Why are sonic games so garbage?

>Be me
>nintendo fag
>never like any sonic games except colours and generations
>hear mania is good
>buy it
>immediately regret buying it
>the game is just nostalgabatting furfags
>same issues as older titles
Does Nintendo just put more effort into their games? Even the worst Mario games have solid gameplay and fun mechanics

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Nice bait, faggot.

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You have it backwards. Mario games are lowest common denominator trash and the best Mario games can't even compare to the worst Sonic games.

And even if you were right, I'd sooner have a series that takes risks and occasionally whiffs than a series that just releases the same games over and over again.

2D Sonic is just ok. People pretend is masterpiece when a mediocre 3D sonic game is more enjoyable than a good 2D sonic. Also nintendo is hate and i don’t know how there can be people that love them when they only make the same 3 ip and only have exclsuives

>And even if you were right, I'd sooner have a series that takes risks and occasionally whiffs than a series that just releases the same games over and over again.
I...well...i never thought about that

>People pretend is masterpiece when a mediocre 3D sonic game is more enjoyable than a good 2D sonic
I can't imagine being as retarded as you.

>Sonic games taking risk

We've had 4 fucking boost games that barely change anything meanwhile each main Mario game at least attempts to try something the last hasn't.

The closest we've had for the series staying the same is Galaxy 1/2 and 3DL/3DW while Sonic's recent "risks" was a shit attempt at copying Galaxy with Lost World and another worse attempt at doing a really standard 3D platformer with Sonic Boom.

>never like any sonic games except colours
Stopped reading.

Sonic is a inherently faulty game design
>let's make a 2d platformer game centered around going fast as possible on a small ass screen were you cant see whats in front of you
Meanwhile Mario was about precise platforming at your own pace for the most part which is why the transition to 3d was even better for him

>>never like any sonic games except colours and generations
>>hear mania is good
>>buy it


>solid gameplay and fun mechanics
Get in line.

Tell that to the five or six New Super Mario Bros games

>And even if you were right, I'd sooner have a series that takes risks and occasionally whiffs than a series that just releases the same games over and over again.

Sonic games hardly take risks. They come up with half-baked ideas and never commit to polishing them. Like all the games with multiple characters/playstyles is a sign they don't think any one of them can carry the game.

Atleast when Mario games do something new they commit to it. They won't have a second character with a different gameplay incase players don't like Mario. Nintendo are confident that each game will be liked and mechanics are polished with that gameplay.

Mario's transition to 3D was a disaster. You can't actually think 64 even resembles the OG games.

That's the point, making a good 3D game is not the same thing as making a good 2D entry in the same series.

The idea that things from the 2D series need to be carried across to 3D is foolish. The 3D games need to establish their own conventions that suit 3D space,

When the Adventure games did that though, detractors bitched that it didn't play like the originals. Isn't it a bit absurd for those same people to hold up Mario 64 as the holy grail of 2D-3D transitions?

There's 4 and they're not the main series. Sonic 4 was their attempt at cashing in on NSMB and they would've kept shitting them out if they were profitable.

Mania blows all of them out of the water.

>same issues as older titles
>doesnt state issues once
>Likes colours and generations
>literally boost to win, shitty 2D platforming dominating most of the levels with practically no pinballesque physics which made momentum and attaining speed/height in the classics so great

Ok faggot

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Bullshit, Generations lets you do a ton of crazy shit in its levels.

>3D sonic as enjoyable as 2D
I fucking wish
3D Sonic is so automated and stiff it fucking hurts they didnt get actual programmers to make a proper physics engine so Sonic plays like Sonic.

3D sonic has practically just become a series of quicktime events as you speed down a linear corridor until you need to play a shitty halfbaked 2D platformer.

Mania at least brought Sonic back to the speedrunning finesse the series was KNOWN for. You're not supposed to be given speed in Sonic so you can wank off, its a byproduct of being good at the game.

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Sure, tonnes of cuhrazy automated movies you can watch and wank to.

The ceiling in Generations is so low a retard could master it.

>likes generations and colors
>doesn't like Mania
this is the worst opinion I've heard this week.

Show me.

Yeah those automated sections like skipping half of Speed Highway and Crisis City with well-timed spindash jumps off of ramps

Look at a speed run for any level in it. Crisis City Classic is my personal favorite.

>"be me"
>liking colors and generations

Kill yourself

Good argument, really proving Mariofags to be low IQ

Breaking the game isn't my idea of raising the ceiling but have it your way.

>posts a level filled to the brim with boosters and springs
How can you criticize the 3D games for just giving you speed, then post that? Where's your sense of awareness?

It's no different from using spindashes to get enormous height in the classics and Adventure games.

git gud

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Because that level is built around augmenting your speed.
In 3D Sonic you're given constant supply of the fastest speed so you can turbo drive at any free moment.
In Mania you at least need to jump to get a small boost while moving.

Sonic games are the precursors to movie games like Uncharted, it was the hold left game till something hits you, and then hit it back.

The only reason I liked Sonic as a kid, is because I thought Tales is cute.

It wasn't an attempt at an argument.

Those are done by utilizing the momentum of the engine.

Generations is practically a yes/no choice of pathway or just completely break out of game bounds.
Theres practically 0 agency beyond boost and choose direction.

>criticizes Mania and classic Sonic
I'm a big Mariofag, had you complained about janky as fuck Adventure games I would've believed you, but you're clearly baiting.

>Mario's transition to 3D was a disaster.
We get it, you were given a Saturn for Christmas.

>he counts NSLU as a separate game from NSLU

Reminder that Colors was designed with fans of Mario games in mind.

Fucking this.

>unwarranted consolewar shitposting
We get it, you were born in a third world country

S3&K and Mania are better than any 2D Mario game. Fuck off zoomer.

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>They won't have a second character with a different gameplay incase players don't like Mario.
>b-b-but that's just a reskin of doki doki panic not a real mario game
In the Japanese release of SMB2 Luigi was a separate character with different physics. You're objectively wrong AND objectively retarded!

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>nintendo fag

It's probably your shit reaction times. Playing slow consoles will do that to ya

In Mario games finding a shortcut is like a teacher giving a gold star to a first grader. "Congratulations, you pressed down on a pipe!"

In Sonic games you create your own shortcuts via mastery of the game's physics engines. It's just an inherently more skill-based experience and because of that it's more rewarding. Mario games reward mere competency while Sonic games reward mastery.

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>you were born in a third world country says the one console poorfag

>Mario's transition to 3D was a disaster
>t. average nu/v/ brainlet

>the one console poorfag

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>it was the hold left game till something hits you
I've heard of "hold right to win" shitters before but this is ridiculous

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>you were born in a third world country
>not projecting

>you were given a Saturn for Christmas.
>not projecting

You just hold right and jump at the right time, that's why true segafags didn't like Sonic.

>You just hold right and jump at the right time
Yes, this is how gameplay works in every 2D platformer. Astute observation.

>not projecting

>Yes, this is how gameplay works in every 2D platformer.
Except it isn't.

Christ almighty, the fucking Sega/Nintendo console wars are over can we stop comparing these two franchises already?

People didn't do this shit with Crash Bandicoot and their initial ad-campaign was even more antagonistic than Sega's was.

How is Mario NOT holding right and jumping at the right time?

What I love about the Mario vs Sonic shit back in the Genesis days up until the tail end of the Dreamcast’s life is how much they diverged in terms of appeal. Mario’s the more normie, play it safe franchise that focused more on tight, focused gameplay experiences. Meanwhile Sonic was purely ambitious in every possible way (presentation, gameplay, etc.), giving the series more edge compared to how vanilla Mario was. Think about it, Sonic 3&K has unique songs for each act in every zone while Mario typically recycles a select number of overworld themes. Sure the series’s ambition almost always brought a plethora of problems with it, but it gave it that edge that the Mario series lacked. That “edge” has now softened more and more after Colors and now Mario games nowadays are more “cooler” than Sonic’s ironically enough. Even in 06, despite how much of a mess that game is, I can at least commend it for trying to be more than it could’ve feasibly achieved.

Obviously not considering you don't have one, faggot.

>likes colors and generations
Pleb opinion discarded.

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