Need someone to help me dupe crowns

Need someone to help me dupe crowns.
it works like this:

Dodo code: 8SS0C

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kys time-traveller

You can do it by yourself by using a joycon for each player OP. I did it earlier today with the switch item.

it doesnt work online thankfully

damn thats a ugly town, i guess that money couldn't buy taste

I remember this exact fucking thing happening with new leaf. People found ways to make a fuck ton of money fast and it ruined the game for them which is why you see so many people calling it the worst game in the franchise which belongs to city folk

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congrats, you beat the game. now what's the point to playing it anymore

Can you use this trick to dupe stacks of materials, or does it only work with furniture because of the leaf animation?

nuanimal crossing is such a grind that the game literally becomes better infinite money.

In the original AC all you had to grind bells for was your house, and all that took was around 1 million bells. Now it costs 10 million to fully upgrade your house PLUS all the public work projects. If you played this game normally as advertised (catch fish for 15 minutes a day for 10,000 bells) it would take 5 years to get to the point where you can actually even customize your town as advertised. All it becomes is a soulless grind of expensive beetles. There’s no point to it, it drains you. Just do the glitch for the major things like public works projects house upgrades. For day to day furniture buying actually fish and sell shit

Isn't that kind of the point?

and then after you have everything you can get bored and ruin the entire game for yourself. nice going retard.

Not op but I prefer to get though games as quickly as possible so I can move on and do something else

Sounds like you treat videogames as chores

You might be right but I've played video games since I was like 4 years old so why stop now

Why are all the online animal crossing games like this? We're on the 4th one with online and "grab item with specific timing to dupe" has been a glitch is every single one. How do they not specifically look for this shit?

Do you guys not get the point of animal crossing? Am I out of touch with how people play AC since I only really played it on gc

It’s way to much though, new animal crossing gears itself towards customization. That’s fine but imagine having to fish for 2 hours to make a fucking park bench that you may decide doesn't even look good later. 2 hours of your life gone for something so insignificant.

It was fine in the original animal crossing cause it seemed more steady and slow. It was more about talking to neighbors

>Commits virtual crime
Why am I not surprised?

anyone got good turnip prices today?

The whole point of Animal Crossing is to be a slow burn that you check up on for an hour or so a day, watch the town build up, see the holdiay events roll around and meet new villagers. It's almost more a fish tank than it is a game

Power gaming it defeats the whole purpose and I don't understand why you wouldn't just spend that time playing a game you actually enjoy

get shot nigger

isnt it fun when you just want torush through and get it over with

You can't do any of the town building stuff without actively grinding.

Fight me right now you sack of shit

So far I've made the museum and the shop and my "grinding" was going to a mystery island, where I also found palm trees which weren't native to mine so I took some and stuck them on my beach back home

There are some road blocks but I wouldn't call what I've done to get past them "Grinding". it was like 20 -30 minutes maybe

>having a billion bells is the only thing to do in animal crossing

Bell farming out side of stalk trading is tedious as fuck and most people that make a shit ton through stalks abuse MP for it anyways.

I did the slow burn thing in city folk and the ds one. I can't say I was ever happy with how many towns/houses/museums turned out. New leaf I exploited to hell and back and had a blast and had a bitchen town then used my time not farming with hanging out with jap school girls.

Define "grinding". I think after like a solid hour a day I've accomplished moving the "main story". Anything else was really optional or stuff I wanted to do (planning out orchards, playing with friends, etc.).

Even with my friends being TT and being maybe 3-4 days ahead of me I wouldn't say I'm too far behind. I think slow burn is the best way but I don't see anything wrong with brute forcing the progress, especially if you want to see your end result immediately.

imagine feeling the need to cheat in a kids game

>private island
>game made for kids

there is nothing wrong with exploiting a videogame to duplicate items.

>cheat at the game
>come back a month later saying the game sucks because it doesn't have enough content
>when Nintendo is actively discouraging time travel by making events only activate online

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Why can't you guys just destroy the turnip market for cash like normal people?

>All the seething faggots ITT that get assblasted that people are enjoying a children's toy differently to them

>he bought ze turneeps?
>dump it

epstein definitely didn't kill himself. trust me kiddo ;)

Not cheating doesn't make content magically appear.
The crafting system is still shit and 90% of the furniture sets are still cut

Name an AC game that has content with time traveling. They arnet designed around doing it. If you dont enjoy the slow burn you will get bored in a week no matter what

citation needed

just wait until the corona update hits and the stalk market crashes.

New Leaf was still enjoyable with Time Travelling due to there being an absolute ton of content. I put over 500 hours into my NL town while time travelling, I've put about 12 hours if that into New Horizons and I feel like I've experienced everything.
There's no shops to unlock
Nook's only upgrades once
Furniture is bland, boring and locked behind random DIY cards

It takes 5.6 mil not 10 you fucking dunce

>muh people
>fuck everyone else who isn't royalty like me
You're not special kiddo. You're still a sorry ass faggot.

>triggered this hard over a Yas Forums post

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They've confirmed that more content is rolling out, content that you're now out-of step with, though I don't just mean the seasonal stuff.
The premise of these games is tailor-made for a long-tail of updates.

>Nintendo tries to make live service garbage
>Economy fucked because of a dupe on day one
Good one nintendo

>I put over 500 hours into my NL town while time travelling
how? also how is the furniture bland and boring compared to NL? The fact that you can customize lots of makes it so that you can make much nicer designs


I'm pretty sure he means the total for the house and city projects, even though the PLUS does emphasis it being the base with the city's being more on top of that.

If the whole plan the whole plan this game is to roll free patches till we eventually get something resembling a full game why the fuck was it delayed for as long as it was?

Does the local second player need to make a house and shit on your island to play with you?

It's like people forgot money trees exist. 2 minutes or less to find and plant, reap the next day, half a mil for 2 minutes every day for 7 days, no cheating. Wow, money is hard.

>releasing an AC game at any time other than the verbal equinox
Yeah right. I for one knew it would be delayed the whole time.

>Half a mill
Am I missing something? You get 10000 max from each bag right? And you need 10000 to put in for it to be 10000 bags. That's only 140000 bell's unless I've got something wrong.

If the whole game revolves around being gated by a bell income then it's a pretty shit game

I really hope you don't pirate games

Is it just me or is this game like 10 million times more time gated then other, it feels fucking terrible. Worst I had before was out of luck if a tool I need the shop didn't show up. Now have shit breakable tools and no unbreakable ones.

Would it be bad if I duped a little then stuck it all in the bank to keep for moving buildings around later in the game?

What do you expect when it's so easy to trigger a nigger?

>min-maxing baby games

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