Should female gamers wear makeup?

Should female gamers wear makeup?

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they should wear their vagina around my dick, if you catch my drift

i mean yes

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>Implying you wouldn't eat her ass

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If they feel like it.
By me, all they need to do is play actually good games.

should male gamers lift?

theres no rule that doesnt let them. but i hate females why because im ugly

she's pretty cute without makeup too
mom-next-door kind of cute

men should. to hide that crater face

Still pretty decent looking. Most women look like absolute trash without makeup you would know this if you had ever actually gotten close enough to a woman for her to let you see her without any.


she looks like a potato

no girl should wear makeup i like their ugly selves

no but they should go home

seriously. this.
the older I get the more I appreciate women who actually look naturally good without makeup. Because most women are night and day when it comes to on/off makeup and they either look old 'n weathered or just ugly.

Should male gamers stop being such fat asses and hit the gym ? What do you think?

I remember I had a classmate who wears a fuckton of make up, but I didn't notice until once day she came late to a test so I guess she didn't have time to put make up on, and she looked so different, not ugly or anything but it was just so different.

>this is the thot that zoomers obsess over who has sucked 6 million twitch staff dicks to become relevant on twitch

What is the makeup equivalent for guys?

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are you gonna cry?

Fuck streamers
and fuck paypigs

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all women are whores

If they look like that, yes

based boomer

Coomer here, I fap to whatever shit I can find, girls getting throatfucked, trannies getting pissed, chinese cartoons that are not my waifu but I always found streamers so "cheap" I can't even get my pee pee hard to this kind of stuff it just feels weird.
I can't imagine myself even giving them money

based as fuck

who cares

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Only if they are below 6 feet

This is Yas Forums not /soc/

Fuck off

Guy feet

i said that to a friend of mine a few months ago and she went nuts on me and cut contact lol.


>anime shirt
I'm very confused

Thats deep. Competency takes a long time.

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If they want to, sure. If not then that's cool too.

>should people do what they want?

is she 24/7 with her back in that position?

she's got lordosis

Is the bend-over white board a standard for stream sluts now? Was pink_sparklez the pioneer of that game changer>?

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Nature does great things to females to ensure their survival

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she looks better without makeup

I mean, if I had to I would give money to an actual camwhore instead. At least they are honest about what they do.

i was hoping she jumped

She looks ugly either way

>implying I wouldn't eat her ass

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What's confusing?

Imagine simping a woman that isn’t even yours so much that you have a plethora of webms and images saved of her to fill a thread like this with

Did it really though?
Cause the last 10k years of evolution didn't prioritize women being smart or strong, and now within a hundred years we tossed them onto the frontline

Based honest user.

Nope she is disgusting. She take only one bath a day

>Implying your not underage

it should be mandatory to all women
they are disgusting without it

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your white night simpin is more cringe.

her ass has doo-doo crumbs in it

Despite what media nonsense they put out, they haven't put them in the front lines.

t. militaryfag

Is this bad?

It's usually the lack of eye makeup. That tends to change the look of the face the most.

She looks better without makeup. I wish the makeup meme would end.

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>ass eating
explain me this meme

Forgot to say. At least in mericaland

make up should be considered in the same category as someone wearing a balaclava or a mask of some sort. i've shared accommodation with girls at university who look hot with even subtle make up but without it look like a borderline car crash victim with sports and all sorts on their face which the make up hides. fucking disgusting. imagine marrying a woman based on how she looks with make up and never seeing her without it tell you marry. that actually happens in some communities like religious ones where men and women can't mingle together and much less spend time alone/sleep together so you'd never know how the woman looks till you marry her. of course this only benefits the woman, as usual.

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I meant in general life