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I don't try.

Joke's on you user

Why dont you OP?

i want a bf

I do though, I met her off r9k and she's 17

Because I am the girlfriend

Well I can't go outside


Because 99% of women are empty, vapid, have no hobbies or interests and aren't worth the effort to obtain when you can just fap instead.

because she cheated on me last night

i'm 5'2

Because I have a boyfriend.

I'm a 30 year old virgin who lives with his parents.
Fill in the blanks mate.

I do. She's starting to annoy me.

I fucking hate women


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Where do you go to meet one?

Because I have a boyfriend.
Also you're a drugged-up slut, Mio, fuck you.

Me too, wanna be my bf???

Thanks I needed this.


Cause I have a bf

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Post nudes her nudes user

I do now!

Because I have a fiancée.

I'm a gamer so I hate women and minorities

because my uni fucked up my scheduling and the virus is out here so I'm stuck at home until july at worst

>Like girl
>We do stuff once in a while
>She's kind of weird and incredibly difficult to read
>Sometimes doesn't reply to messages for like a day or more
why are women so difficult

because I married her

Whites are a minority

Fat (though I'm working on that)
Fucking loser (25 and still live with my mom, part-time wagie at min wage)

The whole state getting locked down because of Flu Manchu isn't helping

because they are retard

sure....i guess
what kinds of things do bfs?

>implying user is not asian

I don't see any point in getting one. Seems like way too much risk for relatively little reward.

>Tfw autistic NEET

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Estrogen, not even once.


>Why don't you have a girlfriend, user?

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None of the girls at my college have similar interests with me, and are boring normie party girls.

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I'm a wizard.

Give me gf. I want a gf to snuggle with

I don't live alone, so my relationship would be a pain to people around me

It's true, though. If men didn't have such overwhelming sex drives do you honestly think they would give women the time of day?


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I lost my steam after many toxic and abusive relationships. A girl is going to have to go hardcore on treating me good or it's a nah for me, so I'll probably stay single the rest of my life.

This, my house is relatively small and full of people who come home at irregular times throughout the day. It'd be impossible to have a girl over without it being interrupted by someone

Fat, insecure and depressed.

>faction is overpowered since game release

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Coronavirus means that uni's canceled and there's nowhere to go back home. Anyone have tips for getting an e-gf?

I've never played a sonic game before.

>tfw no gf
>tfw missing out on creating the corona babbies

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Haven't met anyone MOTIVATED enough.

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The only girl I've been into for quite a while is already dating someone

i don't like people

Well... I'm helping my coworker cheat on her boyfriend. Does that count?

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Had a gf when i was 14 and she was a dumb slut. Had a furry bf from Yas Forums but i ruined the relationship because i have bpd and autism

Mio is better than Rin

Do it NOW

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I don't like talking to new people and once I get to know a girl I don't want to risk ruining that friendship.

you'll make it, neba gibu appu

You're not missing much