half Life Alyx - released on a niche tool not everyone can afford, won't bring in the money invested.
How will Valve ever recover? By selling people's games probably.
>Artifact - flopped, died, everyone's laughing at it;
Just you wait doomposter, Artifact 2.0 is gonna BTFO you hard.
Ofcourse, they're gonna revive the cardgame nobody wanted that people dropped instantly, this time it'll succeed for sure. I sure am going to eat my words for mocking such a masterpiece.
I have a job OP.
It's euro hours and everyone knows that entire side of the planet is too poor to afford vr
its even less now, it stays around 7k. imagine being valve right now
Because we're not getting any Trumpbucks like you, only corporations and small businesses are getting money from the government.
Wagies are getting shit.
Valve is sitting on such a big pile of 'fuck you' money by operating the Steam store with lilke 5 employees they can afford to pull all this bullshit. I honestly don't know why they became so shit about making their own games, they have more than enough funds but they just don't hire any proper dev's.
Nigga don't you know? A skeleton crew is working on Artifact 2.0. Most of the team was moved to Underlords. Artifact 2.0 is going to be a minor update that will bring a grand total of 4 new players to the game (doubling the playerbase). But the game will still be dead.
Be a better wagie
you can't play it easily on work
Ain't risking my life now during the epidemic.
I'm just as critical case as all those dying boomers.
Just you wait doomposters.
Even god Gaben says that the reboot is massive.
most of the people playing it were game reviewers, they played it once and they're done
this game needs to hit PSVR for it to be a global hit, I'm guessing they're gonna wait till PS5 till they port it though
the funny thing is there will be tons of PC fags that will say the game is goty even though they have never played it. Simply because of the 10 year game drought they want to once have a game as pc goty that isnt a early access or indie game.
Instead of TORtanic posting about 'VR' or 'Active Players for a new release', talk about how snap turning is forced on at launch with the setting to make it smooth turning being busted.
obviously, they even watch playthroughs of pc games lmao
85 dollars? Wasn't Boneworks only 30?
Imagine falling for the media narrative lmao. Yes yes retard go be afraid of duh viwus
no, user, you don't get it
that would ruin our agenda
we're not supposed to discuss thing here
only shitpost
The guy behind the company that makes game says game good?
Imagine my shock.
Where the fucking SDK?
Sorry user, your optimism is admirable but it's just not gonna happen. I hope it doesn't hurt too much when it comes out.
you unobservant fuck its 84 australian dollars
they already know that tell us something smart and new
it hasnt even been 1 day after the game was released and youre already looking at starts and crying you stupid faggot
I'm just shitposting, I was one of the first doomposters since reveal of Shartifact.
>this game actually came out
Haven’t heard a damn thing since the trailer what.. two months ago?
*Selling other people games
To be fair if they change Artifact's monetisation, it'll probably be more or less okay.
While it might not beat Hearthstone or MtG, it'll atleast be a rival for Shadowverse.
That has waifus going for it, Artifact has nothing.
It has the 3 whole people who care about Dota2 lore.
You mean that fat fuck Slacksshill and who are the other 2?
Valve has plenty of money, the intent is to drive more people onto VR and show that a legitimate game can be made on the system.
It's a shame there isn't a financing option for VR because that would really boost sales if people didn't have to spend the same amount of money it cost to build a decent gaming PC.
VRis a niche platform
if you had spend an hour of your time watching their latest interviews your adad savage ass would know that they already knew they werent going to make fat cash from it, they dont care about money and are doing it only for the experience. instead your obliterating our minds by being that retarded fuck who is the first to say something unnecessary that everyone already knows. KYS
Alright, alright.
Artifact will be a meaningful rival to Meow Wars: Card Battle. These two games will be compared for as long as they're around.
Personally, I think Meow Wars might survive longer, but who knows.
And how was Artifact an experience?
If all they're doing is experiencing things, then what are they gonna tell their investors? We experienced real good this time, the games didn't flop - we got real good experience?
Not only VR is a meme, it's niche as fuck, no shit it's going to have a small playerbase.
how is 8k players playing on top of the line hardware nobody? why i must hear all year about some retarded gacha weeb shit nobody without brain damage would play yet this is the true tragedy? with half the world quarantined and european monthly salaries week ahead? nobody heard about boneworks but this game is getting rave reviews and everyone wants to relay news about valve hit, wave just picks up now
Literally boils down to "I can grab an object in my hand and peek from behind a corner".
Movement is still clunky, reducing you to stay nailed to the floor whenever you want to do anything.
VR games will be good once they find out of to project them directly into your brain.
The only thing I really envy from VR is handling guns in shooters, that's really it, I couldn't give a fuck about all the porn and other stupid meme-tier shit like VR chat and what not, it's not worth the price of a VR set up.
I can't pretend to work with a VR headset on, so I am playing Darkest Dungeon instead. More Half Life Alyx later tonight.
Not playing VR until they introduce futuristic full-body immersive shit like in that one garbage anime where he fucks his sister. Don't care otherwise.
>garbage anime where he fucks his sister.
Which one is that?
>VR games will be good once they find out of to project them directly into your brain.
SO many neets are going to die from getting infections in their brain implants and just fucking dying while pus oozes into their brain
The buy an Index with HL:Alyx and help Gabe achieve this dream
sword art online
and it's his cousin not his sister, they cuck out
Isn't it like 3 AM in America (sleep!) and 9 am in Europe (work!)?!
Oh and you also need like 500 for the VR thing which cuts aways all the f2p players&teens.
>sword art online
That trash, I dropped the first season in after first half because I was a retard who expected an anime about adventuring.
im talkn about half life alyx soz next time im going to specify
still downloading the torrent
i reccomend Koi Kaze, it's very adventurous
>coming of age, daily life, incest, manga, romance, seinen, tragedy
Sure, gonna check this fantasy adventure anime out.
Isekais just fucking ruined it all for me because I can't browse fantasy or adventure category without the fucking gates of hell opening and drowning me in harem-wish-fullfillement-otakuwetdream#153154132154896
it's certainly my fantasy, at least
>Isekais just fucking
They were fine before Sword Art Online trash.
Twelve Kingdoms, Aura Battler Dunbine, Escaflowne, these are all great.
is this not an installment of the episodic bullshit? why are people acting like this is the main game?
>Why are so few people playing the game
Yeah, I wonder about that too. Might have something to do with the fact that the prerequisite hardware needed to play it has months-long waiting lists.
>this is the main game?
It retcons the ending of Episode 2.
And theys till made shit loads of money...
Fucking hell they can't leave us poorfags behind, right?
Why are you talking about things you don't know and don't understand?
They keep making billions, games are more of a hobby for them, or actually, they are more interested in making billions from their products so that is why all their games are kind of... tests.
Enlighten me then, oh wise man.
so I've heard, but isn't it hl2: episode one
hl2: episode 2
then this is essentially hl2: episode 3
why are people calling it hl3?
42,000 peak players x 1000$ dollarinos for an index
gaben is rolling in cash
>Artifact 2.0 is going to be a minor update
Actually, complete re-release. They are internally calling it Artifact 2.
It will be completely free2play, you cannot even buy boosters because you get all the cards from start forever.
>everyone who plays Alyx needs an index
Why do people keep spreading this blatant lie?
Not everyone who's playing HLA bought an Index for it.
Valve has confirmed that they've shipped 100,000 units before the game released though, with massive backlogs
>valve makes money
>vr is too expensive
>im not interested in half-life
there, i summarized the thread so you dont have to spend time in this thread
HL2: EP2 ends with God putting Freeman in stasis, until he needs to drop him in again to move things.
Alyx ends with God putting Alyx in stasis, until he needs to drop her in again to move things.
And if you read the Episode 3 leaked scripts a year ago, you'd know Alyx is alive and that God preserved her.
the real number is even higher. gaben is rolling in cash
You don't make cash on hardware. Hardware costs money per unit shipped. Unlike software, which only has the upfront development cost (hardware has that too), and then every additional copy is F R E E for you, and you get a lot of money for each sale.
>Hardware costs money per unit shipped.
If Facebook can afford to sell the Oculus stuff for half the price of the Index then that tells me that the Valve is probably selling the Index at a profit
>until he needs to drop him in again to move things.
G-Man put Alyx in stasis because he had no control over Gordon anymore due to the Vortigaunts interfering.
Facebook is losing money on the Oculus Rift. They've said as much, and they consolidated the VR division into the rest of Facebook. They hoped that it would catch on for video chat on their social media platform, they didn't mean it to be a gaming system. This is why the divorce between Valve and Oculus Rift happened to begin with.
Reminder Valve are the people who """invented""" current VR tech, and they just passed on tech to OR so they can handle the hardware, and then OR backstabbed them.