Last game you played

>last game you played
>your face while playing it
The Witcher 3

Attached: Da_sMVOV4AAS8TW.jpg (473x252, 13.56K)

>World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth.

Attached: 1584915677820.jpg (1920x1080, 792.51K)

Civ IV

Attached: 1568912245291.jpg (720x408, 135.63K)

Succubus Affection

Attached: 1584395704531.jpg (980x572, 137.37K)

Doom 2016

Attached: 96508ff20f539e65ccc8e407bb777e9b.jpg (600x315, 33.76K)

Half Life: Alyx

Attached: half life alyx.jpg (1908x1146, 143.37K)

Doom Eternal

Attached: e94.gif (540x300, 124.05K)

God of War 2018

Attached: IMG_5505.jpg (576x720, 54.54K)

Saints Row 4
I like making qt mommybod waifus in that game
I hope they make another one soon

Attached: 20200323_163922.jpg (752x482, 173.64K)

>I like making qt mommybod waifus in that game
Show us plz

>Animal Crossing

Attached: jew_basic.jpg (220x220, 18.77K)

>Disco Elysium

Attached: 1567393651702.jpg (823x723, 168.86K)

Attached: EDAF59E1-6A8D-4E27-9D97-ABE3108D3C0D.jpg (598x516, 281.4K)


Attached: 1467929955457.jpg (250x250, 8.39K)

Post some

i second this, show us.


Attached: when i win.jpg (620x930, 70.99K)

>Animal Crossing

Attached: 1554754584885m.jpg (768x1024, 82.92K)

Payday 2

Attached: 600px-Orks_attack3.jpg (600x424, 84.96K)

>hurr you know that game everyone likes, well I don’t like it
Fuck off contrarian

>Doom Eternal

Attached: HOWDY HOWDY.gif (480x270, 3.79M)

Persona 4 Golden

Attached: holy shit stop texting me goddamn.jpg (960x720, 73.16K)

The Witcher 1
so far its just a shittier KOTOR

Attached: 1562109275173.jpg (492x491, 37.6K)

>Warcraft 3

Attached: dcv8p5r-41a1a6bd-ef5b-4e1f-830b-3f614ba3f9f6.png (640x358, 241.08K)

>resident evil revelations

Attached: CFB08DB1-260C-4B28-A3AD-413148ED992D.png (640x640, 698.15K)

Hollow Knight

Attached: 1556233409385.gif (200x200, 1.92M)

>dead by daylight

Attached: 1583810834882.jpg (1024x768, 101.59K)


Attached: Jdbsbs.jpg (218x182, 10.9K)


Attached: dingus slapping peon.png (489x417, 173.3K)

Fallout 4 Nuka World.

Attached: 1584485147450 (1).png (885x817, 32.07K)

>Generals: Zero Hour

Attached: Tomorrow i'll be crying.jpg (362x418, 36.64K)

me also

Attached: 1573107615049.jpg (320x320, 16.4K)

fallout 76

Attached: did you do that... on purpose.png (584x720, 347.39K)


Attached: IMG_20191226_204223.png (800x533, 875.56K)

Sam and Max. Season two.

Attached: 1584194738004.gif (210x210, 83.63K)

>The original Trials of Mana

Attached: 8hnWJjq.jpg (640x751, 171.31K)

>TWEWY on Level 1 Ultimate

Attached: IN THE ZONE.png (764x715, 321.38K)

>Pathologic 2

Attached: It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg (1022x731, 68.06K)


Attached: 84137988_3212489238780330_8082674644827504640_n.jpg (360x358, 10.21K)

>Final Fantasy 9

Attached: 1323222240001.jpg (600x600, 31.93K)

Witcher 1

Attached: Uncle_Waldo.jpg (1148x989, 97.09K)


Attached: 1584839454803.png (549x467, 296.5K)

>borderlands 3 it was a gift, i didnt buy it
the writing is fucking awful, its even more painful than 2 or ps

Attached: 1567932633350.png (386x402, 296.76K)

>Doom eternal
I suck ass at FPS games

Attached: be patient.jpg (500x375, 138.09K)

League of Legends, for the entire day, while only winning one or two games and ending on a loss.

Attached: 1569480643425.webm (1280x720, 2.56M)

sonic adventure 2

Attached: 1564286384893.gif (460x420, 3.83M)

Shadow the Hedgehog

Attached: tumblr_p0u9pdPj0e1w1l77po1_500.png (500x555, 98.5K)

Doom Eternal.

Attached: 1460866492754.jpg (640x640, 83.04K)

>Touhou: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom on Normal

Attached: 1506410569839.jpg (604x604, 52.75K)

Avadon the Black Fortress

Attached: 1449789146780.png (348x393, 309.29K)

Best civ

You're goddamn right.

Everyone likes fortnight, blops, fnaf, and smash, too.

Funniest pic in the thread.

Animal Crossing New Horizons

Attached: clapclapclapclap.gif (500x393, 529.3K)

Every time.
Jesus dude.

Counter Strike Global Offensive.

Attached: 1493420086458.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

Animal Crossing

Attached: 1504411457251.jpg (290x154, 9.55K)

Most recently, I did a cultural victory as the Khmer.

>Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All

Attached: 1584059308728.gif (240x180, 2.85M)

>Phantasy Star Online 2

Attached: tumblr_pg43ccM2QM1qfxv5io1_1280.jpg (840x640, 126.07K)

>Sunless Sea

Attached: 1485870169205.png (406x294, 231.88K)

Demon's Souls.

Attached: 07651acf4973b905dc131495d26595c8f6ba175dcec5730678304f2b0dc9279d.jpg (380x287, 12.55K)

Should really do that sometime, I just tend to pick the larger map sizes so I just tend to go for scientific while doing my best to keep the other civs down by constant warfare.

Cave Story

Attached: 1582379544965.png (450x450, 13.56K)

animal crossing NH

Attached: 1581986709334.jpg (1920x1080, 217.79K)