Ratchet and Clank
Nice try counting to 3
dark souls
Crash Bandicoot
>inb4 some faggot getting triggered
Ratchet and Jak are both 2 > 1 > 3, though.
Mass Effect
wrong on both movies and games nerd
Final Fantasy Tactics
Etrian Odyssey (remakes)
Mario Bros
Resident Evil Remakes. 2 lacking music made me not buy
Jak 3>2>1
Ratchet and clank 2>1>3
Dark Souls
devil may cry
Nah, 1 > 3 > 2 for Ratchet and Clank.
Dark Souls
prince of persia
Resident Evil
Bioshock, unironically. Infinite was complete dogshit but 2 was an insult to the original.
CoP has better gameplay than ShoC though.
Metroid prime
3 > 2 = 1 for Rachet & Clank retards. 3 was the peak of all the games to date.
Dark Souls
not falling for the bait but have a (You)
>all those dark souls 3 cucks
Kek. It's literally 2>1>3.
Dragon Age
Based chad
>there are people in this thread that unironically think that DS1 is better than DS3
Just how many nostalgia goggles are you behind?
Was going to say this too. Mostly because of how closed and restricted the world was in 2, but more importantly how AWFUL it ran. The performance was atrocious. It was clear they had no clue what they were doing and rushed it. 1 I got for like under a dollar on sale and it's so underrated. Thought it would be average but it's fantastic.
Shani is the best but I'm also not against Lady of the Lake.
>"I'll just say the opposite of what everyone else says!"
Go back to that youtuber discord, it's 1 > 3 > 2 retard.
smashing pumpkins
Kingdom Hearts
I think 2 is on par with 1 desu senpaimalan
2 > 3 > 1
>you will never play a new Resistance: Fall of Man game ever again
Feels fucking bad, bro...
halo & dark souls & Gran Turismo
Based idiosyncratic geography chad
Iron and Spider man Trilogy
Silent Hill. The first game is low poly crack. The third game isn't piss easy like the second game.
Jak 2 is an abomination.
1 >>> 3 >> 2
Ratchet is correct though.
Uncharted except the opposite
LotR movies
Called it
2>1>LITERALLY ANY FUTURE BIOSHOCK GAME>3 you have shit taste
Dark Souls of course
Dark souls
Modern Warfare and Black Ops
Not Devil May Cry
Metal Gear Solid
Time Traveler here bro.
Here to tell you Half Life.