Name one reason this game was bad (protip:you cant)

name one reason this game was bad (protip:you cant)

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full of gay shit

Not on the switch

It's a grindy boring game with repetitive gameplay that relies on shitty 2014 plebbit humor and progressive points to be remotely liked by anyone, and even then only redditors

Legendaries drop WAY too often, and they often aren't even that much better than purples, so it defeats the purpose and desire to farm the right bosses for them, despite being a core mechanic in BL1/2.

I used to spend hours and hours farming specific bosses to get certain legendaries with the right parts because they were amazing and made the game more fun. Now, who cares about getting the right parts legendaries (not to mention its harder) because purples are almost as good. Too many legendaries in this game have fucking useless perks that make them worse. Pretty much every legendary sniper is garbage, legendary launchers are outclassed by vladof ones and blue/purple tediore MIRV SMGs are arguably the best gun in the game.

too much pace breaking in the form of dialogue where they dont give you an objective until they are done talking. in 2 they would give you a point to walk to while the echo talking happened, but this game refuses to update your objective until the NPC finishes talking which is annoying on the first run and completely offputting on a second

Everything in this post.

Most people probably suck ass and get filtered by mayhem 4 and the rest are trolls that havent even played it.

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Aside from Krakatoa and the Lob every weapon fuckin blows and it's really easy to farm them.

Poor weapon balance is the problem

Killing off Maya in the worse way possible and Ava's character

Humor went from rather blatant and occasionally overdone but overall still funny into full-on meme.
Weapons don't feel as fun as in B2.
I got used to taking it up the ass by Denuvo, but I still dislike it.
No double norfleet.

they massacred my girl

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>no based krieg


yeah its way too short. the dlcs so far to.

Story ignores a lot from 2 and TPS and it's full of cringe and SJW shit. Writing is also terrible, even Anthony Burch did a better job.
Gameplay is fine.


I’ve never seen worse writing in a video game

No interesting characters. Bonus: Kills off interesting characters.

loot is a bad mechanic
also everything else

>That train wreck of a story
>The injected gay shit,
>That awful of an OC Ava,
>So far everyone women is a competent leader or killer and every dude is an idiot in some form(You notice this by the time your done with the second level)
>Killing off fan favorite characters or not including them at all
>Sudden overpowered Sirens just popping up from no where and making the already proven overpowered Siren look stupid in the first 10 minutes.

Basically while the gameplay as been the best its ever been its also shitting on itself with everything else.

The story is even worse than 2
The environments are worse than 2
But it's still better than 2

This game is buggy as fuck
Quests have broke several times
Me and each of my friends I played with crashed multiple times
The story is exceptionally bad even for a borderlands game
Gameplay is alright tho

the nonstop attempts at humor that fail at a rate of 100%. also waiting for npcs to deliver the aforementioned for way too long before they open a door or whatever and you can get back to playing. also the game is way too fucking easy

Huh? Did that come out?
Did they tell anyone?

The story. The gameplay is good, i genuinely had fun with it, but the writing is exceedingly bad. Also, like others said in the post, Legendaries drop way too often, in B2 a legendary weapon was a force to be reckoned with. In B3, I found my inventory filled with Legendaries and I'm not even level 25 yet.
Nonetheless, the game's fun.

Why does everybody Ava so much? I completely forgot she was even in the game for like 99.9% of it, so it made it impossible for me to have an opinion on her.

awful writing when the story is straight up a selling point. I didn't laugh a single time, I can't relate to my character's basic responses.
most of the loot is just ammo and chump change, but the inventory is too small for when you actually find shit.
there is no point to all the different and unique guns when a small fraction of them feel like most of them and they will mostly all get you through the campaign.

Ya miss the part where shes acts like a brat 24/7. gets Maya killed, and blames Lilith for it?

It managed to be a AAA release without any microtransactions, so it earned A LOT of good faith from me. And the issue with the story and dialogue can easily be ignored when playing the game on mute and listening to other shit, which I mostly do already. I will say that the pacing is aggravating though, with too much standing around doing nothing in-between the action.

>without any microtransactions
but it had cosmetic microtransactions

Maybe? But that probably all happens in the span of 5 minutes when you first complete that planet and then you never see or her from her again until the final boss battle.

TPS made an objective improvement over BL2 by removing the ability to mark guns as trash, only allowing you to mark items as a favorite. Then in the vendors, you could sell non-favorites, which actually saved time when having to go through and mark individual items as junk takes the same amount of time as just spamming the sell button. Then BL3 for some reason went back to BL2's style and I have no idea why. It really fucks with my particular autism.

This, I was a casual who never farmed bosses for legends but I was aware of it and respected it, then BL3 gives me that fucking Tsunami as a guaranteed drop from that Maliwan boss and it carries me 10 levels easily.

>then you never see or her from her again until the final boss battle.
Thank god. I didn't get that far yet.

who is the most op character, who is the weakest?

BL3 has no microtransactions. It had stupid special edition exclusive content, but there isn't a single currency or item in the game you buy with real money.

Legendaries are fucking spat at you left and right, which annihilates replay value and removes any incentive to play after you hear all the jokes.
Other than that is was good

Fucking this, I got that 'all decked out' equip all orange shit cheevo on my first run.

>four 'cosmetics' packs with exclusive (shitty) weapons/skins are not microtransactions
You get it all under the special edition, but they ARE still microtransactions

>being this much of a pedant
If you really want to split hairs, then sure, but that'd be like saying New Vegas has microtransactions for the Gun Runner's Arsenal or Courier Packs. Plus, it's a far cry from being able to buy bank slots, guns, vehicles, equipment, emotes, as well as all the other skins and heads. And the game isn't any grindier for having included them like every other release. In fact, it's far less of a grind than previous titles. It is a 2K game though, so if they manage to eventually weasel them in, feel free to quote me.

BL2 was one if the few shooters i could get my wife to play. Couch co op was great! Bought this one and you can only do horizontal split (the menus are all vertical) and the text does not scale for shit!

It was so bad that I thought for sure it would get patched... why even put a game mode in if its unplayable

zanes op as fuck with cryo. add a seeing dead and you have power to trivialize mayhem 4

>even more unskippable dialogue than 2
>went full retard making annointments do so much damage
>all the most fun action skills(except maybe gamma burst) come from previous games

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Moze is severely lacking in porn

are you able to skip cutscenes now?

>Mech was in previous games

>despite being a core mechanic in BL1/2.
Legendaries are not tied to specific bosses in BL1, that cancer started with BL2 onwards.

faggot bs

>I like the game btw

Tell me about it

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so I just got the game
do I actually unlock an endtree perk before the end of the game? I beat b2 at like..lvl29

try again

The Pre-Sequel problem. Stand around waiting for people to spew dialogue at you.

Yes. It helps, but doesn't alleviate the long, unskippable dialogue sequences, unfortunately.

Игpa нe плoхaя, нo cлишкoм, cлишкoм мнoгo диaлoгoв

>Enter this thread
>Not the only one who noticed the ALL WOMEN ARE QUEENS ARE MEN ARE INCOMPETENT RETARDS motif this game has
Thank god I thought I had caught Yas Forums retardation

>runs like shit
>randy bitchford
>boring as fuck
>main hub level is SHIT
>tina grew up
>no barefoot waifus
>cant rape female psychos

Maya gets her dumbass killed within 10 minutes of meeting her and Lilith is fucking useless.

The main villains were super boring.

No I know, Ive beat the game. But every male is shown as a blithering idiot. Vaughn only walks about his dick and is a retard, Troy is LITERALLY described as a leech, Rhys is a quivervoiced cuckold, etc.

Writing sucks
Side missions suck
Npcs suck except for the gay couple somehow they ended up being the most likeable people in the game
Villains SUCK
hub sucks I'd rather stay in that shack on pandora
More driving to pad out the needlessly large levels
Level design is worse than 2 (but better than pre sequel)
Mayhem mods add rng to your difficulty completely shitting on your build in some cases
Mayhem 4 is the bullet sponge difficulty they were supposed to be moving away from
Crashes randomly on pc
Slow as fuck on consoles

Waiting on that dlc level cap increase before I farm for gear again

And they're still propped up as being strong heroes. They say Lilith killed Handsome Jack for crying out loud.

I mean TECHNICALLY she did but yeah thats a gross exaggeration.

BL2 was the first game I noticed that resembled what became the stereotypical progressive bullshit. And that was back in 2012, of course BL3 was going to outdo it.

I actually thought I was going to fucking hate Hammerlock and Waimwright but Im with you theyre actually likeable.
Its probably because neither of them are floundering retards and dare I say it Wainwright actually has a decdnt backstory and motivations as did his family.
Eden-6 was probably the best part of the game minus thw spaceship trek with LOLSOFANNY IceCube

Currently at Eden 6 on my first playthrough an Wainwright might be my favorite character so far. Surprisingly likable and they did a good job filling out little details about him, like how he uses shotguns cause he's blind in one eye.
This part has been pretty good so far and I even went out of my way to only use Jakobs weapons on the prison level cause of his dialog about it.

I'm currently around chapter 12 but does any of the tales characters other than Rhys and Vaughn get mentioned? Loader bot?
Saw the trailer for the next expansion and shows off Gage, wondering if they will do the same.
3 has made me laugh more than 2. 2's humor is like a constant flat line of unfunny dialogue. But 3's humor is worse as the bad jokes causes actual pain, but a couple of jokes did get a laugh out of me. Out of my 200+ hours of playing 2 I don't remember laughing.
Funny parts in 3, when you help Rhys and complement his mustache - Rhys will remember that - gave me a hearty laugh. The first side mission for Ava where Private Beans is reading Ava's diary made me really laugh - didn't even want to kill Private Beans.

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Collect the logs if you can. They actually are really really good on E-6, especially between Montgomery Jakobs and Tyson

EVERY gun feels WEAK

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All of Athenus read like a bad tumblr self-insert fanfic.
How do you fuck up a cool planet like that. And a fanfavorite in Maya. So dumb. Fuck Ava.

>enjoys farming in BL2

tf is wrong with you?


>looter shooter

yeah nah

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Story was absolute GRABAGE
