Other urls found in this thread:
>Instantly loads game that can only be rendered at buttery smooth 25fps
>play a game I used to play on PS4 on PC with just a SATA SSD
>loads nearly fucking instantly
yeah okay retard tech director
talk about the gimmick train..
He is saying speeds above 2gb/s it starts mattering less and less. So 2.5 vs 5.5 for Xbox vs PS5 will not be that noticeable and people will probably not take advantage of it
>Nov 22 2019
Xbox cucks getting desperate, I see.
They're both NVMe drives so I bet the difference is sequential read. This is pretty useless for video games since random read is important. The likelihood of all the shit you need loaded into memory being in contiguous blocks is zero on average.
>It's not true because it's six months old news.
Pfff okay retard
Any speed advantage will be nulled out by american devs loading in more cinematics and lighting effects.
At the end of next gen, loading times will be the same as they are now, hidden by "immersive" loading tricks. Exactly the same as now. Screencap this.
Can we please stop it with this console bullshit?
Anyone who has ever owned an ssd can tell you that is bullshit and since that is almost everyone why even write this article?
>makers of shit games and ex-sony-employees are seething
we didn't really know much about the ssd six months ago
that cant be the official design
Fuck that faggot 15s is a big ass difference
Humans love to divide and destroy.
Today I will remind them.
The PS5 will simply be catching up with PCs with their (((new technology))).
who's buying this trash anyway? anyone with a few braincells knows the xbox is the way to go next gen for high res/perf in games.
If you notice the toilet seat rim it's designed for tranny butts
>Buy PS4 Pro Brand New
>The God awful XMB still runs like a snail
Consoles are scams that aren't worth the nickel they cost to produce
Xbros need to feel better about another $500 joke.
why? it's fun
>$500 joke.
You're training yet another generation of retards, it's a downward spiral of degeneration.
>Nov 22 2019
That's why the Xbonex flopped then.
Of course the PS5 is underpowered. How else are they going to sell the PS5 Pro in 2 years?
kek. true
you are the same spammer who posted the 15 tflop thread every day. now youre spamming this pathetic image to damage control again.
pathetic that sony actually hires people like you instead of making hiring people who can make competent hardware
why do people feel like they should be loyal or hate one specific corporation over others?
And who is this headline for? Normies don't read this shit and probably don't even know what an SSD is and people like us knew it was bullshit to begin with.
Agreed, ban consoles from Yas Forums.
There is no reason to own a console in 2020 unless you're a retarded monogoloid.
I just want a box to plug into my tv, not some autistic supercomputer, whats wrong that?
I concur. Start with the Nintendies
those exist they're called prebuilt pcs.
They do it for free user.
Because modern consoles have all the shitty drawbacks of PCs anyway, with no way to circumvent them via mods.
too big to fit in my tv stand
yeah thats shit but its a problem with both
Game bloggers have been trying to pretend that the PS5 can now use its entire SSD as main memory ignoring the fact that there are many, many reasons why you don't do that beyond just a slow bus speed.
>enter Xbox Series XXX packing 3950X and 6950XT
>b-but PS5 Pro has a 1GB/s faster SSD!!
can't wait
I knew that name sounded familiar. Yeah, a developer of shit games and their biggest title being an Xbox exclusive has something negative to say about PlayStation. Shocking! They're just desperate for attention after their latest šoy girls are strong game failed with that goblin protagonist. Seriously, what's with developers that are not Japanese making such ugly characters? If you're going to be an Xbox shill at least do a better job of it. I can just a fast post a picture that says developers are saying PlayStation 5 is incredible but they can't speak much on it due to NDA.
What’s a monogoloid?
So it begins... The great damage control of our time.
How could Sony dropped the ball so badly? First it's backwards compatibility is put into question. Now it's speed is in doubt. What's next? It has a built in censoring program that moves the in game camera to avoid tits and ass?
>What's next? It has a built in censoring program that moves the in game camera to avoid tits and ass?
Already accounted for. They call it "ray tracing"
>too big to fit in my tv stand
>More cope from the Xbros
Cope harder. nintendo always wins
You mean those things that game developers focus on before PC?
How do you think console games are made
even if you got a fast SSD you still need the CPU and Gpu to match it anyway.
>taking shitposting this seriously
Loving every laugh. Hopefully the next generation actually has a sense of humor, you autist
There is no reason they couldn't have fit the word xbox in the headline. What the fuck is wrong with gaming journalists.
Obviously compared to regular SSDs.
Of course it won't.
Multiplatform games have to run on SexBox too so the games are gonna be designed around those speeds.
I already have a PC for those xbox games. If anything, the dumbest thing you could do is to buy the xbox sex since it has no true exclusives.
This is so odd. Sony lies about their toasters but the lies come with a disinformation and shilling. Back in the day this wouldn't filter. Maybe is SonyCal fucking up again. But most of the news are favorable to the xbox brand.
Hello Pajeet.
Holy cope lmfao you do realize remedy has a deal with sony to get early control dlc right
like clockwork
>high res/performance
Almost as though the only people talking up Xbox are ESL shills.