DOOM Eternal thread

DOOM Eternal thread.

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actually good last thread, doomfriends

Is it still the stupid looking cacodemon from 2016?

>there are people that think that 2016 had a higher skill ceiling than this game
I honestly don't get it

they should patch tits in, make it like a god of war enemy.

No its the cute and funny cacodemon from eternal.

I can't believe VEGA was your dad the whole time

Damn that rocket launcher you can unlock for Event 1 looks sexy

The only way to get decent threads now for currently released games (this, AC, Alyx) is to just talk past the people who seek out these threads to convince others its shit and just focus on gameplay discussion


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the gunner zombies are the worst enemy in the game because you dont know if you should kill em or save em for ammo specially when there are multiple, in which case they can actually hurt you a bit

flame belch and toss a grenade to thin the herd

Melee zombies spawn once all dps fodder is gone

Zombies are honestly more tougher then they look which is surprising.

learned something new again

Cacodemon eating mechanic should only apply to grenades and not the shotgun mode, discus

flame and frost bomb them for a burst of health and armor.

Seriously wish frost bomb was the normal go to for health instead of GK.

Shit last boss

That would make it even easier then, you actually have to switch weapons to counter it

Alright Yas Forums, what's your favorite glory kill?

Mines the prowler spine rip.

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>because you dont know if you should kill em or save em for ammo
This is what DOOM has become.

Preanimated takedowns are the main thing now, actually shooting is what you do in-between pressing E and F.

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Glory kills a shit

What the fuck was the point of that line?
>Samuel, am I... the Father?
Is this codex shit or did Sam and Vega have a forbidden romance with the Slayer as the bastard?

its the only thing that makes the SG useful post SSG.

Also arbalist one shots them.

Apparently the snakes were gonna have tits but marketing got upset
Also the snakes have way too much health

actually, doom has become quake

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>Is this codex shit

Cacodemons shouldn't have so much health in general

>that GK that slices the snake like a cucumber
also happens to be my favorite one

funny watching this vid;
"we're comfortable frustrating the player, as long as we're teaching them something/pushing them towards a more fun style of play."

feels good knowing they designed it this way and didnt appease to the 'noo why do you have to chainsaw!' crowd

demons shouldn't be this cute

God there is something about those cages of tortured humans I just can't stop looking. It's such a pretty game in a really weird way.

>mfw we get doom defrag videos
its the only reason i would've liked snapmaps to be back

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Speaking of codex I really should go back and figure out where part 1 of the return of samuel hayden is, it apparently something in the codexs for samuel becomes relevant later in the game and I don't want to not understand it

Post tracks

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As someone who thought '16's chainsaw was too gud, I love the change.

Probably taking the Doom Hunters horns and ripping his head in half with them

>Punch marauder
>Marauder catches fist.
>Extend blade.

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2016 > Eternal. Not that Eternal is bad, 2016 is just amazing.

not until rocket jumping

Agree on the prowler, but the mechanized zombies have some really satisfying glory kills, like the one where you shove their entire blade hand through their skull

I really wish I could play this game high but I just can't, I get filtered so hard

You'd think so, but they are doing their very best to discourage mouselook movement in favor of warping to animations & dashing.

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the one where you make a zombie kill himself with his own gun

and the BAP!, of course

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this one, FUCK the snakes

this one too


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The one on Whiplash that lets you jam her broken arm into her skull

The one where you make Whiplash sashimi.

Slice and dicing the Snake bitch.
Its so satisfying finally catching them before they hit you, and then to follow up with that is perfect.

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Berserker kill on the Tyrant where you just jump on him and punch his face in


Wait does doom eternal actually have bunnyhopping cancer or are people just trying to make it look that way?

The one where you push the zombie’s head into their chest and they become neckless

I missed a slayer room on the ice map. Do I have t do the whole map again to get there?

Has anyone got a full pic of Doomguy's face yet?

I'm too busy playing the game to even care for the shitposter : critique ratio anymore.
The game has a few hiccups and shortcomings, but I'm addicted.

Battlemode is more fun than I ever had in 2016 multiplayer, and that's as both slayer and demons.
The most fun I had in battlemode was with a pair of highly skilled demons who worked together in amazing ways. Each round lasted 10+ minutes of back and forth carnage. I would almost lose multiple times and so would they before someone would ultimately clutch out the round.

It was enough fun for us all they actually stuck around yo shuffle the teams so we all had a turn as slayer / demon teams.
Showed me just how much complexity and depth there is to battlemode that I never really expected.

But I still need to beat ultra nightmare. Ugh.

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Great game but the demon ratio feels very fucky.

Everyone points out how underused Archvile is but beyond that one part in the Cult Base when is the last time you see the Cueball demon?

Its a tie for me between the arachnotron ones, just cause of their fucking screams of pain and horror, and that zombie head pound where you knock their skull into their chest.

>and the BAP!, of course
I've seen it so many times yet it never gets old.
I love that dumb face they make too.

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>Destroy all od IoS's amror pieces
>lmao now do it all again

The cueballs were better in '16 anyway

>Extra lives get used before Saving Throw activates.
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

Also, what the fuck are you supposed to do in situations where you run out ammo but there's only heavy enemies left and no light enemies to chainsaw? I know that light enemies generally will continuously spawn slowly for this reason, but I've encountered several situations where they just don't and I'm basically running around like an idiot for 5 minutes waiting for the flame belch and launcher to come off cool down.
I really don't understand they didn't just give you the unlimited ammo pistol of Doom 2016

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Yeah, but redoing it is actually pretty quick when you're not looking around for other secrets.

As a reminder, once fast travel is available for a level, it means its over and you should go and grab all the collectables.

There was a full illustration in the art book, looks a bit like a beefy Michael Shannon

Hard to say. I like so many of them. I'll just say which are my favorites per enemy

The Head Dunk
>Mecha Zombie
The grab head and spin body
Slice legs off and back stab
Bisected from behind
Maykr Drone
Slice Head off and kick body

Walk up from behind
Slice in half and watch them spin
Stab brain through mouth
Stick them from behind and watch them squirm
Tie between feeding them a bomb and stabing them with both of their legs
Breaking arm and shoving the bone in their mouth
The slice to break their sternum and force their ribcage open
stepping on their foot and spinning their body

Super Heavies
Cutting the leg
>Doom Hunter
Cutting off their hover and stab from bottom of mouth
Punch catch and blade extend
Catching their arm and watching as they have realized what a terrible mistake they made
>Baron of Hell
Cutting their neck

I had fun in 2016's MP, felt like a diet version of Unreal at the best of times, plus being able to play Armor Barbie is something I always get a hardon for. Having about as much fun in Battlemode tho, slowly working on getting that Slayer set.

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If you get some speed from a grapple or the like you can maintain it a bit longer by bunnyhopping but you can't build speed just by jumping

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Finished Doom Eternal and man I had a blast
not sure if I should unlock everything in UV or just move to nightmare

Also it just me or does the Khan Makyr look cuter without that mask?

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Is the multiplayer mode really that bad?

Get the praetor suit upgrade that lets you shoot explosive barrels for ammo and you can combine it with the other upgrade that makes barrels regen

If you kill them more will just spawn. There are always imps/zombies spawning until the big guys are gone.

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She looks adorable without the mask

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My one complaint is that I wish Caco's didn't just have the same "bap his eye" kill every time, especially when they are the ones that get glory killed the most.

I feel like I'm having a bit less fun since I realized this. It's like I'm only fighting heavies now, since there's no point in going out of your way to fight the weaklings.

Well that's not too bad I suppose, least you can't just infinintly maintain speed like you can with titanfall 2s version of the mechanic

2016 multi wasn't bad or anything, but it was pretty basic.
My playstyle never had to change or adapt, it was the same every time.
Track powerups, kill the demon since my team wont, carry.

I sunk a lot of hours into it for sure, but battlemode just tickles me in all the right places.

I'd try the rabbit stew flavor desu.
Sorry doomguy.

Dammit, forgot Gargoyle. It's the fucking one where you grab their arm and they start freaking out before you shove it into their face.


Weaklings still do good to outright fatal damage in higher difficulties.

Getting shot in the back by a Shield Soldier can lower a 200 health to 40.

I haven't been able to play it much yet since I had to move somewhere with shit internet so my place could be used for somebody to quarantine but what little I did play seemed pretty fun
What were they thinking making open mic the default though

>There was a full illustration in the art book
Speaking of which, are there full scans of the art book online anywhere? Or of the lore book that came with the collector's edition?

What I do is just fight the heavies but just now down the fodder in my way with chaingun/plasma rifle/SSG. Also when I'm getting DP'd by big bois I usually smash through like 4-5 fodder demons for health instead of glory killing any of them. Keeps me more mobile.

The Father is like the leader of the Makyr even above the Khan Makyr. VEGA is basically God or some shit

Some of this art is pretty fucking I gotta say. That being said I wish they added in set pieces like this into the game. Especially on the ARK level, that places was already under attack when you got there so it would've been awesome if you could save civillians or fight along with some of the armed forces left behind and keeping them alive could reward you with ammo and health pickups.

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No it's not, but the mode is balanced around both demon players not sucking balls.

If one of the demons are bad, but the slayer is good, the game is pretty set in stone.

isn't it takes just one regular ballista shot after fed grenade?

You just ignore it for a bit then break the wall from the other side, why fuck that one specifically?

Did you think you can make the jump?

Yeah, but the point is that they keep respawning. Sure, it's useful to kill them for loot or if they're about to attack, but otherwise you may as well ignore them.

I like the dopefish you blow up in the cultist base

What the fuck does "Sentinel Armor" do? I got the cheat but I have no idea what it did beyond give my HUD a different effect.

Chainsaw pips didn't feel right in 2016, because it induced hoarding, but they make less sense in Eternal. They should have reverted it to its OG behavior; slow continuous damage on contact (with ammo released slowly) with infinite fuel, and when you use it on a demon ready to be glory killed, it plays the animation and does a piñata pop of ammo.

Quake 1 was just 3D Doom though so it's okay.

fuck this boss

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I don't get why VEGA asked that. Isn't it implied that Doomguy was given The Father's essence? Which basically makes him God, which is...I don't know, a little too much for me. I'm pretty disappointed in the story for this one after how much I liked the story in 2016.

>Did you think you can make the jump?


>Extra lives get used before Saving Throw activates
It seems so fucking counter productive that they work that way and a waste of a rune slot.

the hop scotch shit with the waving shit was basically damage you were forced to tak.e

Kek, one hell of an oversight.
If it makes you feel better, I tried that too.

Arc is BTFO and by the time slayer enters gore nest they're all dead or turned into hell grunts.

Go to your game options and look up sentinel armour. It’s a defensive buff.

EZ mode if you keep getting wreckt.

I like to think that it was VEGA just losing his mind.

>MFW enemies have visible damage where pieces of their flesh comes off revealing organs, muscle, and bone when they take damage

Fucking based. I love this kind of stuff.

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He kicked my ass on Nightmare. I was worried he would become a regular enemy like the Doom Hunter and Marauder.

And was anyone else disappointed that there's no Cyberdemon boss fight? Just the Tyrants as normal, if beefy enemies who are actually kind of pushovers.

>mask on
dommy mommy dick flattener demanding cummies
>mask off
tsundere anime gf who needs a strong man to protect her

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All runes that aren't the slow down in the air, speed boost on glory kill and better air mobility is a waste.

The way the Barons light on fire makes up for the fact they're colored grey now.