Since the entire fucking world has gone to shit, let's get a good, wholesome nostalgia thread going to remember when life was actually good. I love you Yas Forumsros. Stay safe

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I would give my left nut to go back

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>That game where you played as a kid in the pool farting on people.
Now THIS is nostalgia.

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Loved that pool farting game. There was also this junkyard car mechanic game on there that actually got me interested in building junker and hot rod cars because of how fun it was.

Why is it so hard to find actual pictures of this place? I want to know if it was really as insane as I remember it, I remember constantly getting lost and finding new areas. I know a lot of that is kid memory, but also even back then it was being compared to regular mcdonald's playplaces so it had to have been at least a good deal better than those.

Remember when you would walk outside and see bugs? Not many bugs anymore.

Does anybody remember that fishing game? For some reason, I still think about that game to this day. Can you still the games? The biggest distinctive memory I have about the game is when you're buying bait the fisherman (who is a black guy) says "I'll buy a fly" "Give me a worm". Somebody has to know what I'm talking about

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It's all a blur; I'm not sure if I'm remembering it or just imagining it around your explanation at this point.

They might be on Flashpoint

So I'm not alone? I swear it feels like a fever dream

The 90s was the greatest decade prove me wrong

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I can make out the SNES cart on the left side of the white kid, it's Super Mario RPG, but what's the one on the right? Starfox?

We can make the 20s great for a new generation. We can pass it on.

Lunch time Yas Forums

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>playing this as a first grader
lol wut
Eventually they upgraded all the Apples and Apple IIs left at our school to Windows PCs(I think when I was in the third grade)
Netscape Navigator

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Minions and Paw Patrol exist, it's fucked

we can never go back to any time before 9/11 or before the mainstream use of the internet. our world is forever changed. it was a simpler time and i miss it.

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Yoshis Island.

annoying children's media has always existed. remember how parents hated shit like barney and teletubbies and pokemon?

We had these badboys before they upgraded us to LIGHTNING FAST WINDOWS 95 computers. The only games we had it were Shadowkeep and some Frakenstein math game.

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>Once a month, my mom would take me and my brother to Cici's pizza
>After eating so much pizza we would go to the arcade
>Always play the shit out of pic related
Good Times. Can you even play this game anymore?

Attached: simpsons arcade game.jpg (275x183, 19.4K)

Minions is just another mass-marketed cute thing and Paw Patrol is just reskinned Rescue Heroes but with cute dogs instead of BUFF MEN

Pic related, Shadowkeep

Attached: shadowkeep.png (512x342, 13.97K)

>Can you even play this game anymore?
Have you seriously never heard of MAME?

Even old gaming gifs make me feel all warm inside

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I wish I wasn't such a picky ass kid back then, so many variations of pizza I'll never be able to experience now.

macbros ww@

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remember when every kid in the yard had the pokemon trading cards but literally nobody knew how to play

ah, good times

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Of course, your best bet is emulation and you can always build a controller setup or even your own cabinet. My friend and I actually used to have a 4-player Simpsons cabinet that we got for free because the guy just wanted to get rid of it. Those fucking things are far heavier than I thought. Being teenagers, we had no vehicle to transport it the 7 blocks back home, so we grabbed my dad's little dolly and a bunch of straps. The curbs were a bit tough to navigate.

We eventually gave it up. Two broke teenagers couldn't afford to dump money into repairing it. I hope it went to a good home.

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Thought it was this for a sec

Post the first game to ever give you PTSD

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You can just make pizza at home with whatever you want.

>american "cuisine"

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I miss the 90s.

Fox Kids, Kids WB, the 16 to 32 bit eras, Disney movies that were actually good...

fuck off

Back when Sony was amazing. Goddamn what happened?

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>Grew up with NES and SNES, always a system behind
>Didn't even really know much about the N64 or PS1
>Make new friend at school
>"user, want to come over and play Super Mario 64?"
>"What's Super Mario 64?"
>"It's like Super Mario World but 3D"

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Any of you boomers want to relive the past?

It's 3rd party games are still amazing, it's just more games go multiplat now.

Sony trying to pander to the West with the PS3 and the DS becoming the go to platform for JRPGs.

Never ate that nasty-arse prison-food square they called "Pizza".

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I forgot I had one of these.

>All the free music you want
>But in return you give your computer super aids
I miss Limewire. My brother accidentally downloaded CP from there before.

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One of the kids on my street stole a bunch of the tiles

Okay user, you've been good all week. You can rent one game and one movie from Blockbuster.

>Good Burger
>Pokemon Puzzle League

Attached: good burger vhs.jpg (400x300, 31.49K)

>Are we there yet?
>Are we there yet?

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damn i havent seen one of those orange vhs tapes since then.

theres something that feels wrong to watch this. i cant really put my finger on it and im a boomer idk...

Not possible with the wide spread use of the internet and the existence of social media. Social media needs to die, first. Fat chance at that.

Maybe try my80stv or my70stv instead.

someone put this on table top sim along with the sequel board iirc, i know i saw the first game for sure.

something about sega games and their skylines always felt so cozy. from the ending of streets of rage 1 to the environments of virtua racing and daytona usa. i wouldnt mind living in those environments if they were real. the same with ridge city

My brother and I just made our own rules. Can't remember them for the life of me, now.

Thought this would be cooler than it actually was.

In all fairness, so did I. I wanted to look at girls my own age at the time, so, you know, typed 11 or 12 years in, and there ya fucking go, I was a fucking idiot.

Zoomzoom thread

this is the strangest thing ive noticed
where the fuck have all the insects gone?
I can't remember the last time a spider or wasp was in my home.

I still have mine, somewhere. Actually played it again with my brother and his fiance a couple years ago.

>fall asleep with TV on

it's actually intensely worrying how much bugs have declined in 1-2 years


>That Link To The Past poster with GBA art
nice try

thats depressing

>tfw I was 15 years old and I was horny as fuck 24/7
>Jerked off no less than 3 times a day
>Would google "15 year old girls having sex"
My parents really dodged a fucking bullet

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I see them all the time in Colorado suburbia, but we have tons of fucking trees in a lot of our suburbs so



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>used to be terrified of bugs
>See them now and stare at it knowing it'll be a good while until I see another
>As long as they aren't near/in the kitchen, let them live
I barely even hear crickets now. Haven't seen a butterfly in ages, and every cockroach I see is now dead on its back.
What the hell is happening?

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>When you got to High School and they had pizza hut pizza instead
Thank god those squares where shit

>it's just a bunch of youtube embeds
>not a realtime stream

ive got 4 sonic the hedgehog 2 cartridges for mega drive. might boot that up tonight.

based and busytownpilled

Where the fuck do you guys live? I hear and see bugs all the time

this is worst part because I love butterflies
why are there so few of these beautiful creatures around anymore


at least i'm not a zoomer. in fact i'm so old that i remember teachers using the word retard to refer to retards.

Where were you when YTV died?

This show really gives me nostalgia for being a kid again.

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it doesn't matter where we live. some entomologists have released studies saying that insect populations are down over 80% since the introduction of neonicotinoid pesticides.

companies like monsanto are literally trying to exterminate the human race.

Jesus that looks just like my old house

Damn, I guess I haven't noticed then

>wahhh anyone younger than 40 is a zoomer
Here's your last pity reply