Did anyone else think the game was too short? More than four fucking years in development for a 6 hour game?
Did anyone else think the game was too short? More than four fucking years in development for a 6 hour game?
>6 hours
Unless you’re speeding through and ignoring all cutscenes/ secrets, it’ll take you longer than that. Levels (besides the last one) tend to take around an hour to beat
You DID play on at least UV, right?
I just finished it. Took me 5:43 hours. Played it on Nightmare. Game felt short and quite easy. Still fun, but I'm still a bit disappointed.
Did you do Slayer Gates? Those are the best for challenge, especially early on with limited weapons, but if you felt endgame was easy they probably weren’t too tough for you
post a picture of your save file
thing isn't the campaign.....
Since 2016’s was outsourced shit at launch I guess they wanted to try something else
A shame, since it could’ve been great if they just got rid of loadouts
Haven't completed them. Will do another playthrough tomorrow where I try to 100% it. Either that or attempt Ultra-Nightmare.
Deathmatch is fucking boring, just look at how many people played QC when it got shilled to death and still failed. Nobody but CoDfags and boomers want to play "pick up weapon, shoot guy, die, respawn" ad nauseum.
Would you prefer battle royal zoomer
This. OP is a liar.
>6h hours
you're playing at the easiest mode and ignoring all secretes and cutscenes aren't you? it's at least 8-10 hrs minimum on ultra violence
i am older, faggot
that shit is great
no fucking leaderboards, just drop into a server, frag guys and leave when you want
>it's at least 8-10 hrs minimum on ultra violence
i REALLY took my time with it, wound up at 15 hours on UV. got most of the secrets/collectibles. i died a lot, but its my goty. going back for a nightmare playthrough in a bit
now post his first playthrough before 30+ hours of practice
This dude clearly had played the game before. Do you judge every game’s playtime by how fast speed runners beat it?
it's for a first play thru. when you're still discovering the secrets. this guy looks like it's his 2nd run
>Deathmatch is fucking boring
it's literally the most fun form of multiplayer of all time.
How is the multiplayer?
Looking for both PC and Console experiences.
>no system to place you with people who are actually your skill level, so you either stomp or get stomped
>people can just rage quit and deny your chance of a runback with no penalty whatsoever
ok fudd
Subjective, but I fail to see how a game that only depends on map knowledge and aim is going to be remotely fun or interesting after the first couple of hours.
my playtime is 31 hours for a 100% every level every collectible reading all the codex entries on nightmare
just like quake 1 is only 12min long.
step up your bait
what runback? on older FPS?
how young ARE YOU?!
you just play on a server, getting frags and getting fragged. you made rivals and shit, people left when they wanted.
fuck you zoomers are stupid
Asset creation takes too much time now. It takes longer to create one area's worth of assets than it takes to produce all of the game's code.
Just playing for 2 hours. I like the game desu but why so fucking low ammo capacity? Does it get better ?
Zoomers need everything to be super duper matched for esports faggotry. Ignore him.
They could have just had both the gay Slayer demon mode and the TDM shit ffs it was fun destroying fags with the super shotty
Wrong, and retarded. youtu.be
It sucks. There are less game modes and variety than in DooD 2016. There's also no Snapmap to make your own content anymore..
It was worth the money I spent on it ($0)
it even works online, lel
I really wanna replay the game on Nightmare but you have to get all the collectibles again, right? I dunno if I'm up for that, I just wanna schuut.
>I just finished it. Took me 5:43 hours. Played it on Nightmare.
timestamped screencap of your playtime. Then one of your achievement beating the game.
Doom Eternal isn't an older FPS you fucking Fudd - yes, it's based on an IP from the age of older FPSes, but why should it be restricted to that? It straight up would not sell if they had dedicated servers as their medium for multiplayer.
If you actually played on a dedicated server and not a server with bots in TF2 you would know that matchmaking is objectively the superior format for online play.
>matching a game with people who are as good as you is bad, according to Yas Forums
Jesus christ you fudds need to take the rose-tinted goggles off once in a while and actually try a game that's been released in the past decade.
Everyone's using the doom guy skin but I really like the default for this game
Help, how to get these two
Fucking liar. Prove it.
What this guy said.
there's hidden buttons behind breakable statues in the two areas nearby, if I remember right. they're both kind of in a corner of their respective area
>Does it get better ?
No. This is one of the things lots of people are complaining about, next to the lack of deathmatch.
Also keep in mind that most people aren't playing on UV/Nightmare
>breakable statues
oh damn that was sneaky, thanks user
I cant get online to work
14 hours for just main story is a bit long I think, I played on UV and I don't think it took much longer than 11 or so, finding most of the secrets with all the gates. Would probably add an hour or so getting the few I missed, though a lot of those were just that I couldn't be bothered running back for them, or there just wasn't a fast travel point available.
UV felt a bit easy too, I think I actually died and had to respawn once just because it throws so many extra lives at you and you can kite so constantly. Can't see how anyone would take an extra five hours on a lower difficulty unless they were absolute trash.
Yeah it took me a fair while to find the courtyard one, I wish there was more secrets like that. That one with the long drop after the throne room took me a bit too, was fun having to hunt a little bit.
Have you tried gitting gud or playing with friends you absolute fag?
Have friends like these guys.
>13 hours
Lots of people finish it on NM first pt in under 10 hours. The guy I posted isn't even that great. I've seen Twitch streamers do it way faster.
matchmaking doesn't pit you against the same one person, better than you for 20 straight mins, map after map.
and then you frag him a few times, he leaves and says
t gg
You are full of shit. Post a fucking screencap right now jackass.
>Lots of people finish it on NM first pt in under 10 hours.
No they dont.
>I've seen Twitch streamers do it way faster.
No you havent.
Not gonna care about anything OP says until he posts screen cap like this dude says.
Anyways, big fan of Doom, but didn't buy it day one since I knew Bethesda would fuck day one up. A big thing I thought about though with all the enemies, can it be overwhelming? I mean, I'm mainly saying this because I've been so used to just the stuff that's been in Doom for years, being all that's in Doom. Just want an opinion, because there's a great number of new demons.
10hrs is super reasonable if you aren't doing much secret hunting and are familiar with the genre. It's not a very long game at all.
It's not really overwhelming usually, though it can be intense. You have so much mobility and ways to control enemies that it usually is pretty easily manageable though.
This game is only 1:30, you guys suck.
Haven't bought it yet, does the game have a definitive ending or are we sequel baited like the ending of 2016? Without flat out watching the ending I can't find any spoiler-free info on whether the story ends on another to-be-continued.
>tfw each level took me around 2 hours on nightmare
I'm not even bad at the game. I beat the Gladiator on my first try. Shit's just fucking tough and I explored to get some of the collectibles
You can upgrade your capacity with the crystals. I can safely say that the chainsaw is always going to be necessary, so get used to ripping and tearing for ammo
post a screencap of your play time and achievements
It does.
>you can beat zelda ww in 54 mins
what shit game
did you get any secrets/do slayer gates/do secret encounters?
Hated it. Love Doom 2 for the deathmatch/pvp community on PC. I'm willingly to admit I only care about the game enough for him to get into Smash.
There's no sequel-bait but the ending felt kinda abrupt to me.
What did you expect? Its a meme game that was taylor-made for reddit
>taylor made
why should anyone trust what you say when you can't even spell "tailor"?
Some, yes. I have yet to 100% it, though. I really wanted to see the story/ending.
Nah, if it was longer it'd have dragged on too much.
caring about spelling is reddit too
go back
Took me 19 hours on nightmare. Maybe don't play on the easiest difficulty and look for secrets?
I pirated, though I'm the guy who posted where the secrets were for the other dude a little bit further up the thread if that's proof enough. I'm not good at these games at all and beat it in around 11 hours with most secrets on UV. Someone who's more experienced than me and doesn't care about secrets could for sure get 10hrs.
got it
you're trying too hard kid
He literally says in the video this is his 15th attempt and he has 55 hours playtime on steam