I wished and hoped for a remake of 4.
Likely wont happen
Even they did, they'd fuck it up like the last 2 so not to worry boys.
I wished and hoped for a remake of 4
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The HD Project that spanish guy has been working on for years looks good
>Even they did, they'd fuck it up like the last 2
what would they remove? Hell, ganados wouldn't even exist in the remake.
The castle section entirely
Good, zombies are better.
While I definitely think there's ways to improve RE4, the whole point of the remakes has basically been to make them more like RE4.
it doesn't need one
There are RE fans and there are RE4 fans. RE fans like RE4, but RE4 fans dont like RE.
It'd probably just be a westcuck attempt at fully realize the Hookman version of Resident Evil 4
Oh yeah I just LOVE emptying 3 clips into a zombie
>wants a remake of a near perfect title, playable in HD graphics on any system
>shits on the new remakes
Possibly one if the worst opinions I've had the displeasure of reading
You can say that twice, someone I know was asking if I think RE4 would get a remake, I said nah and they said "But it's basically the definition of RE"
Never wanted to punch someone so hard
>only 3 of the 10 series entries are real resident evil games
2 and 3make are good remakes of those games but RE4 doesn’t even need that shit. The “HD” version is more than fine enough. I just finished the switch port a week ago and it’s still a fuckin 10. I don’t even get the bitching about the castle and island/lab shit. That shits fun too
>Even they did, they'd fuck it up like the last 2 so not to worry boys
This. Fuck NuCapcom, I'm finished with their shit.
>> and 3make are good remakes of those games
I'm pretty sure next remake is code veronica even if they said it's not they are fucking lying
How ironic considering DEmake 2 and 3 are tailored to appeal to the broadest possible audience and follow every modern AAA market trend you fucking imbecile.
Leon would be recast by the same twink, Ashley will have her tits reduced to less than a cups
REmake and 4 are my favorite RE games. I played the original as a kid. How about you go kill yourself.
>and it’s still a fuckin 10
No way. Its got plenty of problems holding it back from being a 10. The island felt very inferior to what came before although many would say the game dropped in quality right after the castle even. Regenerator's are spooky and great but then they can be destroyed way too easily. Game in general is also not too hard even on pro difficulty. It could use harder modes for more replayability.
Still a solid game though for sure.
>being a kid
>after 2005
zoom zoom
>everything should be a mindless ots shooter because I'm too retarded for tank controls
Crucify yourself
the original resident evil game on ps1 you dipshit
>follow every modern AAA market trend
>tank controls
>perfect 10
That's wrong and you know it retard
RE fans like all of them except 5 and 6
RE0 niggers hate everything but their game
It doesn’t need a remake faggot, it’s good just the way it is.
The only people who don’t like re5 are friendless virgins
>ots shooter
>go here mission objectives
>overly dramatic dialog
>forced walking sim sections
>generic character redesigns
4, 5 and 6 are complete trash as RE games
Not true.
That separation applies more to RE5/6 vs the rest of the franchise.
>on a shoe-string budget and mostly cobbled together from RE7 assets
My guess is that everything after the initial village segments would probably end up having to be scaled back or reworked due to constraints.
>RE0 niggers hate everything but their game
Bullshit. 0 fans typically like all of the classic games. It isn't uncommon to see them hate on 4 and the ots games, however.
What the fuck is your problem with elena you massive faggot
can't improve upon perfection.
I don't want leon to have a butt chin.
The original charm of the series is just going down the drain after trying to appeal with RE7. The games always felt like a B-tier movie, except the characters and their interactions were actually memorable and always left an impression on people, but now it just seems like the franchise is trying too hard to become triple A material while also completely revamping every single character in terms of looks and voices.
>"it's a good game, just not a good [x] game"
oh, you're one of THOSE people.
The problem is that there's no more mystery, like when the series was new, and games in general felt more experimental back then. Capcom needs a new IP already.
I don't even know who that is. How autistic are you to not see the point I was making?
Not him but what's the point of a franchise if it's gameplay is always in flux?
You say "they" when it's one guy who just really really likes Rebecca.
Is Leon wearing a scuba suit?
Why would they remake only mainline RE game before 5 that's still perfectly playable? Remaking 4 makes zero sense. They're remaking the ones that had shitty tank control and graphical limitations.
What point exactly? That people were tanktops and jeans sometimes?
4 was my first then I played 5 with a friend. Played 2 remake when it came out. Currently playing 1 remaster. I love all these games so far.
RE4 had tank controls though
Wouldn't the NPCs be the one that love the remakes though?
RE has been AAA since RE2. RE6 was expensive as fuck.
Going back to 4 after REmake 2 shows how the controls could be better. That's my only complaint
People shit on the Ashley sections but the increase in FOV is so nice, the whole game should be like that.
>that spanish guy
I'm pretty sure it's two spanish guys, and they're doing a great job. I wish I had the passion that they have for what they are doing.
RE4 is still the best RE game ever made. Sure the character redesigns were shit but the gameplay really captured the essence of what makes Resident Evil good.
Code Veronica should have a remake.
the only poster talking sense in this thread
>What point exactly?
That now even the original games are losing their identity because Capcom refuses to do fan service projects. Instead they tailor them to current market research and trends resulting in sterile amalgamous gameplay and presentation indistinguishable from every other AAA ots shooter.
What other "AAA ots shooters" have map design and inventory/resource management like RE2make?
Agreed, hopefully they get a better chris model, they seem to do a good job with male character facial scans
Characters wear normal people clothes now so the game is ruined
>gameplay really captured the essence of what makes Resident Evil good.
>shoot enemy in the face
>run up to them
>press X to MELEE
That isn't the "essence" of Resident Evil. The RE games are so different that you can't generalize the gameplay for the entire series.
Before you call me a boomer fag: I think all RE games are good games, but it's undeniable that they all differ drastically in gameplay, design and presentation.
>map design
It literally tells you where everything is and if you've missed something in each room.
>inventory/resource management
You get sixteen fucking item spaces user.