Can someone explain to me the appeal of Scott the Wozz?
Can someone explain to me the appeal of Scott the Wozz?
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Hey all, Scott here! And I require immediate cock and ball torture.
I don't know. He's seems like every other generic, vidya commentator.
literally and figuratively who
>nintendo youtuber
>consistent schedule
that's literally it
Kids. He appeals to literally kids.
I mean he makes good informative content while also making it funny, he doesn't have a patreon, and he's literally /ourguy/
What the fuck is a woz
His last name is Wozniak.
Let's talk about an actually good vidya content creator instead.
Egglord is going to be a father. K8 just broke the news on her channel.
Explain the appeal of someone that you like.
Can't be a Nintendo Youtuber if you don't like Fire Emblem
He once made Yas Forums ban someone because he posted a video of his talking about not liking anime related games
>Itt: Punchable faces
Good for him, goddamn. I have several questions about how an egg can somehow reproduce, but I'll save them for whenever he does a QnA
his son is gonna be spwein music references from the womb
What's the video?
basic bitch parotting normie """opinions" to get maximum shekels out of his channel
a soulless clown
he's cute.
He's cool, but he's barely played anything.
post the fucking funnie voice clip
dead pan humor a sort of self aware redundancy and generally entertaining perspectives
he's entertaining to a fault
>hey, Yas Forums, I know you constantly shitpost about e-celebs, both about hating them and them being posted constantly on Yas Forums
>So tell me, why do people like them?
Stop posting, moron.
>0 0 255 blue borders for every thumbnail
I had to download a blocker for Youtube because this faggot was being shilled through my recommends and killed my eyes.
His videos have an old YouTube feel to them and I say that in a good way.
He panders to the virgin audience
explain to me the appeal of any youtube faggot.
Yas Forums wants his twink boipussy
I want to fuck his twink bussy
probably the worst to be shilled when it comes to video games, you can tell off the bat he relishes more in the collecting niche of gaming instead of legitimately liking games for being games
His videos would be better if he gave less screentime to his unfunny friends.
you're not a real gamer girl until you shove the entire nes catalog up your anus
Unless your question for him is about whether or not watermelon salad is a joke food, he probably won't respond. At least not on stream.
Actually, it's a girl.
Yeah but the thing is those don't really exist anymore. Despite being the ultimate zoomer he's somehow the last of his kind.
I think his friends get just the right amount of screentime. Most videos are just Scott, and in the episodes his friends are in don’t have them taking the focus away from the rest of the video, end of year videos notwithstanding
What a cuck
I like his videos. They’re the perfect thing to just relax to. I usually watch them when they come out and rewatch them when I’m doing something else. They make for some good background noise to keep my ADHD ruined mind occupied
This guy is based. There was some series about best N64 and best PS1 games and he was right about literally everything while trying to explain video games to virtual normies who somehow make money talking about video games on YouTube.
>Hates Budokai Tenkaichi 3
>Says it's only fun if you're a DBZ fan
Well I can't say that's false, even though it's the most fun DBZ game
Also based Sonic dabbing only slutty Harley
Scott... cool it with the references to your virginity, to some it's a touchy subject.
He cute
Alright I guess that's fair.
He's a pure btm
if only he'd go the way of Carson
*hits pipe*
Post some fake Scott the Woz intros
He has 0 sex appeal
This video fucking sucks lol. Surely, this has to be considered some form of low tier clickbaiting
>has childhood nostalgia for the 3ds and wii u
From his videos, it seems like he lives in Ohio. Wonder if I might spot him in the wild at some point.
>I have no idea what any of these words mean.
>... 3?
He's got some good jokes, really. Sad he is popular now so he must be hated.
seething anime faggot
He looks like a nerdier Tom Holland. I find dorky guys cute
Hey yall Scott here and I thought I wastes my life playing children games dying an incel virgin, but thanks to youtube I am now famous
Actually I think most anime video games fucking suck too but that video is worse. But go on, vehemently defend that painful ending to the video.
incredibly inoffensive and sterile
so retards love him
>decided to watch a video about middle interesting stuff like rumours
>vide gets interrupted every 2 minutes to add a shitty forced "joke"
Every fucking time,when did this shit started?
I like him
On the other hand videos like this appear in my subscription fee so
Yeah not sure if my tastes can be trusted
twink bussy hole
Yeah, the ending was sjw tier shit
Exact same here friend
I don't see it either. Whenever someone posts that he has a new video it always gets 200+ replies. Why is this board so obsessed with him?
he's the typical American Nintendo player
fuck off trannie
No, your e celeb faggotry does not belong on Yas Forums. Delete your thread, and have a nice day.
I can't relate to any of you or this new wave of Youtuber/Twitch bullshit
Half his viewerbase is kids, the other half want to gayfuck him
Hey all, Scott here, and today we're going to talk about the second best thing to do under quarantine after not having sex, that is, reading user reviews on metacritic.
Yas Forums is gay central
Real men watch ModernVintageGamer.
jakkocmn is better
doesnt his daddy work at google and got his videos to blow up by forcing them in everones feed?
he's a good Wikipedia narrator
>For me, it's Saint