Should I just bite the bullet and lose my virginity to her Yas Forums?

should I just bite the bullet and lose my virginity to her Yas Forums?

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She's already not interested

thats a man

bitch looks like she's 70 years old

why are you acting like she's a 10/10?

You should do it just to get over your hangup. Try to give her $20 after.

enjoy your STDs

19 going on 49, looks like my grandma
she's probably wholesome you should fuck her pussy

If it stops you from being a sad sack who seeks validation on Yas Forums, sure, go for it. Don't expect it to be a life changing experience though.

>Have you guys did
She's not gonna fuck an ESL

Did she message you first? She's probably desperate which means she's a psycho.

haha oh user
I'm the one who has the advantage in this conversation. she messaged first.

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Please. Stop. Fucking. Posting. Your. Tinder. Bullshit.

you're pretty boring yourself, why are you having this conversation like you HAVE to? you should only do shit in life you want to do whenever possible and it's obvious you aren't into this girl

She's cute. All of these other sad virgins in the thread would jump at the chance, you can tell by their faggot posts. Do it.

This, losing your virginity doesn't make people stop thinking you are one even if you're not
t. gotten laid a decent amount of times, still act like a retard around women

well what a wall

Do white women really?

Just send her a dick pic. White girls love that shit

She looks nice, you should be nice to her and make each other happy.


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australians aren't white

Tried Tinder for a week or so and had a couple dozen matches and 2 or 3 direct messages. All ended within 2 responses. I don't know how to talk to people, and the thought of hundreds of strangers including people from highschool seeing pictures of me was too creepy. Waste of time. Also this app is for fucking, not for finding a girlfriend. Common mistake for virgins.

They're literally Anglo as fuck m8.

Does she have any other photos that are a little more flattering

Why are you talking about the lockdown ask for sex immediately

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This. I unironically thought that was an old women.

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no, she actually looks older in her other two photos, this is her first pic, and I can guess why she chose it to be the first.

this is why I'm on the fence here.

Yas Forums tells me to have sex all the time I have a controverisal opinion.


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You could do worse. She's got that Renaissance painting look to her.

pussy is pussy if she's actually 19 it'll be decent prime while the face might be distracting

just fuck her if she wants it dude
get that practice in

>all that boring fucking small talk
Im glad im out of the game and settled down with someone. That shit would pit me go sleep and now i can just get some anytime or play vidya all night instead

This is your only chance to fuck a 19 year old GILF
I'd do it in a heartbeat

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I'm actually quite a little gay myself, I actually think I can make her look prettier by changing her old lady hairstyle.


>she actually looks older in her other two photos
Post them

nah man, I know how Yas Forumsirgins operate, they'll make fun of her to no end.

anglos ain't white

So what? We're here for the fun.

OP stop posting on here and get that invite


Move aside white boy. I'm gonna message her. If you won't fuck her, I WILL

You have to start somewhere if you want to keep climbing user, go for it.
Even if it's a trainwreck you will learn something new.

>Also this app is for fucking, not for finding a girlfriend. Common mistake for virgins.
lol like you would know, virgin. tinder is actually just for bantz and trolling. all i use it for is making fun of chicks and getting them to send me pics of their ass and feet. sometimes show how, i am dumb enough to go fuck some of them, but thats more like a result of trolling them long enough that i feel kind of indebted into giving them some dick after they make me feel bad for them.
>had a couple dozen matches and 2 or 3 direct messages. All ended within 2 responses. I don't know how to talk to people
dumbass. you dont have conversations on tinder. you get their phone number and/or snapchat/whatever and go harass them on there. after that, almost every message you send them should have an implied command and/or question they would want to answer/play along with. its called flirting dipshit. conversations are for faggots. girls hate conversations. they want mindless flirty bullshit to boost their egos and make their pussys wet.


Jesus what a boring convo
What are you, her grandma?

these days women don't like it if you immediately call them a nigger. that said i still shoot my shot.

does she look like a hot slut to you user? calm down, this is the kind of conversation you have with a girl who dresses like a grandma.

She fugly, now where are the video games?

>t. gotten laid a decent amount of times, still act like a retard around women
this. I've come to terms with my autism though, people who like me got used to it and I feel like I can be more like "myself" around them. Its just """""flirting"""""" with girls I keep goofing up. When I used tinder I mostly just talked to the immediate DTF girls.

I exclusively go for Asian girls

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wait, you mean I'm not on Yas Forums right now? I could have sworn I was.

anyway, wife this woman this instant if you ever wanna be happy. she'll bake cookies and crochet blankets and scarves for you.

Fucking awful conversation, make it known you wanna meet and fuck already

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Must explain why u get no pussy

by asian you must mean dark skinned flips

she wouldn't be on tinder if she wasn't looking for a hot dicking

move this to insta or text and get some body pics, stat

>19 year old GILF


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>girl looks and acts like a grandma

no wonder you guys are all virgins, do you not know how to read the room?

>Looks 91

i sense granny's fanny is thicc as shit

OP you are a collousal giga faggot. Do no taint this poor soul with your love of: shitposting, cocks, and posting on Yas Forums for validation. You'll only rupture whatever purity she has left with your absolute cocksmoking expertise. Go fuck a hooker or or your/my mother if you really want to that fucking badly.

How dare you want to ruin that lovely smile. She may not be a looker, but she at least has a nice smile and that can take you far.

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Can confirm
t. had sex with 18 different girls and one cute trap and I still spent the last 10 years arguing about video games and anime in an anonymous site

by asian I mean thai ladyboys

Losing your virginity to someone you don't love feels soulless and isn't even particularly enjoyable

well at 32 I don't have a choice anymore

t. genuinely enjoys talking to holes

talking to girls gets my dick hard
something is wrong with you my guy

My mind is blown by how unlucky some people are genetically. My whole life I’ve looked radically younger than my peers. I’m fucking 31 and look younger than a lot of zoomers I see. I need to have kids some day to preserve my vampire bloodline.

So is Tinder like normalized whoring?

I'm assuming every girl gets messaged by 100 guys and fucks like 20 of them. Can some Chads explain it to me?

How do you even get to the sex part, do you just go so do you want to have sex?

A female benjamin button. She probably fucks like Betty boop

I met someone on facebook dating mins ago and we're already meeting to fuck, step up your game OP

>the only girl I love is my oneitis that's already married with kids
>too much of an autist to try and go out and meet new people not that I can anyway because of corona-chan

If you're attractive you can regurgitate whatever shit you want and get laid
If not you're fucked.

>talking about china virus makes my fuck hard

How do I get the sex? I wouldn't know where to start

thinking about installing tinder, being lonely and inside my house for so much time is starting to slowly make me insane.
I always bitch about leaving the house and now that I'm here and I'm starting to lose my mind

I got like 30+ matches on Tinder a day and some of them straight up asked for sex