Tifa appreciation station

Tifa appreciation station.
Please do your best to not fall for bait.

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Tifa is my wife. That's all.


This is fake Tifa.

And let’s welcome the burka tranny to thread. Gentle reminder to just reply with soijaks to this driveling moron.

Post yuffie


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Daily reminder that the xvfag is back and more angry than ever!

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>spam the thread with nonsense instead of just ignoring posts you don't like
Don't ruin threads for others just because your Nazi feefees got triggered. Moron.


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cute but I want hd remake yuffie

>the fucking schizo is doing this for over 2 months now
my sides

unbutton that top button right now

Can't wait for part 2

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I want Tifa to beat me up.

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How hard would it have been for Nomura to give her some changes that actually fit her OG character? Something like hot pants or a her original skirt with the spats underneath.

Daily reminder that remake will be a big fat success

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>Calling people Nazi unironically
You need to go back faggot

Time to get the big guns out

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I wish I could live as her bra and hold her breasts and absorb her sweat all day

This isn’t Tifa.

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Square Enix in 2019-2020: “I have a great idea, let’s make Tifa ugly and force everyone to like it while destroying our fanbase”

Square Enix in 2022: “due to lack of interest, further FF7R episodes will be cut short.”


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>last thread hit post limit.
>one man had 300 posts by himself

I would like to thank XV-kun for giving Tifa more exposure. His strategy is indeed "working".

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>Captcha is absolute cancer around aussie hours
It's the right thing to do I guess but still

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Only you dislike remake tifa

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I'm here for you babe

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You’re a shill playing perception management.


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>that new Cloud/Tifa/Yuffie doujin

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Her tits here are much bigger than in the actual game. Also they gave her cleavage in that image, when in the actual game all shes has is bones / a man chest. Not to mention how this fan art removes the chink eyes replacing it with makeup.

Attached: these are big tits according to nu v.jpg (1920x1080, 183.77K)

Ok barry

Peak female perfection.

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None of the fanart looks like Nu-Tifa at all.

>Only a single user has ever complained about Remkae Tifa in the last few months. Just one person and no one else.
Delusional tranny

Im not being funny but the new tifa does nothing for me at all, the tits look bolted on to a thin frame.
The design is really busy, what used to be clear just a tank top, skirt and big red boots now has thigh highs covering her legs which is shit considering she uses them a lot, the braces sre way to big thin ones would be better. Her face is reslly boring as well.
Its a shame since I liked old tifa and even AC tifa was not bad

That's because if they made fan art that was accurate of here character everyone would be disgusted.

Attached: tifa's tits are so big, look!!.jpg (227x652, 44K)

just like none of the fanart looks like OG tifa at all

This is literally the only picture I've seen of NuTifa where she's actually hot for once. Every other picture she looks like a fucking alien .

AC Tifa was a massive disappointment for most people but tolerated because it was a separate story. The difference is that this garbage nu-Tifa threatens to replace classic Tifa.

1 minute apart....mmmm......

>Our schizo is getting back at samefagging
here we go, again. But still keep in mind that ff7 remake will be a huuuge successes

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I'm fine with SE nerfing Tifa's tits, big tits are problematic in the year 2020, but giving her " a black sports bra" to censor her was unnecessary. Literally serves no purpose besides saying "yeah, Tifa is too much, let's fucking gut her."

Shut the fuck up. Nu-Tifa is a travesty.

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>Autistic newfag thinks there's no increase time waiting for posts with images attached
Seriously fuck off back to twitter/resetera, your kind doesn't belong here.

Maybe even more so since corona-chan is doing it duty

What do you mean? Isn't she beautiful

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>barry up to his old trick
Daily reminder that the remake will be SEs biggest hit


To be fair, most fanart of Tifa and Cloud went to shit after AC. Every now and then you'll come across a good one but FF7 characters have been redone so many fucking time that their's no consistency anywhere. Nomura stuck lightning in a bottle with every character design the first time around, but he keeps trying to Gorge Lucas his own shit anyway for no fucking reason.

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>this time I'll show them!

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>>barry up to his old trick
Berry hates Tifa user. He only likes Luna

That isnt tifa

>still trying

Her hair is pure sex.

SE has been a train wreck of failure and has never lived up to the days of Squaresoft.

A game being a "huuuge successes" (incoherent ESL speak) doesn't mean it'll be good. FFVIIR (part 1 of 10) is already inferior to the original for these reasons:
>Worse combat system than the original, fails to be an RPG/Action game despite trying to be both
>Padding with irrelevant fetch quests
>Inferior designs: see Tifa
>Ruining story elements by spelling everything out really early on, borderline spoiling things
>Only the early portion of a full game (you're quite literally buying an unfinished game)
>Terrible dialogue, especially when compared to the original
>SJW agenda and censorship
>They removed Red XIII

>If you say ANYTHING bad about my SJW game or my tranny waifu you're LITERALLY Hitler (Barry)!
FF7Rfags are worse than KH3tards.

Why would he defend the original FF7 when he's on record saying he hates every FF except 15?

>XV was a big flop
>barry got never over it
>he is now out for blood
Oh dear

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Honestly, yes

>i-it's n-not that barry guy

Cmon now, try harder

>tfw even KHIII was better than XV
this must hurt

>stylized anime looking eyes
Top fucking kek

Take your medication.

I love Tifa's chink eyes very cool ethics department

>we never got Stella
it hurts bros.

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>barry getting mad

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Thank for bumping this thread Barry.

I'm going to take a nap now. Your "job" is to spam E3 model and "resetEra" every 5 minutes. I'll pay you if you want
But since you love doing it for free so ... Suit yourself

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The Remake is literally AC the game. Nomura's on record saying as much. He de-canonized the compilation to have an excuse to reuse the same trash over again. He's not even changing shit, he's lifting exact plot point from those game and pitting them in the Remake. It's just like what Peter Jackson did to the Hobbit trilogy.

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You just proved me right, now take your medication normalfag.