Here's your new WoW race, bro

>Here's your new WoW race, bro

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FACT: The only reason anyone would dislike these is because of pre-existing biases and nothing to do with their design.

Mechagnomes had to be a fucking prank Blizzard pulled on Alliance players.
How do you make a race so shitty, so unwanted, that they make furbait seem like an acceptable alternative?

They're literally forced as fuck. There is 0 justification for them being locks, especially when Zandalari cant

This is bait

Vulpera are fucking based. My only gripe is that some helmets look ridiculously huge on them, and it ruins my favorite set.

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Good joke.

Yes. Female Kul'Tirans and Void Elves were also pranks played on Alliance. Blizzard just doesn't know what the fuck it's doing anymore. Their e-sports stuff was a bomb, Overwatch is dead, HotS is dead, everyone got bored of Hearthstone, WoW 's been in decline now for longer than it was successful, no one cared about Diablo 4, they've lost all their talent and hired retards and hacks in their place.

I can't look at these things without seeing the Goblin model with a fox head lazily stitched to it

Reminder that Vulpera were mentioned in one of the old Warcraft novels

What's wrong with them?

What do you mean, these are great.

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Try playing one and seeing them in motion, they're actually one of the most polished, if not THE most polished allied race in the game. The attention to detail makes some races seem like a fucking joke.


>no boots
>no gloves
>every piece of pants is turned into a diaper

B-but my vanilla cloth transmog looks like trash on them! Oh nvm they look like trash in every race

everything about that looks worse than this

Attached: 197746-clockwork-gnome.jpg (548x819, 130.98K)

mechanically if you give Zandalari locks they will literally have every single class available to them.
They omitted them to create this sense of golden goodie archetype and less about voodoo.

literally less than 1% of the population roll Mech Gnomes.

That kind of shitposting doesn't work when Blizzard is putting out content like this

I can't believe they added void elves instead of high elves.

>Good: Dark Iron Dwarf, Kul Tiran Human, Mag'har Orc, Nightborne, Zandalari Troll
>Bad: Lightforged Draenei, Void Elf, Highmountain Tauren
>Furry: Vulpera
>Wtf: Mechagnome

That's because Void Elves are a new archetype that directly contrast the sun worshiping Blood & HIgh Elves.
Adding traditional High Elves would literally be copy and pasting in Bloodelves with a new eye colour.
I will literally laugh out loud at pathetic High Elf cucks if based Ion gives Bloodelves eye color customization options including blue.

>Kul Tiran
Nobody plays for them. They are shit. What the fuck are you saying?


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Classic breakdown.

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they have great druid forms

How does blizzard keep getting away with it.

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Nightborne joining the Horde also makes no sense.
I would roll one if it didn't require exalted, and if I still played. The idea of another faction of humans is solid.

Unironically better than all Alliance AR's except DI, and any possibility of more elf niggers.

Get fucked.

Attached: racial preference.jpg (2048x1783, 754.69K)

my retarded idea is way better than their retarded idea trust me

>Nightborne joining the Horde also makes no sense.
agreed, they were ham fisted in for the sake of diversifying and giving Horde another pretty racm from a previous expansion.


The ears are what really have me some Ratchet and Clank vibes.

When is the game going to be average instead of mediocre again?

The nightborn joined the horde because they have more in common with the blood elves then night elves

Babies first transmog. Imagine using pvp gear for mog.

>nooo you cannot like his slightly less retarded idea over blizzard overwhelming retarded idea

you guys did complete Kiro's secret questline right?

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Only in that a lot of effort clearly went into them

>Jesse Cox

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I recognize night elf, blood elf, and void elf, what's the male one, and why no high elf?

The male is a Highborn it looks like. God I'm glad I quit this game last year.

I don't understand
Nightborn, basically night elves from 10K years ago.

Don't forget Reforged, which is so bad that it went back and ruined the original WC3.

>Jesse Cox

It's a Nightborne.
Also funny how these mongrels on the lower panel are deliberately made MUCH prettier than they actually are in game.

Attached: f19.png (630x725, 496.77K)

Why so many undead?

>I don't understand
"like I care what some actual basedfaced basedfag thinks"

That doesn't justify risking your life on the horde's cause.


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Who else on the horde?

It wasn't a horde cause back then

>Also funny how these mongrels on the lower panel are deliberately made MUCH prettier than they actually are in game.
So are the elves.


I agree. Anthropomorphized characters are classic fantasy. Just because some people like to dress up in mascot costumes and fuck doesn't mean you have to hate Donald Duck, you stupid faggots

Why do you retards think posting that picture, it means people like that fat fucking retard?

>Just because some people like to dress up in mascot costumes and fuck
That's a stereotype and is largely not a thing that actually happens

In a just world (of warcraft), the Horde would've been destroyed a long time ago.

Attached: Daelin_TCG.jpg (1024x1016, 625.68K)

It's what people largely find disgusting though. And their knack for infiltrating online communities

What do you mean "though?" That's my point.

>playing retail
>having touched wow since cata
>questioning modern blizzards design choices

Pretty much exactly as expected.

Furries don't get together at cons and fuck eachother in their costumes?

Gee I don't know, maybe examine the pic here posted as some kinds of proof how "elf niggers are shit" and retard miscreants are better.

Most of the time they don't even bother wearing costumes.

That's actually incredibly rare, yeah
People do it but it's a tiny slice
Trust me, I know


>Nightborne joining the Horde also makes no sense.
tyrande treated them like shit during Alliance questline so it's justified

like the Alliance needs more trannybait races
They already have elven homos as well as furfags in the worgen