Remember when this was supposed to be the "fortnite killer"?

remember when this was supposed to be the "fortnite killer"?

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>no sexy girls
>not on mobile
>badly optimized

Gee I wonder why it failed

Man haha its so funny this game is dead.
I bet they don't even have 1,000 players on at once. SAY BYE BYE APEX FAGS XD

It could have had a chance if they kept up the content and had better looking women.

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>Jewex Legends dies
>1488nite still the king


How many times is this thread posted in a day/week? Is this how companies shill, or do players just shill for free like Yas Forums mods.

was there ever a time when a genre leader was unseated? literally has never happened just make a new genre

No? Because it hadn't claimed to be and you're counting a bunch of retards and falseflaggers as proof of the contrary?

Pubg/H1nz got unseated by fortnite/apex

Both dead games

Battle royales already did that with PUBG/H1. MOBAs had contenders. If EA actually funded and marketed Dawngate, it could've beaten out League.
Fighting games and Shooters are brand-name dominated.
Don't know much else.

It was actually pretty decent. The gunplay and networking were like a real game's rather than fartnight's absolutely fuckawful lagapalooza. The problem was that they just stalled for whatever reason and seemingly forgot that they were supposed to keep adding things to it. It also really needed to have a solo mode from day 1. F

EverQuest got its ass handed to it by WoW. EQ used to be talked about as unbeatable, that the market for such games wasn't larger than 500k players and that they'd conquered the genre.

They decided to not actually overwork everyone during that period where all the employees (mostly shitty employees/diversity hirse) were complaining about actually needing to make a fucking game.

It has 2 of those things

meh... got boring real fast just like any other game I suppose

Fighting games are a free for all right now, there are too many niches to fill. Tekken is on top at the moment though if we're basing things just on player count.

>badly optimized

You can say a lot of the game but that ain't it, shoulda went with

>shit netcode

I still prefer it to fortnite, i just can't stand the fence-spam

>can't host own servers
When you can't host your own FPS game servers you know you're going to have a bad time.
There is no need to have such lax settings that a bugman can play on US servers comfortably.

I still play it regularly. It definitely needs some improvements though. Matchmaking has been an absolute joke lately. I wouldn't mind SBMM if it was tweaked properly. The bigger issue is half the time the game refuses to put in a third. And in the remaining 50% of games they either drop solo, or leave 0.1 seconds after dying even though we could've respawned easily.

>Disgustingly ugly women except the one emo girl who wasn't too ugly relative to the rest of the cast
>Just the one map
>Forced gay character right after the game takes off
>FORCED squads
>NO solo mode
>For weeks people screamed at the devs to add solo mode
>"Lol maybe one day we'll add it who knows haha"
>Little to no updates
>Game dies

Wow I wonder why it died.

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Devs can't balance for shit, Mirage and Wraith being a good example, Wraith still having a stupid small hitbox, Mirage having almost no work put into him since S1, greedy market system, Peacekeeper still OP, R99 Still OP (Prowler still needs a select fire which makes it semi-balanced), servers are ass, battlepasses are ass, characters are mostly ass too, gets boring real quick when almost every game ends in a wraith/pathy duo winning with a gold shield.

They're too scared to nerf Wraith for some reason and make a lot of characters more viable rather than just the one being a must-pick.

>When you can't host your own FPS game servers you know you're going to have a bad time.
What type of retarded year are we in? 2007?

>remember when this was supposed to be the "fortnite killer"?
It never intended to be, stop showcasing your piss poor memory.

They worked on it before EA bought them, EA didn't think it would do that well and admitted to being surprised at how popular it got.

I swear, it feels like 90% of the people that post on Yas Forums are idiots.

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>It could have had a chance if they kept up the content
Only reason Epic can do this is by non-stop crunch, canceling all other projects and put peope on working on Fortnite, burning through employees.

>not 100%

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> They worked on it before EA bought them
How long they worked on it? Two weeks?

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you failed to mention the onslaught of chinese hackers

PubG was HoN, Fortnite was League, Apex was Smite


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the only fun BR the sweaty tryhards didnt ruin with some gay tactics

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Game fucking sucks.
>Forced 3's so if you're playing solo you get fucked by dogshit teammates who go solo/quit immediately/etc or just plain suck
>No solo mode
>One map that rarely gets updated
>Shitty guns
>Broken characters
>No solo mode
>No sexy female characters
>Store is the biggest jewish scam where a single legendary skin costs almost $20
>Battlepass rewards are almost all filler garbage
>Common to run into hackers
>No solo mode
>Always at a disadvantage to that one sweaty 3man group compared to you solo with two randoms who are most likely worthless
>Netcode is absolute dogshit with server connection lost often

Attached: SOLO MODE WHEN.png (1920x1080, 1.35M)

>>No sexy female characters
>Wattson and Wraith aren't sexy
you could just be gay.

Alright Wattson is good, but wraith is gross without a skin that changes her face

Attached: gross wraith .png (1920x1080, 801.5K)

only good thing that came out of apex was the movement

Pathfinder grapple hook was fun as fuck to use

>team game

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>"fortnite killer"?
said who

>being forced to have worthless, shit teammates that do nothing vs. premade squad so that you always are at an almost insurmountable disadvantage
that's why the game sucks

I like this game, but something happened to my account and EA support couldn't help. So...meh.

what's the dota 2?

I would argue that apex was dota

The game sucks because of the netcode, bugs and god fucking awful balancing.
Not because you get tryhard weebshitter wraiths 90% of the time and your K/D is stuck at 0.40. If you want teamcomps and teamwork play ranked or use a mic.

Team game.
NO solo mode.

Eat shit and die.

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>solo mode
just get friends its not hard

Cod Warzone is a team based game but added solo mode in like 3 days after release cause fans begged for it

>play by yourself
>either not matched with anyone and thrown in solo / duo
>teammates fuck off by themselves and do their own thing anyway
>get a pre made
>get put in sweaty predator lobbies constantly and struggle to have any fun
best way to combat this is playing ranked until you get into diamond but imagine having to play ranked mode for a casual game

Wattson is my wife fool

CoD Warzone has literally 2 team-play mechanics: resing teammates and buying respawns.


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Can't be, PubG would be the closest thing to the Arma battlegrounds gamemode,


You havent played if you thinks theres only two.I guess the cars which hold 3 people and move them from point A to B is a solo thing right?

>>get put in sweaty predator lobbies constantly and struggle to have any fun

>be me
>7 kills kill-leader with "useless" mirage 1440 damage 20+ bamboozles victory with full squad alive
>come evening around 7-8
>lvl500 wraiths with more than 5k kills _all_the_fucking_time_
>lvl24 aimbotting lifelines with 100s of kills
>lvl420+ premade headglitchers everywhere
>half the lobby has TTV in their names
>lvl470 pathfinders with 100k damage
>premade streamers teabagging
>aimbotting octanes

I just don't understand it.

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yet it's a million times more fun than apex lmao

I'm stunned that you consider riding in a car with someone as "teamplay".

Y-You're just baiting at this point...


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Well maybe that's what it takes to make 10/10 games nowadays?

Did they ever fix the random disconnects?
Is Caustic and that samoa guy still fucked by oversized hurtboxes?

Dunno haven't played Warzone yet. But it's hard not to have fun in a game like CoD with a TTK of *fart in one's general direction*. All you have to do is make sure you aim at the center and try to make sure you're always the one to shoot first.

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>no it still happens pretty often
>Kinda yea, samoans gun shield is actually really strong in fights but once it goes down/you try to run, you're fucked

No netcode is pure fucking cancer.
Caustic's hitbox is actually one of the most accurate in the game. Samoan fag on the other hand is literally pick-or-loose; oversized my fucking ass.

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Tell me how am I wrong, you know you cant honestly.

TTK is higher than in regular MW since you have shields
Not Apex levels but still