What the actual fuck was Nintendo thinking guys?

what the actual fuck was Nintendo thinking guys?

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I hate this fucking website



oh nonoonononono

made for shota cock

that's bill's wife you sick fucks


incredibly based if true

you love this dumb shit really you liar

made for BHD

what the fuck is that

>that cute little butt
uh nintendo?

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a fully modeled vagina. there's definitely a furry working at Nintendo

made for BTC

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It isn't you fucking newfag

what mango is this

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>implying most people won't recognize the right

reported to fbi


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This is fucked up, niggamoto explain this.

go ahead, i'm outside their jurisdiction

reported to interpol

go ahead they can't get to me because of Q U A R A T I N E

Are daily DOA breads finally kill?

>fbi caring about some dead neets from a chinese cartoon board

Just reported you to my local police they are currently investigating

>nutting on her plump belly after taking her thicc ass from behind

You'd be doing this board a favor tho, no true and non-newnormalfag user would ever go to something like a "meetup"

Enlighten Me

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I recognize that wireframe

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Bleach: Burn the Witch by Kubo it comes out this year

Its from alex's 3D model for half life alyx.

wtf why would nindo do this

This is a pretty clever way to filter newfags, OP

see Some autistic modder made a slutty Alyx for Halflife 2. The model has a fully modeled vagina

Enjoy you FBI visit user I hope it was worth it threatening a mass shooting is illegal no matter what country you are from

Attached: alyx.jpg (450x720, 107.4K)

>Some autistic modder made a slutty Alyx for Halflife 2.

They clearly stole the model.

The board is full of newfags. We had a ff/cm thread earlier and posters had never seen crackhead alyx, the intacts crashed plane, etc..


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No retard, he didnt.

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I never threatened a mass shooting

>tfw can't even pretend I still care about the website's quality and lampoon you for being such a newfag

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Badabing badaboom. Ashes.

Yas Forums is too young to recognize the right

its pretty obvious he stole some 3D model and then stitched on a different face.

Vaginas are a lot smaller inside than you’d think.

>human vagina

i dont understand what im supposed to be seeing here

lurk moar


>nu/v/ doesnt even recognize FERNS

we need to go back

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You were implying it save you arguments for the court threatening to take out as many people at a Yas Forums meetup lol what were you thinking at least you will finally get out of your incel nest

It's pretty obvious youre a fucking retarded newfag. All his models have same jank ass quality. FF is a 50 year old slav who spent years 'improving' hl2 with his mod. The fact that you think any of the models are impressive or good enough to steal speaks volumes.

Worthless without an uterus

Alyx's cunt was fully modeled in HL2

>The fact that you think any of the models are impressive or good enough to steal speaks volumes.

when did I say that? I think you're projecting what you're thinking.

I don't even know what fakefactory's model's hooch looks like, I just know that's where the fully modeled joke comes from

>newfag tries to spoonfeed newerfag with disinfo
This is what ruined the board, newfags being spoonfed instead of told to lurk.

Why else would you assume the models were stolen? You imply the bodies are of higher quality with a face stitched on, when really it all looks like shit, as does every one of his other models. If you werent a total newfaggot you would already know this.

you sound schizo



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I gamed the system all this time by lurking AND begging for the last 12 years, AND I still get to tell people to lurk moar and that I am in fact still cancer.

GOD I want to smooch Isabelle