Worth it to get a pc now with trump buxx incase of a shortage? or wait till the bill passes?

worth it to get a pc now with trump buxx incase of a shortage? or wait till the bill passes?

Attached: tumblr_nyqjhqnIFc1v0pigno1_1280.jpg (750x725, 161.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEV_enUS890US890&ei=9495Xuv9B6eV_QbP2avYAg&q=coronavirus check tax

Didn't dems stop it because giving americans their own tax dollars back is waycism or something? clearly american taxes can only go to illegals and invaders, OP. You should know this.

The new bill is a loan that you have to pay back in 3 years. Based Trump indeed.

You ain't getting shit, maganigger. Also those are congressbux, your manchurian candidate gets no credit for them.
Fuck you.

prices are going up and only up for the next 6 months at least, after this whole mess prices should go down since it's either sell with a low margin of profit or go bankrupt. Manufacturers (China + SEA) are affected but they are barely getting out of the worst part of the pandemic, however iirc the silicon part of a processor is made in Germany or the US, so this parts might get stupidly expensive
I'd say wait, you should have bought at the beginning of March, but right now it's not a good idea imo

>Didn't dems stop it
Man, the russkie troll farms are working overtime today.

what the fuck, i dont want it then

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No opt in or opt out. Everyone is getting it and you need to pay it back in 3 eyars.

i dont wanna work

it’s because the dems want to shoehorn a bunch of unrelated stuff from green new deal into their own drafted version, also because the one turned down included relief for businesses and dems didn’t like that because muh ebil companies not realizing if you don’t safety net them too people won’t have jobs to go back to because their employer went under

Then don't spend any of it.

does everybody get neetbucks? whats the cutoff here?

Smaller to mid sized business should get the safety net
Big business can go fuck themselves

What about the 500 billion that the admin is going to get to give to anybody they want without having to disclose who they give it to?

Just save it and don’t spend it, put it in savings and it’ll grow interest, so you keep the extra you grew on top while sending Uncle Sam his trap money back


Isn't the loan meant to be for corporations and businesses so they can continue to keep paying their employees? I don't think wagecucks are expected to pay back their wages.

I'm happy to be proven wrong because theres a lot of spin doctoring and misinformation going around.

Every adult gets them, no opt in or opt out. Has to be paid back in full in 3 years.

its not.


Ah good, I see America is finally embracing socialism. Way to catch up to the rest of the world.

Is it socialism though? I'm seeing lots of democrats saying it's a bailout for big corporations. I'm not sure which narrative to be following here since nobody ever provides proof.

It's both.

Agreed but thankfully there it is included that the money dose not accumulate interest ONLY if used to pay employee wages. If used for other things then said businesses will have to pay fair interest

unemployed non tax payers aren’t getting any of the money

How will this bill give Coronavirus virus relief?

Attached: diversity.png (972x1090, 233.41K)

they changed that

You're engaging in double-think user.

This. Far as I knew it was a loan with interest only for businesses.

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Giving handouts to people is still socialism.

There is no neetbux, trump bux, or any sort of free money to the average american citizen.

Every major corportation is getting a bailout which goes directly to the CEOs who make can tend afford to make their donations to politician of their choice.

If you lost your job because your small business shutdown, I recommend you start learning how to stack cans at your local walmart.

... Fucking hell they actually have lost their minds.
Thats a scary amount of private information they are demanding to be handed

last I checked the means of production haven’t been seized and nationalized, private industry is still private, stop tossing around words you don’t understand

its based on taxes so if you dont work you dont get anything

Nobody considers hand-outs to corporations to be socialism except for retarded ancaps.

Anyways, I'm still waiting on evidence that this bill is a hand-out to corporations with no benefit to the average american worker.

Fuck off

>Every major corportation is getting a bailout which goes directly to the CEO
Proof? I see this claim circulate around but where does it come from?

Misinformation / trolling.

corporations are people and the government giving money to people is socialism.

>Needs to false flag on Yas Forums as a retarded Republicuck instead of discussing things honestly and seriously.
Why are you doing this? You're no better than the conservatives you appear to be impersonating.

>Asking for citations on Yas Forums
That's like asking someone to prove they don't have shit taste.

What better way to combat kungflu by saying voter id is bad

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>redditors will defend this
American politics really is a circus. I feel bad for you burgers.

>Socialism - a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Notice how "government" isn't in the definition, fuckwit.

I hope people realize the amount received is based on income and said amount has to be reported on taxes to be paid back

but not corps, they get FREE money

Again, source?

my sides are gone

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It has a 500 billion dollar slush fund for trump and Republicans. The money's usage would be legally kept secret. The right was attempting to loot to treasury for billions.

Dems in this case were based as fuck.

I was at the liquor store and some undergrads were in the bed of a truck playing youtube.com/watch?v=bmfudW7rbG0

you think the same government shitting their pants watching the Fed inject $1.5 trillion would go through the effort of giving each of their working citizens ~$1,000 (plus $500 per child if applicable) for literally no reason?

They're still debating, but doing the checks as a "gift" is such a far out scenario that it's almost laughable

Whatever check you get will more than likely go against your taxes next year

speaking of which I need to do mine now

The only thing voter ID accomplishes is introducing another hurdle that disproportionately impacts the poor. The single most effective thing anyone can do to curb voter fraud is to say no to electronic voting systems but you will never catch politicians saying that. Instead they throw out red herrings like "dead people are voting" to make it seem like they want a fair voting system, when virtually nobody uses identity theft to vote and the only recorded cases of dead persons' vote being counted in recent elections has been from people who died while their mail-in ballot was still in the mail.


This isn't a source. I'm still expecting a source.

>Socialism = Communism
Holy fuck Americans

Sure feels great to still have a job right about now.

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Fuck you.

So you're talking out your ass. Figures.

Canadians have voter ID laws, are you going to call this multicultural post national-state racist for having them? Voter ID is common sense and everyone knows Americans lefties, specifically democrats, want them gone because they can expect millions of illegal immigrants to vote blue.

>I got dabbed on so imma ratchet the cope up to 11

google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEV_enUS890US890&ei=9495Xuv9B6eV_QbP2avYAg&q=coronavirus check tax

You know how I know you're both underaged and fucking retarded?

They L I T E R A L L Y did this shit twelve years ago already

Holy shit, you're deluded.

If you're so fucking worthless, you can can't comprehend the idea of getting an id, then you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

I hope it's for the borderwall.

I don't have time to read a million articles off a google search user. Cite me a specific passage.

>spoonfeed me more, big papi, i'm so stupid

>I don't have time to do my own DD, read me a story so I have more time to shitpost

Attached: tenor[1].gif (498x373, 2.46M)

>Makes claim
>provides vague google search
So I take it you have nothing and you based your narrative on Twitter and reddit takes?

Why are you trying to make me do the work of disproving your baseless claims?

>Make a claim
>Gives anecdote
>"So...no proof?"
>Fuck you
Never surprises me to know the argumentative skills on Yas Forums are still that of low IQ highschoolers

>Using "dabbing" unironnically
>imma ratchet the cope up
And from a darkie (nigger) no less.

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>Clicking on the first link is so hard holy shit


just wow

this....is the power..............of Yas Forums....................................................................

Boomer Doomer is another one going round

You still have to register to vote, which in every state I've been in, requires a valid state ID which requires a social security number. There is no reason to require further registration to vote.
It's like those retarded reactionaries that want to propose new legislation to make something illegal when it's already been a crime for decades.

What if you provided proof that claimed the contrary? That's easy right? you do have a counter-source right?

Imagine unironically being a /leftypol/ tranny

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I'm still waiting on the power of a redditor to be able to cite something properly instead of assuming everyone buys into fake news as gullibly as you do.