How is everyone enjoying DOOM Eternal?

How is everyone enjoying DOOM Eternal?

Attached: DOOM Cultist base 2.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

You're not supposed to enjoy videogames idiot

I'm really enjoying Half Life Alyx thanks for asking

I don't play zoomer shit.

All shitposting aside, it's objectively great.

Haven't completed it yet, been playing it off and on on Nightmare difficulty. It's probably the best shooter I've played period.

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Most fun I've ever had with an FPS campaign.

It's great

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It's fun

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let's get this out this out of the way

For me the arenas are too hectic. I was bashing my head against a room with 5 mancubus for an hour

>double jump
>grappling hook

What difficulty.

Finished it yesterday. I loved it. Always engaging.
Went back to a level for some secrets I missed. Turned on infinite ammo cheat to blitz through.
Made it feel more like 2016. Way less engaging honestly.
New formula is grand improvement. Resource management adds to intensity.
Gotta play smart.
But I get it, some players just suck.

It's not bad, but I want gibbing to be better. Environment is very static, bodies disappear immediately.

Also, I think the game needs more options for crowd control, as it is right now it's all about kiting.

Have you got the rail yet? It deletes their guns really easily. If not, freeze bomb + nades + rockets bursts them down pretty fast

Whoever designed the tutorial tips for this game needs to chill the fuck out.

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Beat it on ultra violence.

The bosses aren't very fun outside of gladiator, the first two levels suck, and mauraders make the game significantly worse, but the arena fights are some of the most fun arcadey style gameplay I've ever had.

Play it on Nightmare or not at all. The challenge is just right and the game forces you to git gud. The optional fights are the best, with enemies spawning in everywhere, you get that narrow focus - a feeling I haven’t had since TWEWY.

Fucking dogshit. Completely ruins the sequence of Doom games by betraying the fanbase and turning into Mario Party horseshit.

> like those are the bulk of the game


Finished the campaign today, jumped into multiplayer and there's only one mode which sucks.

The multiplayer in 2016 was pretty fun for what it was, it's just sad that the only way to play is a 1v2 mode that plays like the campaign rather than team slayer.

The concussion upgrades for grenades and rockets are pretty good for crowd control

Not even. Look how many retards are on this board who are struggling despite having tutorials explaining how to play.

>New formula is grand improvement.
Agreed. It's a testament to the system that ammo upgrades are just as strong as health/armor.

The one thing this game is missing is Arena multiplayer. It could be great and frantic. Battlemode ... it just sucks. Guessing they didn’t do real multiplayer because seeing animated double jumps and monkey bars would look goofy.

It's shit.
t. og fps boomer

Kino as shit, a flaw here or there, but really really well done. Love all the monsters

This 100%

>you get that narrow focus
The Master stages are so fucking good for this, I hope they add a ton more eventually.

You should calm down.

>I'm too old and set in my ways for new things, but I haven't realized it yet.

I really really liked the game but the Master Levels made me fall in love

People saying it violated or defiled the old Doom games and their formula are incoherent babbling shit-posters who didn't play it and aren't going to play it
People saying the old Doom games are more engaging or more challenging either have really weird taste or are in the prior camp of incoherent babbling shitposters, people pining for Doom 1/Doom 2's style of gameplay don't actually want that because fucking imagine for a moment, if you will, trying to kite and strafe around monsters with Eternal and 2016's AI, or having those monsters in a featureless corridor. Eternal's brief bit with a Hell Knight in an electrified corridor is exactly why that sentiment is fuckin' retarded
People saying Eternal is "too arcadey" have their heads so far up their asses their fecal matter is speaking, the first two games are as arcadey as it gets

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Reminder that this is actually Quake 5 in a Doom skin.

Attached: Doom Eternal movement 3.webm (1280x720, 1.48M)

I’m fine with more Quake too. Cut my teeth on Quake II multiplayer.

Not only is that a good thing, that's a great thing

Actual FPS boomer here.
On Nightmare, it's the best FPS made since Blood.

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I just hope they can increase the stability of the client somewhat, I've only had one crash so far in 20 hours of gameplay but it was right at the end of Master Cultist Base, maybe all that shit on the screen was just too much for my old Radeon.


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Another FPS boomer here who played DOOM II on university computers instead of studying. Agree with best FPS since Blood, requires precision, thought, and BALLS to beat on Nightmare.

Fun game
Way too short though, thankfully I pirated it. Definitely not worth $60

m8 does this ave strafe jumping?

There's a red button to shoot in one of the top windows

Look for a small shootable target up and to the right of the crucible podium.

not enough brown

Agreed, the game would be way more badass plus much more like Doom if you could see the carnage after the slaughter ends. The entire room would be filled with body parts with the amount of guys they throw at you here. Unfortunately they always prioritize consoles way too high instead of giving us a complete experience on PC. Still an awesome game apart from a few gripes I have. I wish you could chainsaw stunned heavies for one fuel cell instead of still requiring all 3 even after you've basically defeated them.

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Now show us some demon killing, only playing the game like it's quake.

I really like it. Combat is a serious improvement imo. I also like the comic book feel of the visuals. However, I think there is definitely something lost with the removal of continuity between levels, and the way the story is presented is honestly pretty damn bad most of the time.


No but seriously the difference between the stun lock and not stun locking him is a fucking land mile.He goes from impossible stressful fight, to a cake walk with no inbetween.

I wouldn't have refunded if the story wasn't aggressively stupid and nonsensical.

Fuck these faggots, I don't mind difficulty but they're so unintuitive to the gameplay.

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Disagree, chainsaw/glory kill management for ammo is dull ans takes me out of the game. I hate stopping what I'm doing to watch a 3 second cutscene anytime I need health (glory kill) or ammo (chain saw).
Having weapon counters is a good addition and it gives players a reason to juggle weapons instead of ssg/gauss again like 2016.

Fun game but exhausting and tedious ammo management

They even had the game explain enemies by showing you how they work naturally, then giving a tutorial tool tip when you die.

but that first half of the game was absurd.


Apparently they said everyone shit on 2016's MP so they decided to do something "unique"

I feel like this game is RNG. Sometimes I'll kill arachnotron in like 3 seconds, others I'll take like 3 minutes. I dont understand

That looks slow and floaty, not like Quake.

>People saying the old Doom games are more engaging or more challenging

I enjoy doom eternal and think its my favorite game of the decade. but doom is still very challenging. especialy if you play the wads or post episode 3 stuff. Its just less about jumping around, and more strafing and crowd control.

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My main issue is the tutorial tips spoiling every single new enemy right before they show up. I know you can turn them off but if you go into the game blind then you'll always be afraid of missing a tip about some random platforming/puzzle element.

What is the point of this?
They're designed for 1v1 but the game throws hordes at you with them. I don't like the sekiro esque, shoot me when I flash a color gameplay

Imagine playing your first Doom game and not being aware the entire series operates on nonsensical excuse-plots and rule-of-cool.

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I have to say, the skin you get from level 10 series 1 looks pretty cool.

Is there an easy way to farm series xp? I found out that master levels don't give you any which is kind of sad

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>Three second
I timed them. Most are less than a single second.

Also you can turn it off so...shit eat

>'Quake is brown' meme

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So momentum is conserved when jumping in the air. What causes the player to accelerate farther than the usual dash when they're close to a ledge or wall corner?

>shoot it once with every weapon,

This is the lamest shooter I've ever seen, this is a hotbutton fps WoW.

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Shoot off the gun with either the shotgun grenades, or the heavy bolt.
Then hit him with 3-4 hard shots (shotgun grenades or heavy rifle snipes). They go down really quickly.

>3 second
Use the speed-up rune.

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>Is there an easy way to farm series xp?
I'm waiting for the next weekly challenges

>Marauder actually backing away and not dashing into you constantly so he can spam his shotgun
>Only one laser slash, wastes his time padding around LoS instead of throwing more
>No ghost wolf spamming
Is this what they're like on the lowest difficulty?

I wonder if there's just a text file somewhere with a number in it.

>every weapon

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Turn it off? So now I don't get ammo and health? Cool, guess Ill die because the game is literally balanced around it.
No, because I'll have to give up air control.

His ai is really janky and will break if you hit a weird sweet spot. I've actually pulled off the webm on nightmare difficulty. it feels cheap when you do it.

thismovement looks good, the problem is actually killing enemies where the problems raise

How the fuck do I beat the demon when I keep running out of ammo on ALL WEAPONS every single time? Don't tell me to use the chainsaw because I refuse to use such scummy get out of jail asspull.

Bruh is that picture supposed to be a counterargument to Quake being brown? Because all you're proving is that it's brown AND gray. Which does double the colors, I suppose.

These are worse than Marauders.

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>wasting PRECIOUS rune slots on the speed-up rune

The game is all about mashing weapon swap and jumping like a retard

I love Q1, but yeah that's pretty dang brown m8.