Are you gonna buy it? Why and why not?

Attached: Resident Evil 3.jpg (512x512, 83.13K)

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Same reason I didn't buy REmake2; different gameplay and looking like shit.

It feels like a DLC to RE2make rather than its own game. Shouldn't be $60 if you ask me.

I wish, RE3 was my first RE and the demo got my super hyped, but the whole corona bs and my third world country has my lacking funds for it.
If anyone would like to buy it for me I can draw you something in return

I see the fake resident evil fans are comong out of the woodwork
How's the fortnite bus treating you?

>half the length of RE2make

Dont have a am I gonna get one now?+!

Yes, preordered it.
>inb4 he preorders lol
47 euros is still less than 60, so...

It’s going to be $20 after a week, just like 2 was.


He preorders lol

it's the only way to get proper Jill costume

REmake 2 is a masterpiece tho. You can spin it any which way you want but the fact remains.

Couldn't agree more. The game was obviously rushed and made by B-team. It needs more time in the oven. They should have delayed it, plain and simple.

>Half the length of RE2make
Is this true?

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*Great game on its own

It's no masterpiece; that's RE4. You can spin it any which way you want but the fact remains.

REmake 2 is better than RE4. It's a true Survival Horror game and doesn't have those shitty QTEs.

Remake is also deritative from both perspectives: gameplaywise and narratively (remake lol). Meanwhile RE4 was innovative for the series in a moment where most series get repetitive to death.

CAPCOM finally listening the long time complaint about their series is nothing to write home about.

I will wait to see what the full game is going to be like.
For the time being the fact that Jill is not pretty enough is underwelming enough for me to not want to buy the game.
I expect this to change just like I changed my opinion on Claire.

re2 can be done in under 2 hours tho

I honestly think that RE4 fans played only RE4.
I mean, it is a good game. But calling it one of the best, and calling it a Resident Evil game while hitting an enemy with Chuck Norris roundhouse kick...? No.

I was talking with someone I know the other day about if they were going to remake RE4, I said nah and he replied "but it's basically the definition of Resident Evil"

Never wanted to screen punch someone so hard before.

>I honestly think that RE4 fans played only RE4.
You're not wrong, every single shitty re4 fan I've come across said they never bother with the older games cause it was too dated.

Reminder, since RE2 the series was heading through an action style type of game. Now that since RE5 they did that in a really shitty way....

Don't worry you got Resistance with RE3, all the other time will go into that....

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No true RE fan cares about that trash.

It will most likely die after a week of release.

>Resident evil resistance
Why can't we get a remake of outbreak 1 & 2 combined together instead? That would be awesome.

It's honestly pretty sad. I hate that they diverted precious resources over to it instead of adding to the main campaign.

They have alot of assets available now that RE2 and 3 were remade. It wouldn't surprise me if they're planning/already making it, at least I hope so.

the team wanted to jump onto that Dead by daylight 4 Vs 1 trend which is just so crappy.

Not a big resident evil fan, and don't know if a lot of the doomposting is warranted or not, but I could already tell that the development going to Resident Evil: Resistance was likely going to hamper the main REmake 3 game. It ALWAYS happens (unless Resistance is by different developers?)

I just wanted to be chased by a zombified elephant while trying to get through Racoon City National Zoo with anons from Yas Forums.

im not buying it
maybe im not even going to pirate it
and if i pirate it, im not seeding it(i always seed to 2.0 ratio)

I'll likely pirate it. Between Doom Eternal, P5R, FF7RE, and this, it's too much money to spend on video games all at once.
One has to draw the short straw and it's going to be this one.

from what I heard, it was sourced to another team that wasn't the ones making re3r.

I'm watching a longplay on youtube. That's usually what I do for these short "movie" games with no replay value. Like uncharted.

If it had a scenario B i'd agree. But because of no Scenario B it feels it playing an unfinished game.

Was it actually 20$ after a week?

Attached: Tellmemore.png (128x128, 23.17K)

are you fucking retarded

Congrats on exposing yourself as a retard.

I am going to give that user the benefit of the doubt and say he meant to say "a properly implemented B scenario" which is true, in the Remake the 2nd scenario was a joke.

I think they meant a proper scenario B cus to be honest the the B scenario was the weaker part of REmake2.

Even without the B scenarios REmake 2 is excellent. The game grows on you the more you play it.

Oh it was for sure, it's just a shame the 2nd scenario wasn't much of a change.

Okay Yas Forums, my state just went on a State at Home Order. How the fuck am I supposed to pick up a physical copy now?


Sure, but I'm amassing all the RE games currently available physically for the PS4. Can't stop now.

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Get it digital and buy it physical at a much later date discounted, simple as that

Okay. You can deprive yourself of actually good games. Literally doesn't affect anyone but yourself.

Post art

Only thing holding me back a bit is Jill's nerfed beauty. To me Jill Valentine is a vidya icon and I dislike her changed appearance much like I disliked Chris' change in RE7.

The dead factory and Rail gun are critical pieces of RE3 as well and I would be disappointed if that was cut like I've been hearing.

If true then disregard what I said, then.

You can have it delivered to your door you just may not be able to play day 1.

I'll wait for a sale.

I see no good reason for them to have cut Mercenaries out.

Yes but I might wait for a sale now since it looks like it should be a big dlc for 2 instead of a full game release


I skipped remake 2 just finished the demo I'm hooked who's the face model for jill?

Attached: wallpapersden.com_jill-valentine-resident-evil-3-remake_240x400.jpg (240x400, 47.19K)

Same here. Waiting for sale too. I'd say that it's the best way to go about it. Project Resistance is going to be DOA.

Resources went to the online mode that will be dead after a week.

For the same reason we couldn't remake the clock tower. Prease understandu.

No, because the combat fucking sucks judging by the demo. None of the shots feel like they have any weight to them.

>speedrun times = normal game length
Skyrim can be finished in 20 minutes by autists, but that's not the regular time it takes to finish by normal people. Quit trying to defend this shit.
Go crazy user

dont worry about it.

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Too difficult.

Agreed. The demo really made its flaws glaringly apparent. Downgraded zombie gore system. Overabundance of ammo. Shitty nemesis AI. You name it.

Did this a bit ago

No buy, disapointed by everything I've seen from the game so far
>removed ennemies
>removed locations (Clocktower/Park/graveyard/Undead Factory)
>weirdly remixed ennemies (Hunter + Grave Digger, wtf)
>no more alternate paths
>Spiderman Newmesis (garbage bag costume, dog transformation, last transformation is literally Birkin bis)

>You can deprive yourself of actually good games.
Highly debatble triggered-chan. Respect, walk.


Combat is fine. It just wasn't balanced since the dodge roll makes zombies trivial and even Nemesis trivial after you get used to it. In the original game, the dodge was really hard to do and it was more of a dice roll to avoid damage than a sure thing. The timing was similar to getting a Max Act for Nero in DMC5, 99% can't do it at will even if they're great at the game, but 1% of turbo autists can. In the remake, it's as easy as a souls game dodge timing unironically. That's not even getting into the ammount of ammo and healing the game gives you. Hopefully hardcore mode makes the game somewhat hard, because it seems like a mindless and mediocre shooter at the moment.