Is Doom Eternal the most right wing game ever made?
Is Doom Eternal the most right wing game ever made?
No but Doom is pretty based tho.
It's pretty amazing how empty right-wing ideology is. It's not about policies or principles, just hating people you don't like.
Yas Forums - Video Games
>It's pretty amazing how empty left-wing ideology is. It's not about policies or principles, just hating people you don't like.
funny enough is animal crossing
Should I buy this game? No really sure I can be fucked dumping £50 on this when I could buy a new sweater or something
the concept of right wing ideology stems from the fundamental concepts of order and chaos. Right wing ideology is the assertion that order requires certain principles and ethics to maintain, which is true. Right wing ideology supports anything which strengthens people, family, and society as a whole. In the same vein, it is against any sort of moral or ethical social decay, such as the decay caused by homosexuality, race mixing, immigration, and the prevalence of nonreligious hedonistic retards that comprise the majority of the western population.
So it's not a matter of hate, but rather survival. Social decay is the manifestation of chaos, and chaos will consume everything if left unchecked.
Therefore, those who desire order must always stem the tide of chaos, and therefore what you consider to be "people you don't like," they consider to be dangers to the very social fabric and future of mankind.
They're always right. You're 100% degenerate scum if you disagree with right wing ideology, there is 0 (ZERO) legitimate arguments to be made against right-wing ideology except if you happen to be a filthy chaos spawn actively destroying society.
t.filthy chaos spawn actively destroying society, hence why I know
Based and redpilled
its pretty easy to pirate but if you only have a switch or something then sure I guess if you really want a shooter. Personally I'd wait for a sale, it's kind of short.
>This is "right wing."
... folks. Let me tell you about words. They mean things. Specific things. For purposes of communication.
save this and read it again when your brain is fully formed
epic comeback bro you sure showed that mean Nazi white supremacist trump supporter! :))
says the guy who eagerly believes that millions are evil with zero pushback.
>million are evil with zero pushback
Pic related is both evil and stupid at the same time
Right, except that one doesn't actually hold water, dummy
why would he try to stop the bioweapon his freemason masters released?
>i like it
>right wing
>i hate it
>left wing
people that will never breed are extremely concerned about future generations
keep slurping up that corporate slog, hypocrite
Sure is video games in here
dreamcast or ps2? idk guys this online seems pretty legit, I doubt anyone will care about the dvd player. is this a game console or a dvd player? haha
oh boo hoo faggot get a job and stop caring about Vietnamese knitting factory bulletin board shitposting
>Demonology Today
>clearly written for demons
why the FUCK would demons keep abreast of contemporary advances in demonology?
you're proving "mortally challenged" jokes right
Why am I not surprised..
anime website
Except there are actual policies the left push and not "whatever makes the opossite side angry" but you knew that already
i'll breed you, fagboy
You just explained Yas Forums.
The OP is about DOOM, user.
holy fucking based
Go dye your hair its next shade of color, faggot.
Is it? It perfectly mirrors the "white guilt" left wing mentality. It's aimed at humans that for some reason sympathise with demons.
Ying and Yang
Balance in world
check out my DOOM gameplay
post webm when done or u will be fake and gay
Too much order leads to totalitarianism, too much chaos leads to anarchy. As with all things, balance must be achieved.
Societal happiness decreases as you become more draconian. A liberal society is a more creative, freer, more desirable one. Who the fuck wants to visit or live in conservative countries? The only example I can think of is Japan and Japan is extremely degenerate according to your standards.
This. Both sides hold to some sort of principle in rhetoric, even if they don't in practice. I mean, conservatives couldn't even conserve bathrooms.
>Totalitarian absolute monarchy was bad because the quality of life was lower without the technological advances we've made these past 300 years
This is the stupidest thing most people actually believe.
Nice. I could never get into games like this though. I just don't want to bother autistically committing combos to memory just for flashy combat.
Yes, Bethesda is a Nazi company.
you are quite right, but there's barely enough self-proclaimed right-wing here who actually do any of those
>see my side is right because my side likes order, and your side is wrong and chaos. this is true because i say it is.
yeah everyone looks at the old totalitarian regimes and ofc they suck because all life was shit 300 years ago.
look at modern day totalitarianism like China and you can see how effective it is
>A liberal society is a more creative, freer, more desirable one.
Except for entertainment industry. Liberals are authoritarian in this case.
Keep crying on Yas Forums nigger, I'll keep living my best life while you seethe.
unironically this
you have a very idealistic view of what boils down to differences in political leadership mechanics and economics. You must realize that in practice most of what you're talking about isn't actually seriously believed by your politicians, and they don't follow at all the morality that you believe is part of your ideology.
>no you don't get it, I don't hate black people because i'm afraid of them, it's because of uhh... survival
God, yeah, when I think of a model state, I think CHINA. What a fucking joke you are.
Give them a try, i know it looks intimidating but combofag autism isnt the end goal, having fun is
When youre playing, after a few hours you start learning some basic shit on your own, you start pulling off combos that look cool to you, even if they are baby tier by comboautist standards, but its still fun
before you get your nickers in a bunch know that I'll never vote for Trump: he's an existential threat to people suffering from chronic pain. But also know that truth matters and I call out bullshit when I see it.
Firstly vox has a spotted record and was quite poor at covering the virus at first. Second, what a bullshit article. Just a bunch of mind reading followed by stating basic facts. Poor reporting.
He's also completely dismissive of this subject. Depressions KILL. At some point you cross the threshold and the economy murders more than the virus. It's a conversation worth having. Sources:
>Suicides associated with the 2008-10 economic recession in England
>in England alone 1001 more suicides than expected occurred during the 2008 recession
>More Than 10,000 Suicides Tied To Economic Crisis, Study Says
Now for the love of god stop forming your worldview off the ramblings of unqualified middlemen. Middlemen who are often at the mercy of some white, rich, piece of shit CEO. Do some of your own journalism. Go directly to the source and form your own opinions. If you don't believe you're capable of that then you probably have a self-hatred issue that needs resolving. I do too, but it's very important to take care of and will determine the quality of the life you lead.
Try this litmus test: if you read an article and come away feeling angry and helpless then you've probably read something filled with half-truths. Actual truth, the full story, instills confidence, even if what you read is awful. Stop being manipulated by bad actors.
cute dog dude
Who are you quoting?
It's a well known fact that Randy Pitchford makes all employees throw a Nazi salute to the swastika flag and swear to make game in service to the white race every morning, while secretly working to resurrect Hitler through Himmler's Aryan Occultism in their underground bunker.
totalitarianism is preferable to an oligarchy pretending to be a republic with no oversight or accountability.
a "liberal society" is the calm before the storm. it exists between the glory days of an empire and it's decline. Anyone who looks at the situation realistically understands that our society will fall at this trajectory just like Rome did. We are literally the same thing with the same problems, right down to the whole "oligarchy pretending to be a republic" shtick.
So, while societal happiness increases with freedom, it also inevitably leads to lower birthrates, economic decline, decadent spending, massive debts, costly wars, increasingly overbearing secret societies and intelligence agencies. birthrates decline, unemployment rises, violence increases, looting, disease, etc. in this chaos, totalitarians rise out of the ashes of a republic's inevitable demise. It is the only solution to the ever-sloping curve of decay. A King always rises to set things right, whether that King comes from within the society or from another, at the head of a conquering army.
>my politicians
I'm a constitutional monarchist. I'm actively against our the very concept of democracy and republicanism. fuck parties, the time of the rope is soon.
just takes practice. there are youtube videos that help.
>Too much order leads to totalitarianism
So far basically every regime that enforced its totalitarian order through lethal force applied to citizens followed some brand of marxist or globohomo ideology, and modern shit that wants to establish mass surveillance and cashless society while paying lip service to "freedom" and "democracy" constantly isn't exception.
>but muh totalitarian hitler
Hitler had no problem with meeting with common German citizens in person, there's fuckton of photos where he stands within hand reach of crowd, can you say the same about any "progressive" leader?
An anonymous poster
You think there'll be oversight and accountability in totalitarianism?
No, that would be Deus Ex
>I'm a constitutional monarchist. I'm actively against our the very concept of democracy and republicanism. fuck parties, the time of the rope is soon.
what's it like knowing that everyone else thinks you're a moron?
No, the left always pushes something that benefits one and specifically hurt another.
>implying left wing ideology doesn't hate people and justifies it by stretching terms like racist and bigot to nonsensical distances
It's sad to know I'm surrounded by mongoloids?
im sorry that you actually believe this
AI is more further then any western games.
It must be because to be on that side of the spectrum, you must engage in hardcore rationality. The more extreme you engage in it, the further you go.
He believes the truth.
seriously though, what's it like knowing that if you honestly share your political opinions with others that they'll think you're crazy?
Enjoy being the first to get the rope after the revolution. Ah, so many wonderfully naive idiots.
>A liberal society
Very few people are actually advocating a real, liberal society though. When a bunch of so-called "liberals" advocate for shit like unironic hate speech laws, then no, they're still perfectly fine with using the state as an aggressive cudgel against things that offend their sensibilities, just like everyone else.
>what's it like knowing that everyone else thinks you're a moron?
Who the fuck cares what midwits think, or "think" rather because they barely have any thought process of their own, despite deeming themselves very smart.
yes. his oversight and accountability is the constitution and the church. When something goes wrong, you replace the King. Modern government is like a Hydra, you can't destroy it; no matter how many people you kill, the beast still grows more.
A King can become a problem, but then at least the people all know what needs to be done, who needs to be taken care of.
As it stands, there is nothing to rally against, by design. they all shift blame amongst each other when they're all complicit in treachery. Treason against the people, the true sovereign, in favor of a secret society of oligarchs.
unfortunately being the only smart man in the room is a very frequent occurrence for me, being an underachieving big fish in a small bowl, so I'm quite used to short-sighted fools that fail to see the truth in front of them.
hey bitch guess who was able to get an iron grip on the corona virus epidemic while other countries like italy and the us get fucked harder in a shorter amount of time.
I already told you, piss off.
Such as?
LOL yes this heavily advertised AAA videogame that will line the pockets of kikes with every copy bought is based and redpilled user! Buy it now!