Disregarding awful sequel retcons, who's the more well written character?

Disregarding awful sequel retcons, who's the more well written character?

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Cloud is a mute autistic retard for the entre game.

final fantasy has zero well written characters

lol no

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Anakin is objectively the greatest fictional character ever created, nobody even fucking comes close. He blows everyone else away

Anakin is typical good to evil guy. There is nothing great about him.

T. Zoomer who only watched Nu-Wars

Darth Vader is typical bad but good in the end guy. There is nothing unique too. He's iconic, no shit, but calling him the greatest? Lol no.

Cloud loves Aeris

>Cloud is a mute
what did he meme by this

Who is Zack or Squall

Guess who she's in the lifestream with the person she actually loves

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Anakin is better written

>Anakin is typical good to evil guy.
Anakin's fall takes place over three movies and is far more nuanced and complex than many casual viewers realize.

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ardyn is better written than that literal who

I like Cloud's arc a lot. He's all kinds of fucked up in the beginning. He starts out cold and distant, and he slowly grows into a real leader and an outwardly caring person.
It's basically the story of someone growing out of teenage apathy and into adulthood.
I like how he wasn't good enough to make it into SOLDIER, but he eventually outclasses all of them anyway, Sephiroth included, with sheer determination.
He grows up as a bit of an outcast (which is largely his own fault) so he tries to act stoic and cold to keep from being hurt in that same way later. But he eventually grows up and realizes how damaging that mindset can be.
That being said, I don't really think it's fair to compare Anakin and Cloud, though, as you spend a hell of a lot more time with Cloud, getting to know him, than you do Anakin. I mean, you do end up getting to know Anakin a bit. But there's a world of difference between spending several hours with a person, and several dozen hours with them.
Had we more time with Anakin on screen, I might prefer him. He's got a solid arc, too.

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I can’t think of a single other example where the huge evil threat at the height of his power just turns around and decides to destroy the empire he built
usually it’s some gay redemption arc where some evil mook is betrayed or something so he has no choice

You're comparing Cloud to awful prequel retcons. Lucas didn't write Anakin well at all. The OT is the only time he wrote the character well. Cloud has a better arc in his game, though in sequels and spinoffs he has been poorly handled.

Anakin is the greatest of all time
> Grew up as a slave
> Forced into becoming a mindless slave & pawn of the Jedi
> Constant burden of being the chosen one
> Jedi constantly lie to him and manipulate him
> Feels powerless when his mother is raped by Arabs & dies before his eyes
> Jedi refuse to help him at all
> Doesn’t get promoted to master, which clues him into the fact that they were lying to him the entire time
> Jedi tell him to suddenly spy on someone he considers a fried
> Ends up being manipulated by someone he Knew was a Sith Lord from the start because he’s the only one who was nice to him
> Padme becomes pregnant, & he recieves visions of her death, like his mothers
> Unwillingly becomes a Sith Lord, cries upon realization that he made the wrong choice & can never go back
> the other friend he had was Obi-Wan, who is sent to kill him & in his eyes turned Padme against him
> He has nobody left, and loses all of his limbs
> His plan of killing Palpatine & bringing true balance to the force is dead
> Once again becomes a slave, this time trapped in eternal pain inside his suit
> His Wife is killed by his hands, making him realize he threw his entire lfe away & it was pointless
> now trapped under Palpatine’s control & tells Luke flat out that he can never disobey him or he’ll die
> Last action is saving his son & finally killing Palpatine.
> Only now is he truely redeemed

Latter games turned him into an emo that solery exists only to fight sephiroth again and I hate it.

Dont you just love flanderization user?

I'd say that I'm hoping they get it right in the remake, but given how little of the actual PLOT it's going to cover I'm not sure what the point of hoping would be.

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This sounds more tragic than Guts from Berserk

WAtch a different movie you autist

>tries to be edgelord
>aerith finds him and dismantles his masculinity
>makes him comfortable to be himself
>he learns to care more
>he feels loss and takes responsibility
>fucked up past with memory warping

>aerith finds him and dismantles his masculinity
Never happens. His problem was always that he had a false vision of what it was to be a strong man in the first place. Did you even pay attention to the game?


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>do it

Read a book you fucking child

>>literal who
>won 6th place on NHK 2020 poll on biggest poll in Japan
>shitty Gary Stu Ardyn is 63rd
Kek. Cope Barry.

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Cloud since his bitch is better

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Reminder it's now canon that
>his daughter was visited by him only to disregard him and continue hating him forever
>he was never forgiven by anyone else but luke and even then luke barely spoke to him ever again
>with his death he still had the reputation of being a disgusting monster
>all the work he did to undo the empire and to finally overthrow the emperor in order to save his son was for nothing since he just came back
>he never once even bothered to steer kylo ren from his dark path
>he never once bothered to help marey sue against new palpatine
>he will forever go down in history as the one who brought the balance to the force, but not really since everything he did didn't matter and was undone within a few years and all his accomplishments, including his children, were unraveled in the most horrible of ways

>Ardyn is better
>63rd place is better than "literal who" who won 6th
Are you ok, bary?

What is that image supposed to prove exactly? That Cloud doesn't like cross-dressing like a faggot?

counting Clone Wars, then Anakin by far

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That literal who won 6th place among 198 characters on the biggest poll. So keep coping XV-kun.

The jedi didn't lie to him.

>"literal who" that is literally more popular than all of XV characters combined

>well written

T. Yoda

Caius Ballad


He’s just a gullible asshole who did what the bad guy told him to do.

>'literal who' won 6th place
Meanwhile, all XV spots on the poll:
> 13. Noctis
> 28. Ignis
> 38. Prompto
> 63. Ardyn
> 69. Luna
> 75. Aranea
> 91. Gladio
>140. Ravus
>148. Cindy

Are you ok, Barry? Are you ok, Barry? Are you OK!?

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Zoomers are getting filtered by the prequels, this is pathetic

At least play the games you're trying to criticize, user.


man i feel like cloud gets a lot hate cause of all the emo garbage they made him be after VII

He pretends to be Zack, he has no personality of its own.

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His identity is lifted from Zack, not his personality. Do you recall Zack being a snarky asshole in Crisis Core?


my man

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Imagine being so contrarian that you try to pretend the Prequels are anything other than irredeemable dogshit

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>>tries to be edgelord

His indifference was mostly a front seen in Midgar, at first he tried to act like he was just some high class Ex-SOLDIER there to collect his pay and that coat of paint begins to strip off due to Aerith's influence on him. The members of Avalanche may have also played a part in that, but the original doesn't fully confirm.

He even builds a better sense of camaraderie as they leave Midgar and says goofy things like "let's mosey" and making marshmallow comments on Barrett's sailor suit. He at least wanted to try to be tough or reliable moreso than as a child, even if it meant wearing Zack's identity as his armor to carry it out.

Play the entire game, user.

Yikes. Cloud literally won't shut up since the start of the game. He spends 80% of the game thinking he's an overly-confident chad who's badass for making soldier, then finds out he's a NEET who never made it and has a mental breakdown, then his big tiddy gf tells him it's all ok, then he goes back to being a confident arrogant smartass. He's literally never a "mute". Kill yourself

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I did finish it in 2 days playing nonstop. I got it on release day along with a playstation.

You should play it again. I don't think you're remembering it well.

Yes actually